How can you have lucid dreams?

alpha said:
Why wouldn't you? In a lucid dream you have control over virtually everything (depending on the level of lucidity). You can fly, or do whatever you want. You even control other people. Hell, you can make people you don't like disappear and replace them with better people
This sounds more like wishfull thinking then dreaming to me or the kind of dreams i would get when i traveled with public transportation, where i would kind of shutdown and only listen to the people around me, but also get the wierdest ideas and dreams.

Anyway from my own experiance its not uncommen for me to be in a state of semi awareness in my dreams, still asleep and still awake enougth, to wake up at certian sounds or change my dreams if they get to bad, I do how ever almost never remember my dreams.
Lucid dreaming is not semi-awareness, but the awareness that you are dreaming. You can do just about anything in a lucid dream, but for some reason certain things make you wake up. Like doors... doors tend to wake me up... yet 'blinking' somewhere doesn't.