How can people be Pro-Life and Pro-War?

It seems this contradiction is most visibly demonstrated by fundamentalist Christians in the United States. It seems they love children when they are still in the womb, but once you pop out, they wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire. What gives? :shrug:

I am pro life, But i am not pro war.

And pretty weird wording in your post i might add. The first part seems to have a clear relation to the question posed in the threads title; the second part just makes you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I just don't understand why you can say that. I know many religious people and they take damn good care of their children as well as others that they know. You make a broad statement without any proof of what your stating why is that? It's like me saying that you don't read anything worth a damn without backing up what I say. Just by saying something doesn't make it true as you would like us to think.:(
yes, their own children and perhaps those near them.
but it never seems to occur to them, that, for example, a nuclear weapon will, if used, cause abortions - both immediately in the explosion and later over time. Nevertheless I never heard of fundamentalists being against nukes.

The same as the above holds for conventional war. Conventional war kills 'unborn' and living children, especially when mines, urananium enriched shells and bombing are a part of those wars.
Are you serious? That is such a cliche. It's the same reason you can be pro-life and pro-death penalty. We respect and want to protect innocent life. Can you see the difference?
In war innocent foetuses and children will get killed. Period. how does governmnt mandate allow, for example, a bomber pilot, to go against the Bible?
It seems this contradiction is most visibly demonstrated by fundamentalist Christians in the United States. It seems they love children when they are still in the womb, but once you pop out, they wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire. What gives? :shrug:

Most seem to be pro choice anyway but yes it is a contradiction. Killing and war are always contradictions to peace.
I am pro life, But i am not pro war.

And pretty weird wording in your post i might add. The first part seems to have a clear relation to the question posed in the threads title; the second part just makes you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

the 2nd part is an illustration of hypocritical values on part of the majority, or, at least, most vocal of the pro-lifers.
But isn't it the same thing as aborting an innocent child when 18 year olds are drafted and shipped off to war usually never to return?
That is incorrect on many levels. First of all, there's no draft. Secondly, there have been hundreds of thousands of US soldiers serving in Iraq and Afganistan and around 3500 deaths. That means something like 1% of them "never return". A bit less than you implied.
It seems this contradiction is most visibly demonstrated by fundamentalist Christians in the United States. It seems they love children when they are still in the womb, but once you pop out, they wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire. What gives? :shrug:

assuming that you also mean to discuss the issue in a more relevant manner - How can a person support war yet not support abortion?

Conflict is an unavoidable consequence of one society (and thus war occurs according to the social need of the nation). The fact that advances in military technology and the frequency of battles being fought without a battlefront have increased civilian causalities is a separate issue. IOW the absence of moral procedures that surround war can not offset the social needs for war anymore than the absence of knives and forks can offset the need for eating. With or without moral procedures and cutlery, war and eating will continue regardless

A child in the womb however is not yet part of society - in fact a society that cannot deal with the prospect of new offspring is not even on par with tiger communities - so the issues can be viewed differently (unless perhaps you take the view that modern life has brought issues of war to the household :scratchin:)

As a second point, the purpose of war is not to kill but to establish a certain order - of course a natural consequence of war is slaughter, but there is no practical need for it when certain social issues are met.
For abortion it is primarily about slaughter. Of course there are social requirements which could prevent abortion (responsible parenting for eg) , but because practically no one interested to implement or apply these things (apart from say outlawing abortion - which is not really a solution) it is kind of like having a war that is solely focused on annihilation with no social agenda to comply to .
Wars are not initiated by persons who thinks "gee I think we should kill all the people in Bangladesh - but wait up we need an excuse - OK got it! - The bangladeshis are stockpiling jute!!"

IOW civilian groups in a war zone have the right to live provided they comply to the social needs of the invading force
The only way a child in the womb can comply to the invaders social needs is by dying, so it's not quite the same.
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the 2nd part is an illustration of hypocritical values on part of the majority, or, at least, most vocal of the pro-lifers.

Well i guess some of them are knowingly hypocritical. But from my experience most of them believe in justifiable war in self defence, Just like the vast majority of atheists believe in Justifiable war in self defence.

I myself have never met an atheist who did not believe in justifiable war in self-defence. Even the atheist "pacifists" i have seen when pushed into a corner would defend their lives or the lives of loved ones when all efforts for peace have failed.

So it seems strange that you would be making a big point about it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days