How can you have evidence for God?

You and spidergoat should head out for some coffee. You'd probably really enjoy listening to each other make things up about people who don't agree with you. I've already presented two scientific laws, the law of conservation of matter and the law of conservation of energy. Both of which state the neither matter nor energy can be created. Since both matter and energy exists, something outside of those laws must have created them.

Your misunderstanding of those laws and your fallacious application of them are the problem here.

No, something outside those laws did NOT necessarily create them, that is an absolute bogus conclusion.
Their superstition (god) is what created the cosmos. Completely w/o evidence, they make this claim.

Those theists do not think they are superstitious.

Is what they think and know completely irrelevant to you?

Do you think you can just make claims in their stead?
But why ? I rather pick truth.. whether it makes me happy or not..

Humans are naturally prone to value things that result in pleasure... rather than neutrality or pain. We're not organisms whom function to understand truth... we function to persist.
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That is presuming that the person already knows the truth, and that the truth is ugly, too painful to accept, hence they opt for delusion.

Which suggests that the philosophy behind your understanding of the Universe is that the Universe is ultimately a place hostile to humans. That it is impossible to have both truth and happiness.
So when you have to choose between truth and happiness, you choose truth. And you devalue happiness, so that you enable yourself to live with (what you think is) the truth while actually being unhappy.

There's no philosophy involved. Our universe is neutral... it has no hostile or non-hostile intent (it has no intent in general).

Information (whether it's true or false) can result in a person feeling pleasure, feeling neutrality, or feeling pain. Humans are strongly drawn to things that result in pleasure; therefore, it's no surprise that they will value things that cause pleasure over things that don't. It is natural for humans to value this emotional satiation more than truth.

A person whom values truth above emotional satiation can lead a happy life just as anyone can. They may or may not have have more moments of neutrality and / or pain because they accept all information that is truth. All non-truth can simply be rejected.

A person whom values emotional satiation above truth can lead a happy life just as anyone can. They are going to be moments-of-pleasure heavy because they accept all information that makes them feel good. Some of that information might even be truth; however, all truth (and non-truth) that might result in neutrality / pain can simply be rejected.
snake river rufus

A rule of formal logic
Thou shalt not default to the supernatural

and that is somehow more logical than defaulting to the empirical?
(IOW if there is no empirical evidence for a claim, like say abiogenesis, why suggest that it is true?)

Or how about Occum's razor?
god isn't needed to explain the cosmos, so,,,,
given that there is no empirical evidence to suggest that the manifestation of the universe does not require god (in fact explaining the beginnings of the existence of reality while relying on empiricism is as practicable as jumping over one's knees), it still remains unclear how you have the logical upper hand.
I've already presented two scientific laws, the law of conservation of matter and the law of conservation of energy. Both of which state the neither matter nor energy can be created. Since both matter and energy exists, something outside of those laws must have created them.
Interesting, I haven't thought of this before. However, if true, and something did indeed create them, what created that something?
Interesting, I haven't thought of this before. However, if true, and something did indeed create them, what created that something?
relationships of contingency can still be explained between eternal agencies.

For example

Suppose there was an eternal fire. It would also have eternal smoke and heat although both these aspects would clearly be contingent on the fire. IOW the only reason the smoke and heat is eternal is because the fire is eternal.

Similarly, the laws that govern the material manifestation can be indicated as eternal yet contingent on god, simply because god is eternal.
Anything important/not self-fulfilling proclaimed to be truth in any sort of religious text actually happens would be probably enough proof for everyone
I believe you are simple minded because you refuse to entertain ideas that differ from yours. This thread is titled "How can you have evidence for God?". I have presented some evidence (not proof) without actually endorsing either side of this argument. My stance all along is that the possiblity exists. However, since it didn't agree with your idealogy you immediately labled me a "desert dwelling pious holy man". If you knew me at all you'd know how absurd that statement is but that doesn't matter to you. Rather than have an intelligent debate with an open mind you want to marginalize anyone who doesn't agree with you and pass them off as a crazy person with a hidden agenda. If you listen only to people who echo your opinions it will be impossible to learn anything. Contrast your response to the reponse I've received from Crunchy Cat. While he/she hasn't necessarily convinced me of anything, I do respect the well thought out informed argument. You just want to call people names.

I was actually referring to Jesus 'n Friends. I entertain opposing views all the time. I consider the religious views so often that the theists wonder why us atheists seem obsessed with religion. Don't be so defensive, It never crossed my mind that you had a hidden agenda. It's possible to hold an opinion and have an intelligent debate at the same time.

How can you have evidence for a God, indeed. You tell me. If it's not falsifiable, it has no utility as a hypothesis.
Well, all of the most thoughtful Religions hold that God is Transcendent, as it would be almost logically necessary to say so. Just as far as Definition goes, God cannot be part of the Universe without blurring the lines of distinction between the Divine and the Mondane.

However, what we are REALLY interested in is not so much evidence in the favor of proving a God, pointing to physical properties -- Angel Feathers or whatever. What we are REALLY concerned with is evidence in favor of any particular Religion.

Here we would turn to evidence of Providentiality. here we find very few instances where the Transcendent All Highest God was caught adding cookies to any particular cooky jar. But what we do have is annecdotal assertions that particular Saints, Angels or Apparritions, as AGENCIES of God, had interceded for Good and Benefit. Now, of course, ordinary good deeds would not count, except in a human way, much to be appreciated, but there is a large body of anecdotal evidence for Miraculous, supernatural interventions and intercessions.

Indeed, I suspect there is a reason why Atheists always want to get back to the lack of evidence for a Transcendent God, as it pulls attention away from what we have plenty of, and that is evidence in favor of some Religions over others. For instance, Protestantism has gone 500 years without its first Saint or Miracle. But Catholicism has long lists of Christ-Like Saints, as does Sufism and Hinduism. For all the Pro-Buddhist Propaganda, they have done about as well as the Protestants, and using much the same Arguments -- that Miracles are a sign of the Devil or a Temptation away from the True Path.
Faith must come from within yourself first, I won't be able to prove god to anybody. But it's possible to prove it to yourself, stop thinking about your existence for a while and look at the world and the universe. Look what has been created, trust in god and use your own heart and sense of judgement to live your life, talk to god and tell him what your thinking.

Death is all the evidence you need.

Some people will become incredulous when told that war has never killed anyone, nor famine, nor disease, and that no one has ever been murdered or killed themselves.

There is no coming back to the world from death.