How and why life happened, does spirit exist?

Gas, liquid, solid - air, water, plants, animals, is all product of the big bang or whatever that forms stars and galaxies. Air is as important as water....

Banshee, I posted the blackhole stuff because the topic how and why life happened. Since we dont know a lot about life, any speculation is as good as any other on the issue of spirit...One consolation is that we are not inventing a new paradigm here. Most religions and specially Buddhism is heavy in spirits. What we do not have is a scientific basis of spirit and its properties. Life is a result of millions of years of evolution. Science is a development of only in the last few hundred years. We have a long way to go to find our what secrets lie ahead.

Did not somebody say - everything that can be invented has been invented, there is nothing new science can teach us or something like that?

If there is such a thing as a spirit, then what is it, what are the will be interesting to discuss....

My personal belief is that, if spirits do exist, it had to be in the following context.

Several years ago, I was tinkering in an AI type program for a project where the program will create the initial conditions for a sub program, the results of the sub program is matched against a matrix of objectives - if it is a close match, another program will back propagate the result set to form a new initial condition until we find the formula for the objective function. (It is a lot more complex than that - I simplified for brevity). So, my thinking is say we are sub-programs in a main program of the universe. Our life could have another component that monitors the overall objective while the sub-programs (us) are created and die while trying to reach that main goal. Each sub-program could have a monitor program assigned...

It is similar to the Buddha thinking that the spirit is purified or learns as it is born and reborn again and again until its job is done at "nirvana". I had a weird lucid dream that I was at Kemmerer (Wyoming) around 1843. Was I really born then or I tapped into an universal database....who knows...

Life id full of mysteries....and no we have not exhausted the knowledgebase...

happy dreaming....

Water is basically 2 hydrogen molicules and 1 oxygen molicule but, all living creatures need this specific combination of molicules to survive. Now, I don't know about you but my thoughts on it are this: If water is only hydrogen and oxygen, why can't we just breathe it in all the time and call it good? I think that there must be much more to water as well as all the other elements, earth, fire, and air. If they are all just molicules and waves, why are they so eccential? Just to tickle your brain cells a little.
Water is a Spirit I guess yes. It's lifes main survive source. Without water, life is not possible. Every living organism needs water to survive. Doesn't matter from what angle you look at it, you'll always come back to the conclusion that without water, life is not possible.
(The first man-like creatures came crawling out of the water, long, long ago and evolved from there. If this was a real good thing, is something else. Another discussion probably. Guess humans can get used to living under the water surface again, if they really had to. Bodies, human-like or otherwise, adjust themselves to their surroundings to survive, after a period of time.)

I don't mean to say here that it is the main source to survive in the rest of the Universes. I'm talking Planet Earth here.

However, fresh water, is polluted and there's a lot less fresh, then salt water. So humans better take care of what is left and try to protect the fresh water that's available.

Water is a Life-Spirit, yes! It's full of life, too. Look at a waterdrop under a microscope, it'll enlighten your view on water... :)
I think that Spirit and Consciousness are two differents parts of our basic make up and are often confused. Spirit just 'is' for me and is the 'blue print' we carry from one reincarnation to the next, while Consciousness is what we need and use every waking moment to exist in a material plane. It is this Consciousness that creates our unique view of the world for us, and is the tool for the Spirit to 'progress', for we use it to create our thoughts and manifest them ( and their consequences..) both mentally and materially. In our sleep I believe it is there for us to tap a 'Collective Consciousness'... for all the world's ( and maybe further...?) thoughts so to speak, but we seldom remember what we should when we awaken. Those that do remember sometimes come up with some good inventions, literature etc.

Without this need to create our Consciousness would have no reason to exist and would leave us...... individually we would die at that level. But the Spirit.....
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you went to past,i went to was like Deja Vu.(I felt it!)I have had for a month,loads of dreams related to tall buildings with Chineese moving around.i interacted with man who was driving cab for charges.(it was a call cab,he was asking for 3 $ extra as a charge).
this dream and some other landscapes of Singapore were there in my mind,including the fountain show etc.

and when we were there,i started feeling awkward.i had loads of Deja Vus with almost all the places,including Changi was odd and awkward as i felt i have been here before.


