How are babies made?

The question was, How are babies made?<img src = "">

<i>"Male or female?"</i>

Su'prise me.
Male or female? What do you have against hermaphrodites?

Hey, don't look at me

I was delivered home by my attorney.

Should have kept him on retainer; maybe we could have undone this mess.

Tiassa :cool:
My parents all of a sudden got me! Can't say they are too pleased with it now. Guess I was made from the wrong stardust.

I'll ask if I can be changed and be the good 'child' my lovely, god fearing parents always have wanted. :rolleyes:

Jesus, are you going on posting threads like this? Oh well, I'll be joining you to keep you irritated...:p

I thought I would ask an innocent question and see where it takes us.

<i>"Oh well, I'll be joining you to keep you irritated..."</i>

You know, I still question whether you are a real woman or just an imposter. <img src = "">
People go to kissing and the next thing you know; there's babies everywhere! Reckon we could use some plastic over the lips to prevent this?:D
Originally posted by wet1
People go to kissing and the next thing you know; there's babies everywhere! Reckon we could use some plastic over the lips to prevent this?:D

Damn, that's where we are going wrong. We've got three rugrats, 2, 4 and 5 yrs old. If only some one had told us not too kiss or wear 'protection'. I'll get a plastic barrier the moment I get home.

Mind you, I find the missus dislikes me after playing my BBb bass for a few hours. The lips taste 'brassy'.

<a href="">Beware, photographs!</a>

*You know, I still question whether you are a real woman or just an imposter.*

Yeah, that's the spirit! Keep on wondering and perhaps I'll tell you where I come from...Someday, some other place, some other time... :cool:
Wait! Bowser's a chick??? No way! I thought Bowser was a guy.:confused:

No offense Bowser, thats just how I percieved ya!

Groove on
LOL! Now, we could play that on a thread for a day or two.

Yes, stRgrL, I'm a six foot six inch tall lesbian whose real name is Brutus. I have very broad shoulder and a deep voice. I enjoy going to the local tavern for a few beers and to check out the babes. A broken bottle in hand, I often start fights with the male patrons in an effort to win the attention of their women.

Honestly though, I'm just a hansom guy. <img src = "">
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Yes, stRgrL, I'm a six foot six inch tall lesbian whose real name is Brutus. I have very broad shoulder and a deep voice. I enjoy sucking down beers and fighting with the men for their women at the local tavern. Sometimes the fights involve broken bottles.

There is something wrong with this picture...:eek:
I think it's a funny image. <img src = "">

Looks like you missed my edit.
I couldn't resist...and we're gonna play this for a day or two???

Come sit up here on my couch. Tell me, how did you feel as a tyke? (Or was that dyke):D

Yeah after the post I saw the edit...
<i>"...and we're gonna play this for a day or two???"</i>

I doubt we will get that much play out of it, but you never know.

<i>"Tell me, how did you feel as a tyke? (Or was that dyke)"</i>

Darn! I'm locked. I really want to answer that but haven't any good replies. ...Shoot! <img src = "">
lol, thanks for the pm, wet1. Even though bowser has put roundabout thirty new threads up under free thoughts (one that will remain UNMENTIONED has been...gasp...deleted!), this one does look entertaining.

Babies fall from the sky, haven't you ever heard the expression: "Well, billy bob, it looks like its gonna rain babies!" That is where it originates from. In Arkansas, one Billy Bob Smith and witnessed a rain of babies, yes, babies, each one luckily atop a shell that happened to land softly in the grass.

Reptillian babies, oh no, they come from the ground. Watch yer step, they pop up like hotcakes!

I'll leave now.
"Well, billy bob, it looks like its gonna rain babies!" That is where it originates from.

Looks like the couch is gonna be empty real soon. Gotta little time,
Pollux V? :D