How can one kill in a War and still follow their religion?

But, what happens when a Christian soldier is asked to kill another Christian soldier? How does he live with his sin?
Obviously, killing is wrong in the Judeo-Christian ethic, and probably many other religions. How can a soldier continue in his religion after killing in a War?

given that material society has never existed with out the element of martial control, that must make your understanding of Judeo-Christian ethics impractical
Hence missionaries - to spread the word.

So killing of children can be justified by them not being christian? Is that your belief? Dont you think it is possible that there are people out there who remain ignorant to christs teachings? Even if you dont believe in christ dont you find it a huge moral issue to kill a child?
Obviously, killing is wrong in the Judeo-Christian ethic, and probably many other religions. How can a soldier continue in his religion after killing in a War?

How can a person continue in their religous belief when they do nothing in the war that rages around us daily? Why bring bullets and tanks into it? ask yourself this: "did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?"
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Yes but only other people of the same religion. Theres no problem killing unbelievers.

God does say to defend your country in times of war. It all depends if you kill for a selfish reason. I'm sure there is more to it than just that, but war is war, and it's not considered to be murder in the Bible.
Christians have no qualms about killing. Neither do any other religions. History attests to that FACT.
Heh, he. Even buddhism mate. Just one example, in WWII, Buddhism was deeply integrated into the Japanese war machine.
So killing of children can be justified by them not being christian? Is that your belief? Dont you think it is possible that there are people out there who remain ignorant to christs teachings? Even if you dont believe in christ dont you find it a huge moral issue to kill a child?
Ignorance is no excuse. Oh, this aint my belief, you asked the question.
So, you believe we have very little say over our beliefs?

No. "Thou shall not kill" only applies to members of our own clan/tribe/society, it doesn't apply to enemies who are trying to kill us or harm us. It doesn't apply to killing and eating beef, pork and chicken. It does not apply to killing a poisonous snake that's trying to hurt our children. It does not apply to...... Well, you get the picture.

Baron Max