How can someone convert to being one of those special people?

Paul was human. I am going to assume you are human. Have you ever said something in error, while still being convinced you were right? Paul is talking about things that he can only guess at, aka talking out of one's ass. He is trying to give the christians he was writing to a "feelgood" speech. "We sure are special, don't you feel special? God chose us in particular to go through the absolute garbage that we're about to, or are in the process of, going through." People put too much emphasis on the various writers of the various books of the bible. Spiritually inspired, sure. God did not take over their bodies to write the various books. So you have their interpretation of what God wanted them to say. Then, in this instance, I believe the writing was in Greek. (correct me if I'm wrong) This was translated a few hundred years later into latin, then a few hundred years later into (wasn't gutenberg german?). Then to English. That's why I try not to put major doctrinal emphasis on individual words, if at all possible.
The same way you choose to believe that you ill not choke when you eat.

I don't believe I will or will not choke, I just eat carefully to try and avoid it. So anyway, how does one go about making themselves believe in invisible beings? Squeeze real hard or what?
Snakelord-very interesting. I doubt that what you are saying is entirely truthful, but if it is truthful, so be it. When you were a child did you believe in Santa Claus? Tooth Fairy? Easter Bunny? The monster in the closet? If you did, then I would refer you to those experiences. If not, I'm sorry you missed out on such things.
You seem to want to flex something to believe. You have to make a choice to believe. If you decide to believe, then try to live your life as a christian, things will become simple. If you decide not to believe, there is nothing I can do or say to convince you otherwise.
When you were a child did you believe in Santa Claus? Tooth Fairy? Easter Bunny? The monster in the closet? If you did, then I would refer you to those experiences

As a child I was convinced by what I was told. That convincing came in the form of being told by my mother whom I had learnt to trust. She said it, I was convinced.

Likewise I would need to be convinced - I can't just pop a belief in the existence of some entity in my head. I am not convinced by theists claims which, frankly, I find beyond idiotic. That's not a choice, it's a cold hard fact.

Now, if you think you can just choose to believe in something and belief in it then let's have a challenge. I want you to believe that Lenny the leprechaun exists. Ready? Go for it. Let me know when it works :rolleyes:

there is nothing I can do or say to convince you otherwise

See, even you recognise that it's about being convinced, not just choosing to believe. Thank you, tata.
Is Lenny the Leprechaun my friend? I have a very detailed picture of him and everything, even a potential place for him to live. Now. I can take this choice of belief further and begin leaving food for Lenny, possibly attributing strange happenings to Lenny. To me, this is choosing to believe. If you choose to believe in God and begin acting as if God exists in everything you do and say, before long it stops seeming like it was a choice, but a revelation, and the non-existence of God begins to seem preposterous. It's a mental game we play with ourselves. It's like repeating self-affirming statements to yourself in a mirror. Eventually, you start to believe they are all true. Just the way the mind works.

And like I said if you CHOOSE not to believe, nothing I can do or say will convince you. Perhaps you would prefer if I said if you choose not to believe, I can not force you to do so. Better?
Is Lenny the Leprechaun my friend? I have a very detailed picture of him and everything, even a potential place for him to live. Now. I can take this choice of belief further and begin leaving food for Lenny, possibly attributing strange happenings to Lenny. To me, this is choosing to believe.

So, come back to me when you do actually believe he exists. I'll be waiting, send me a pm or something.
Ok. Lenny says Hi, by the way. Apparently he isn't overly fond of "Goldfish", but likes Baked Lay's better.

Do you actually believe Lenny the leprechaun exists or are you just making things up to try and win? I don't mind which, but I bet it isn't the former.