How could an educated American woman convert to Islam ?

Originally posted by Blackstone
green, nobody gives a damn about your fantasy conversion stories , get a life.

Fantasy conversation stories !! Green has just posted a long article with more than 10 links about the facts regarding conversation to Islam.

I am myself a convert, you need to watch Channel 4( British TV) documentry about native british women converting to Islam, the programme called:

Mum, I am a muslim.

I find it very amusing to see you very angry and upset when you hear that more and more people are converting to Islam.

very amusing indeed.
I find it very amusing to see you very angry and upset when you hear that more and more people are converting to Islam.

ummmm.. u got it all wrong mate... ppl are pissed off bcuz u keep postin nonsensical propaganda instead of comin out and thinkin for YOURSELF... hadd enuff of this shit... u got balls.. answer this question logically and rationally and we'll all convert..

prove that god exists...

if you can't.. take your propaganda somewhere else...
Originally posted by sycoindian
ummmm.. u got it all wrong mate... ppl are pissed off bcuz u keep postin nonsensical propaganda instead of comin out and thinkin for YOURSELF... hadd enuff of this shit... u got balls.. answer this question logically and rationally and we'll all convert..

prove that god exists...

if you can't.. take your propaganda somewhere else...


The Kalam (Time) Argument:

Muslim philosophers argued: If the universe had a beginning at all, the beginning cannot rest on nothingness but God. If the universe had, instead, an infinite past and is without beginning and uncreated, then it is impossible to have arrived at the present moment, in the same way as it is impossible to jump out of a bottomless pit.
The key here is the concept of infinity. Surely, if we have to go back infinitely without arriving at
a beginning, there could be a great problem with having arrived at the present moment. Without a definite starting point in time, this is simply impossible.

The Moral Argument - our sense of moral values points to the existence of a moral Creator

Another set of proofs:

1. The fact of change proves an ultimate agent of change!
2. The chain of causation proves a first cause that needs to be uncaused to end the otherwise endless chain of events!
3. The contingent facts of the world require an ultimate Being!
4. The fact of graduation of things as higher and lower suggests Perfected Being at the top of the hierarchy!
5. The order and design found in nature suggest a highest Being at the Source!

Another set of proofs:

1. Ontological:
It is possible to imagine a perfect being. Such a being could not be perfect unless its essence included existence. Therefore a perfect being must exist.

2. Causal:
Everything must have a cause. It is impossible to continue backwards to infinity with causes, therefore there must have been a first cause which was not conditioned by any other cause. That cause must be God.

Animals, plants and planets show clear signs of being designed for specific ends, therefore there must have been a designer.

3a. Modern design argument:
the Anthropic Cosmological Principle. This is the strongest card in the theist hand. The laws of the universe seem to have been framed in such a way that stars and planets will form and life can emerge. Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.

A very large number of people claim to have personal religious experiences of God.

Now, I have done my job, I am asking you to prove to me that God DOES NOT exist !!!
Originally posted by Sami-UK

Animals, plants and planets show clear signs of being designed for specific ends, therefore there must have been a designer.

god shows design, she must be designed then. You are praying to the wrong god.
Originally posted by Sami-UK
Fantasy conversation stories !! .

I find it very amusing to see you very angry and upset when you hear that more and more people are converting to Islam.

very amusing indeed.
Welcome to the sciforum and Allah have mercy on your soul, say, you know how the Scottish say “juicy pussy”, if you don’t then you are not Scottish!:m:
looks like few ppl got to your theory before i did.. well, i also noticed how it was ripped apart in the other thread that you started... so well, ur theories hold no ground... lotta presuppositions... anywayzz... it was a betta explanation than green world ranting..
a few things:

1. proofs: do you really use plural with proof if you have multiple data? The only time i use the word proofs if I get the 'proofs' back from a journal to check for mistakes.

2. Why is 'design' constantly used as an argument for the existence of god, despite that every educated person is aware of the fact that design doesn't necessairly mean a designer. And this point is valid for many points that are brought forward. Design has been cleary discussed in the literature and the consensus has been reached that design doesn't necessarily mean designer. But still religious people keep opening the grave and drag out the dead body. Why do you do that people? Let it go. Life goes on. Find some new and maybe valid argument for your case. We do.

3. and sami is green
GW, get your ass out of here before I make you.

There can be no proof without testable, reproduceable, physical evidence. Sorry nice try. It's been done before FIVE ZILLION FUCKING TIMES in this forum and they have all been shot down easily. So much for stupid allah stories.
Oh, pish-tosh.

The Kalam (Time) Argument: If the universe had a beginning at all, the beginning cannot rest on nothingness but God. If the universe had, instead, an infinite past and is without beginning and uncreated, then it is impossible to have arrived at the present moment, in the same way as it is impossible to jump out of a bottomless pit....

So, where did God come from? If God's infinite, without beginning or end, that means this argument rules that he cannot exist now, since you cannot jump out of that bottomless pit...

