How Can I Have a Paranormal Experience?

I have yet to experience it. I will accept a variety of experiences: UFO spotting, conscious ET abduction, ghost visualization, multi-dimensional sensation, big-foot contact, out-of-body experience, mind-reading, telepathy, viewing of angels, communication with deities, etc. Just tell me how so I can try. I am being sincere: I strive to be philosophically "ideal" so I will keep an open mind towards everything.

Philosophy and spiritual experience are a complete contradiction of terms.

You will never have one while still holding on to the other.

It's like trying to use your conscience mind to remember a dream right after you wake up.
The harder you concentrate...the faster the dream fades from view.

The philosophers will be right behind me one this one...trying to deny the facts and refute this truth.....
They can't know what they have never seen.
The carnal mind is chained to logic by reason, and to it....
"What you can't see, can't be very whole"
Musicians and artists have seen this truth through the ages....and convey hidden meanings and knowledge in song writing and other art, it is a form of expresion....
They realized you can speak to one part of the mind while bypassing the other.
This is similar to the commercial use of sub-liminal messages.
The art of the Muse.
I'll be your roundabout, the words will make you..out n' out,

To illustrate my thought here.....
This paragraph above, and the one below contain lyrics (in italics) from two songs by the musical group "Yes" from the album "Yes songs"
- "Roundabout" ........which is the very definition of the method of Circumlocution.
-"Starship Trooper" ...which is about.....I'll have to let you figure that out for yourself!

Take what I say in a different way and it's easy to say that this is all confusion....
To the logically ruled hemisphere of the brain, it can't process this information.
As I see a new day in me, I can also show it you and you may follow.
But to the spiritual mind, which lies further down in the sub-conscience were dreams and visions are from, it catches those symbols and deciphers them.
And if you see them, please don't tell a soul....

Circumlocution, like its Greek counterpart periphrasis, is a figure of speech where the meaning of a word or phrase is indirectly expressed through several or many words. (Periphrasis is of Greek origin [περίφρασις < peri (περί) "about, around" + phrasis (φράσις) "speech, expression"], while circumlocution is Latin—both meaning "a roundabout manner of speaking".)

For He has hid it from the educators and revealed it to babes such as will learn.
There's no need of trying to find it through seminaries, and through schools.
You will never do it.
They are hidden mysteries that can only be known as God will let them be known.

Philosophers will take the tool of reason, and assume it the role of a master blueprint by which all observation and realities are to be judged by.
Not so....reason is a tool, and to be contained, controlled and relegated to an appropriate position in ones determination of truth.
Wisdom so sublime it defies the language to utter it, can be hidden intentionally from the eyes of the wise......and the prudent.

Corinthians 2:6-16
"Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to naught; but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory"

A method of relaying this wisdom to an individual, has been used for ages.
Comprehension does not rely on reason , logic, or any human ability.
It defies, and transcends the human spirit and the mind's abilities.

By this an entirely new language can be constructed and utilized, that doesn't hinge on logic but the area of the brain that processes dreams, and symbolic form.
One symbol can mean an infinite number of variables in this "language".
Philosophy will never uncover what has been intentionally covered.

It's primary asset becomes it's liability.

The Philosophers Stone" ?
A "Stone" is a revelation from God.
The definition of Faith.

Philosophers don't have a stone.

It is a contradiction of terms.
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"How Can I Have a Paranormal Experience?"

play with a ouija board! (ive never actually tried it, but i heard from friends that it works)
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