How Can I Have a Paranormal Experience?


Registered Senior Member
I have yet to experience it. I will accept a variety of experiences: UFO spotting, conscious ET abduction, ghost visualization, multi-dimensional sensation, big-foot contact, out-of-body experience, mind-reading, telepathy, viewing of angels, communication with deities, etc. Just tell me how so I can try. I am being sincere: I strive to be philosophically "ideal" so I will keep an open mind towards everything.
You're not ingesting the right kind of drugs. Or you could try sleep deprivation combined with some rigorous activity: stay up three days dancing all night.

One of those is sure to cause you to experience a "paranormal" experience.
I have yet to experience it. I will accept a variety of experiences: UFO spotting, conscious ET abduction, ghost visualization, multi-dimensional sensation, big-foot contact, out-of-body experience, mind-reading, telepathy, viewing of angels, communication with deities, etc. Just tell me how so I can try. I am being sincere: I strive to be philosophically "ideal" so I will keep an open mind towards everything.


Stop eating.

Soon before you actually starve to death you'll begin to get the hang of it.
Hypnogogic hallucinations can give the impression of leaving the body, but the empirical justification for saying one has in fact done so is lacking.

I have thought to test it through having people place cards with information throughout the house for me to read, but I do not have regular out of body experiences to do this.
Hypnogogic hallucinations can give the impression of leaving the body, but the empirical justification for saying one has in fact done so is lacking.

Strangely enough, that is why they call it paranormal.

Spirtual enlightenment is not yet for sale at Walmart.
Is that what they call Spiritual Enlightenment these days, starving nearly to death..?

What do they actually call starving nearly to death, then - Optermism... Passing Curiosity.... perish the thought, malnutrition?
You need to go on a vision quest into a desert somewhere. There are some meteor showers appearing soon, and the northern lights might be affected by a recent solar flare. Alien visitors like to hide their visits within natural phenomenon, so it's not as suspicious.
I have yet to experience it. I will accept a variety of experiences: UFO spotting, conscious ET abduction, ghost visualization, multi-dimensional sensation, big-foot contact, out-of-body experience, mind-reading, telepathy, viewing of angels, communication with deities, etc. Just tell me how so I can try. I am being sincere: I strive to be philosophically "ideal" so I will keep an open mind towards everything.

I had an out-of-body experience supposedly.
Have you tried deep meditation?
Try to concentrate first on your breathing and then on the beating of your own heart. When you can feel the rhythm of your heart visualize it moving to the center of your forehead. That should put you in a very relaxed state so it feels like your floating in the universe. This is when you may experience a paranormal event.
On the other hand sometimes paranormal events just pop in.
Have you tried deep meditation?
Try to concentrate first on your breathing and then on the beating of your own heart. When you can feel the rhythm of your heart visualize it moving to the center of your forehead. That should put you in a very relaxed state so it feels like your floating in the universe. This is when you may experience a paranormal event.
On the other hand sometimes paranormal events just pop in.

new age music works with meditation as well, and slow yoga standing stance movements.
You need to go on a vision quest into a desert somewhere. There are some meteor showers appearing soon, and the northern lights might be affected by a recent solar flare. Alien visitors like to hide their visits within natural phenomenon, so it's not as suspicious.

If humans are to aliens what ants are to humans, who would ETs even care to hide from us? Why not just take ownership of us as we do to lower animals? Why do we anthropomorphize the brains of ETs?
Hey, I'm just telling you what they do, I don't know the why. Perhaps they are only marginally more advanced, or they are extremely cautious.
Be still and listen. Quiet your mind to complete silence and become the pure consciousness of the observer. I would suggest you find a place that is quiet or where you can be alone and make it a habit to spend time in quiet meditation on clearing your mind of all activity so that you can begin to feel your connection to everything else.

If you want to see U.F.O, Some will laugh but I think it is this easy.

1) Picture yourself wherever you are and think something like "I would sure like to see a UFO or an etv one day so I will know what others are talking about"
2) see the thought in your minds eye as going out into the heavens, space etc...
3) think the thought when you look at the sky and take time to look at the sky or take planned camping trips or whatever to get you to less populated places. you are bound to see something sooner or later for there is much activity.

BEST PLACE to spot this type of activity is on a hill or mountain that overlooks a highly populated area or city :) P.S don't forget your camera this field of study desperately needs more documentation and study.

I wish you the best of luck and success on your personal path to spiritual and physical evolution :)
Be still and listen. Quiet your mind to complete silence and become the pure consciousness of the observer. I would suggest you find a place that is quiet or where you can be alone and make it a habit to spend time in quiet meditation on clearing your mind of all activity so that you can begin to feel your connection to everything else.

If you want to see U.F.O, Some will laugh but I think it is this easy.

1) Picture yourself wherever you are and think something like "I would sure like to see a UFO or an etv one day so I will know what others are talking about"
2) see the thought in your minds eye as going out into the heavens, space etc...
3) think the thought when you look at the sky and take time to look at the sky or take planned camping trips or whatever to get you to less populated places. you are bound to see something sooner or later for there is much activity.

BEST PLACE to spot this type of activity is on a hill or mountain that overlooks a highly populated area or city :) P.S don't forget your camera this field of study desperately needs more documentation and study.

I wish you the best of luck and success on your personal path to spiritual and physical evolution :)

Yes, if its an isolated area, and if we assume that ETs are trying to be non-conspicuous, then I think your idea may work, if ETs do exist that is.
Be of the paranorm? First you've got to be extremely conscious of and super sensitive to the norm... Then, perhaps.