1. The fact of change proves an ultimate agent of change!

No, perhaps it proves that there is simply NO agent of consistencey, ie. no god.

2. The chain of causation proves a first cause that needs to be uncaused to end the otherwise endless chain of events!

Huh? Is this back to your Kalam (Time) argument? What caused God?

3. The contingent facts of the world require an ultimate Being!

Says who? This isn't proof, just a statement. And who is to say that ultimate being isn't, say, Siva, dancing the world into existance and biding his time before he dances it back out?

4. The fact of graduation of things as higher and lower suggests Perfected Being at the top of the hierarchy!

This graduation you speak of is an artificial standard percieved by human beings. We're funny little monkeys, we have to measure and compare everything and set up little ranking systems to make our world seem orderly. That doesn't mean those perceptions are accurate in any way, shape or form.

5. The order and design found in nature suggest a highest Being at the Source!

Not necessarily. Humans see order when there is none. Ever see a "face" in woodgrain? Yes, we see patterns in things, but that's easily explained as being the results of evolution and time. Chaos, you know - as time goes by, things fall into a certain order. The leaves on my walkway happen to have a clear path down the middle - it doesn't mean God got down on his knees and arranged the leaves that way, it's just a result of the way the wind blows down my street and whips around my house. And then there's the simple fact that if there was no consistancy, we'd have ceased to exist long ago.

1. Ontological: It is possible to imagine a perfect being. Such a being could not be perfect unless its essence included existence. Therefore a perfect being must exist.

Really? Well, I am currently imagining a perfect unicorn, and it's essence definitely includes being real. Therefore, this unicorn must be around here somewhere... Hm, can't find it. Maybe God's riding it.

2. Causal: Everything must have a cause. It is impossible to continue backwards to infinity with causes, therefore there must have been a first cause which was not conditioned by any other cause. That cause must be God.

Great! And so you will have no trouble explaining what caused God, then?

3-Design: Animals, plants and planets show clear signs of being designed for specific ends, therefore there must have been a designer.

Yes, that designer is called "evolution". It is the mechanism by which living beings gradually change over generations in order to survive on our ever-changing planet. All of the bad designs have died. We see bad designs still crop up, they usually die. Unless they're human, in which case we save them so they can breed later - we're stupid that way.

3a. Modern design argument: the Anthropic Cosmological Principle. ... The laws of the universe seem to have been framed in such a way that stars and planets will form and life can emerge. Many constants of nature appear to be very finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.

Not if you consider the theory that the universe is indeed infinite, and the so-called "Big Bang" was just the most recent in an endless series of collapses and explosions. Given that theory, it doesn't matter how astronomical the chances are - with enough time those chances would eventually be hit. In fact, it makes the chances seem *slimmer*, because if things weren't so balanced the universe would have collapsed again right away. So perhaps it winks in and out rapidly until it happens to hit upon a stable combination.

4-Experiential: A very large number of people claim to have personal religious experiences of God.

Great! Good for them. A very large number of people also claim to have personal experiences with aliens, Satan, Elvis, vampires and elves. Personal experiences don't count for squat until they happen to you. I have had personal religious experiences, by the way, and the Gods I met were nothing like the Xtian Daddy-God. So...what does that mean to anybody but me? Squat, that's what.
Hmmm, lets rephrase the question:

WHY would any educated person want to convert to Islam?

Insanity or insecurity, probably both :D
Re: Re: How could an educated American woman convert to Islam ?

Originally posted by Vienna
Hmmm, lets rephrase the question:

WHY would any educated person want to convert to Islam?

Insanity or insecurity, probably both :D

Being the bigoted portentous asshole that you are, I am not all surprised to see you spew vitriolic comments like that. Perhaps you should try opening a text book now and then and study how these “malodorous Muslims” (as you put it lightly :rolleyes: ) actually played a significant part in reeducating Europe after the Dark Ages.
Re: Re: Re: How could an educated American woman convert to Islam ?

Originally posted by Hannibal
Being the bigoted portentous asshole that you are, I am not all surprised to see you spew vitriolic comments like that. Perhaps you should try opening a text book now and then and study how these “malodorous Muslims” (as you put it lightly :rolleyes: ) actually played a significant part in reeducating Europe after the Dark Ages.

granted, but now they need reeducating from the west.
Re: Re: Re: Re: How could an educated American woman convert to Islam ?

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
granted, but now they need reeducating from the west.

Correct. The first motif Muslims need to be educated by the west is how to stop being pessimistic to democracy and anathematic to secular humanism.
Re: Re: Re: How could an educated American woman convert to Islam ?

Originally posted by Hannibal
Being the bigoted portentous asshole that you are, I am not all surprised to see you spew vitriolic comments like that. Perhaps you should try opening a text book now and then and study how these “malodorous Muslims” (as you put it lightly :rolleyes: ) actually played a significant part in reeducating Europe after the Dark Ages.

Yip, in the dark ages, and that's where they still are today!
Even the Quran teaches that the world is quaint!