Last night I had a dream too about a 40 inch flat panel display, very bright (could be OLED or plasma), very high resolution. I was downloading a city map for some analysis. Instead of a mouse, I was interfacing with a half-glove. As I roll my hand, the map panned and zoomed - very fast. The funny part I remember is that when I tried to download the map file, the computer displayed - "file is too large to display, do you want to fit to screen?" in a very stylized font and color. Weird...huh!

Sometimes ago, my daughter had a lucid dream that, my company developed the teleportation device (like star trek - except no shimmering light) using a little known physics formula. People just insert a smartcard and punch in the destination and stand on a platform, then you just disappear to appear at your destination along with your luggage. May be someday...

Might not have been a dream, but a prod in the direction of a reality. Half gloves are in use, I know that much. I've still got to try and get the capital up to put a suite together.

As for a Panel, well I would possibly be looking at a projector, or a LCD screen due to the light being none electromagnetically generated like a monitor or some flat screens.

I have an intension of building something with such a system, but perhaps again that's my "daydream".

I just know that I've got to change the way some people have written to history of how I am. For our present seems to be written by our past, from a futures perspective. (Lovely use of language there)

That means if you have mountains of records on what you are like, then you will be like how it was written.
Thanks stryder...

In Confucianism, the right manner of human activity and virtuous conduct seen as stemming from universal criteria and ideals governing right, wrong, and other categories of existence.

So, I am still working on that universal criteria or mechanism as to how "ask and ye shall receive it" and "seek and ye shall find it" works.
Originally posted by kmguru
say we are sub-programs in a main program of the universe. Our life could have another component that monitors the overall objective while the sub-programs (us) are created and die while trying to reach that main goal. Each sub-program could have a monitor program assigned...

Yes and we (sub programs) transceive to and from the monitor program (out there somewhere) using our built in frequencies, which connect to far stronger universal waves of energy for the purpose. Like some wireless internet connection or computer link, where one is constantly receiving the information of the other and retransmitting updates and subtle instructions.

Brilliant thread. :)


Making stupid remarks is the best you can do isn't it? It should be better to look a little farther then your narrow three dimensional little worlds. And now I sound arrogant, that's not my purpose.

*sights... yes... :(

Simple relations

right side|left side

Who's in charge anyway?

I was reading this message board and I'm in agreement with one writer talking about spirits and vibrations. Until a year ago, I didn't know much about spirits or vibrations, but after becoming aware of a spirit interacting with me on a daily basis in my private life (no, I'm not crazy) and hearing a definitely audible sound in my ear when it is near, I know spirits must vibrate at higher frequencies, which is why we can't see them.
This spirit doesn't try to harm me, though it's not very nice to me most of the time. It watches me and constantly tries to annoy me, and what really discourages me is that I believe it's attracted to me for a reason I don't understand. It doesn't seem to want to join The Source, only wanting hang around me and bug with its pranks.
I believe we are all spirits and came into existence to experience. A common belief, I know. In the last few years, I've learned many fascinating facts about spirituality. But I wonder how much of our destiny is really controlled by us. New Agers seem to be jolly over the idea that we can "intent" everything. I'm thnking there's a grander scheme at work and perhaps a lot of things aren't really in our control.
Sometimes the bones in the inner ear act as a semiconductor (diode) and pick up local radio broadcast in the AM band and hence people hear things they are not supposed to hear....
sometimes, people shout because they feel they are being ignored ...

sometimes they shout because they are not having sex ... ? does that make sense to you? oops sorry, so i wanted to get your attention like those above people :-D

my view///

My View As Us Being An Animal Or Organism Or Whatever...

Can We Be Seen As A Colony Or Organisation Made By Different Multicellular Organisms Or "cells" - A Symbiotic Formation Of Diifferent Cells....????????????????

Can This Be Possible............?????
Well as a multi-celled organism our makeup is of self-replication which is more autonomous than colony. If it was colony and you were to apply a study of at hives or bee's, they have sophisticated structures in how they repopulate based upon demand (namely too many queens and not enough workers cause changes in a hive to deal with the problem).

Although the human body has certain biological instances where the body attempts to compensate (Anti-bodies, coagulation during cuts, Endorfin's)
However to the most part these reactions are only possible when the body is "Aware" that a reaction is necessary and this usually means being processed by the brain.

What you can suggest however is that the human body is a symbiotic host to many thousands of organisms that aren't apart of our genetic plan. For instance Bacteria can be found all over and even inside the human body, there are also other parasites that can live off human hosts that are larger than bacteria. In that sense you could suggest a colony or two, or three different types of genus.