How come aliens and/or UFO's only ever seem to be sighted in Europe and America but h

Well then what percent do you think are real?

In a year... maybe roughly... 10% give or take a few. I bet many of the unexplainable cases are still under lock and key with the Ministry of Defense. I don't believe the Freedom of Information act is as... effective as they claim. Call me a skeptic on that one.
Today maybe. Within how long have these 'high tech' phones been about?

Serious question.

Well over a decade.

By 2003, more camera phones were sold worldwide than stand-alone digital cameras.

In 2005, Nokia became the world's most sold digital camera brand.

In 2006, half of the world's mobile phones had a built-in camera.

In 2008, Nokia sold more camera phones than Kodak sells film based simple cameras, thus became the biggest manufacturer of any kind of camera.

In 2010, the worldwide number of camera phones totaled more than a billion
In a year... maybe roughly... 10% give or take a few. I bet many of the unexplainable cases are still under lock and key with the Ministry of Defense. I don't believe the Freedom of Information act is as... effective as they claim. Call me a skeptic on that one.

With instant upload to Facebook and Youtube, there is no need for FOIA.
So in the last decade, theoretically we should be expecting more video evidence... I suppose this will be of bad investigation though since youtube is hardly a reliable source :/
With instant upload to Facebook and Youtube, there is no need for FOIA.

I am interested in real cases. I just mentioned that youtube is hardly reliable. So many doctored video's nowadays you know?

I'd rather read a classic paper work.
So in the last decade, theoretically we should be expecting more video evidence...

And yet we have none.

But of course you don't find that interesting?

I suppose this will be of bad investigation though since youtube is hardly a reliable source :/

It can be.

Because if there are indeed 100 REAL ET visits in the UK alone (your estimate) then at least 10% of them should get a decent video, so on a global scale we should have hundreds of decent videos of these ET visitors each year, so many that the proof of their existence would not be an issue.

But we don't have ANY.

Which is pretty funny.

Because once one could make the claim that they saw things and we get a drawing, but that excuse doesn't cut it for at least the last decade.

So if they are coming by at 100 per year in the UK alone, where are the VIDEOS????
And yet we have none.

But of course you don't find that interesting?

It can be.

Because if there are indeed 100 REAL ET visits in the UK alone (your estimate) then at least 10% of them should get a decent video, so on a global scale we should have hundreds of decent videos of these ET visitors each year, so many that the proof of their existence would not be an issue.

But we don't have ANY.

Which is pretty funny.

Because once one could make the claim that they saw things and we get a drawing, but that doesn't cut for the last decade.

So where are the VIDEOS????

Well, who can trust a youtube video nowadays?

It is true that the video's on youtube on UFO's have exponentially incresed, even over the last few years. I have over the last few years, seen this myself. But so many are either (very well doctored) or others are doctored due to bad graphics.

Personally, there are a few bonafide video's on there, such as the Australian triangle UFO's observed, (which had been observed in two countries) seperately within 10 to maybe more hours. There is a video on the Pheonix Lights - I know that was authentic because the original video's have surfaced on documentary's.

So many skeptics today are quite happy at places like youtube because they are far too ready to seize the opportunity that it harvests many fake video's just to gladden their points.
No, I'm talking about clear contemporary videos.

Well, both those video's I mentioned are actually quite clear. Not super clear... I mean afterall, both were taken at night. The greatest fraction of UFO's are observed during the night.

The most trustworthy cases are made by many people.

For instance, in my own thread, who would have ever believed me if it wasn't for you?
There are plenty of videos, not to mention cine film footage from as far back as the fifties, that have never been convincingly explained. If you've not seen any of these by now then you're not looking hard enough or maybe your psuedo sceptical mindset is blinding you as to just how bizarre some of them are. Psuedo sceptics will come out with the usual stuff about every single one of them being hoaxes/misidentifications/balloons etc. and, whilst I will admit that these videos/films are inconclusive on their own, it does appear to me that taken along with some of the photographic evidence, they certainly add extra weight to the probability that some really weird stuff appears to be flying around in our atmosphere. I would like to see some of the gun camera footage or other military footage / photos of these objects which has apparently been shot. That might be very interesting indeed.
Oh, another thing! If any video did appear that showed what appeared to be a solid nuts and bolts craft, who amognst the sceptics would believe it anyway? You'd all simply cry hoax.
People are imaginative and can be deluded, but these supernatural occurances are man made, and have been practiced for about 5000 years from time to time.
People are imaginative and can be deluded, but these supernatural occurances are man made, and have been practiced for about 5000 years from time to time.
I disagree. The very large number of stars in the Milky Way suggests a very high likelihood that aliens exist. Our civilization is only 5 to 8 thousand years. When compared to the age of the earth, age of the universe, there are likely to be intelligent civilizations that have been around significantly longer than ours.

Do any of these ET civilizations have warp drive tech of some kind? I just submitted a paper in FQXI that outlines how an acceleration field generator works. So, in my opinion, ET can get to earth and get back home for supper.

It is my view that the UFO phenomena is 98% imagination, 2% ET activity. I think this video describes real ET activity. This video does too. It's a message from ET telling us to play nice.
I disagree. The very large number of stars in the Milky Way suggests a very high likelihood that aliens exist. Our civilization is only 5 to 8 thousand years. When compared to the age of the earth, age of the universe, there are likely to be intelligent civilizations that have been around significantly longer than ours.

Other worlds with intelligent beings? Billions and billions.

Ugly aliens on other worlds - Zero.
Ugly aliens visiting earth - Zero.
Ugly aliens on earth - hundreds?
UFO phenomenon - happens daily.
Hoaxes, delusions and denial - just ask the masses.
Real sightings by sane and intelligent people - you bet.
Official answer - weather balloons.
I believe a lot of the time it is our lack of understanding about how the mind works in a universal context that creates all this confusion about aliens etc.
For example we dont understand the nature of dreams and how they can manifest into the conscious world seemlessly and with out notice. Other wise referred to as hallucinations by some, and manifestations of a denied reality by others.
We also. I believe, underestimate the extent of what was coined years ago as "cuture shock" when a technological and psych. advanced being enters the room so to speak.
after all conspiracy theories about the "illuminati" have been around for years and most think of them as being mere "human intellects" of a superior calibre.
The Illuminati breaded themselves into the fabric of civilization from the start. Their mark, the eye of Horus predates just about anything. Horus could have existed as a king, seen as god. This should be considered. Check the dynasties who sported Horus, some may be connected. Also check those who remained loyal to canine headed Seth, he was clearly their great enemy and if my theory is correct he is the patron of Egypt. Uncover the seth dog.