How come aliens and/or UFO's only ever seem to be sighted in Europe and America but h


Registered Member
Could it be that they're xenophobic/racist?
Or as I suspect, non existent?
Or a cultural figment just as we tend to 'see' a lot more ghosts and evil spirits in Africa than Europeans or Americans?
Could it be that they're xenophobic/racist?
Or as I suspect, non existent?
Or a cultural figment just as we tend to 'see' a lot more ghosts and evil spirits in Africa than Europeans or Americans?

Good question. I suspect it is cultural. Gullable Europeans use to believe in pixies, fairies and demons. Now gullable Europeans believe in little green men from outerspace.
UFO reports are a global phenomenon, as are ET reports.

Belief in visiting ETs is HUGE in Peru, esp among the older folks.
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Could it be that they're xenophobic/racist?
Or as I suspect, non existent?
Or a cultural figment just as we tend to 'see' a lot more ghosts and evil spirits in Africa than Europeans or Americans?

Bingo. It's a cultural thing, like the Chupacabra.
It's a global phenomenon. China has had many reports, there was a mass sighting there one time a long time ago. There was sightings made over Australia just recently and there have been many more from other countries.

The OP question is wrong.
Good question. I suspect it is cultural. Gullable Europeans use to believe in pixies, fairies and demons. Now gullable Europeans believe in little green men from outerspace.


Sightings occur all over the world. We just hear prominently about our own because it is in our own country.
It's a global phenomenon. China has had many reports, there was a mass sighting there one time a long time ago. There was sightings made over Australia just recently and there have been many more from other countries.

Yeah, from all these sightings it's obvious that the Earth is apparently on an intergalactic "Senic Drive" so it would appear that aliens make it by all the time to get a look at us.

I've heard (from good sources) that ETs visit the UK alone thousands of times a year.

(Some say they even live among them, and you can tell the aliens from the true Brits by looking at their teeth.)
Yeah, from all these sightings it's obvious that the Earth is apparently on an intergalactic "Senic Drive" so it would appear that aliens make it by all the time to get a look at us.

I've heard (from good sources) that ETs visit the UK alone thousands of times a year.

(Some say they even live among them, and you can tell the aliens from the true Brits by looking at their teeth.)

You are basing this by basically saying, ''every UFO observation is a real ET account!''

I don't even outrightly say it was ET, but if the UFO's are, not all of them can be and I'd bet damn sure many sightings do in fact have explanations, conventional or not. There are however some UFO cases which are so extraordinary they lye outside that comfortable zone.
And yes, on a good year the Ministry of Defense will have records of over a 1000 reports, and take into account that most brilliant sightings are sometimes never properly reported. As have been noted before, not everyone has a cam-corder ready or are not willing to report because of ridicule.
And yes, on a good year the Ministry of Defense will have records of over a 1000 reports, and take into account that most brilliant sightings are sometimes never properly reported. As have been noted before, not everyone has a cam-corder ready or are not willing to report because of ridicule.

Nearly EVERYONE has a camcorder ready now.

NOTHING that extrodinary wouldn't get taped with someone's phone based camera.

What ridicule would there be to a nice crisp HD video of ET?

Indeed an actual video of an ET would likely make you big bucks on You-Tube
Nearly EVERYONE has a camcorder ready now.

NOTHING that extrodinary wouldn't get taped with someone's phone based camera.

What ridicule would there be to a nice crisp HD video of ET?

Really? I don't own a mobile because they give me headaches. I know a few friends who don't use mobiles either.

Not everyone obviously.
What evidence do you have that they are not?

You claim that SOME of them are, so why not all?

Because whilst some observations do defy explanations, other's are too obviously real terrestrial phenomenon. I'm not one of these wild cards who frivolously and erreneously believe that all sightings are the real mackoy.

Only a fool would.
Really? I don't own a mobile because they give me headaches. I know a few friends who don't use mobiles either.

Not everyone obviously.

You are a rare duck then.

Over 80% of US adults have a cell phone and almost all cell phones today, even the cheapest work as a decent camera and many of them work as a decent video camera.
Because whilst some observations do defy explanations, other's are too obviously real terrestrial phenomenon. I'm not one of these wild cards who frivolously and erreneously believe that all sightings are the real mackoy.

Only a fool would.

Well then what percent do you think are real?
You are a rare duck then.

Over 80% of US adults have a cell phone and almost all cell phones today, even the cheapest work as a decent camera and many of them work as a decent video camera.

Today maybe. Within how long have these 'high tech' phones been about?

Serious question.