How and why life happened, does spirit exist?


Valued Senior Member
I posted this as a late reply in the psychology forum, but no one's looking at the thread any more, so let's see what you all think of my pseudoscience.

This ain't no theory, it's a premise!

I can't help thinking that if there weren't a spirit, then how and why did organisms develop and evolve? There has to be some kind of key code inherent in all oganisms that prompted life to begin in the first place. I mean we can talk about plants and animals evolving to cope with changing circumstances, but have we dicovered an 'evolution gene', or 'life prompting' gene? I don't think so and neither will we ever discover a 'spirit' gene.
This is because I think that the spirit, ie the life/evolution prompter is not a part of our tangible physical make up, even though it exists within every life form.

I think the spirit is made up of multiple frequencies (of some kind of (electrical?) energy). The frequencies contain information that can influence elements to behave in certain ways. It's easy to imagine how even we, can send invisible frequencies that influence things, think of phones, radios, satellite computer links, remote controllers etc. Only the sort of code contained in these frequences works directly on the stuff of the universe, starting with water! These frequencies travel through the universe, passing through planets and suns and when they find water they stay. Once, even some of the water on a planet has been charged with these frequences it doesn't take long for it to spread all over the place through evaporation/condensation.

The ((charged-coded) water immediately begins to interact with whatever is available to it, ie soil, sunlight, oxygen, heat etc and original simple life forms are created out of the fundamental elements perfectly suited to the conditions of the locality. The life forms now also contain the frequencies, which are constantly transmitting information back to the source. Yes I said the source, but don't ask me where it is!:rolleyes:

The source picks up the information received and retransmits code updates, which are received by the life forms and causes them to evolve in order to suit ever-changing circumstances. When a life form dies, the frequencies burst out of the dead body and some immediately are attracted to and fuse with another life form whose frequencies are vibrating at the same rate* (each species frequencies vibrate at different rates/wavebands, so no crossovers), the others are automatically redirected back to the source (or perhaps somewhere else?). Is this reincarnation?

So what is the purpose of life in the first place? I think life forms on earth and elsewhere act like the nerve endings or sensory organs of the universe. We (all life forms), are the universe itself experiencing different forms of physical reality in dimensions far removed from our common beginnings as part of a huge explosion! This begs the question, where does this will or need to sense, to experience, to evolve come from? Is there actually some kind of incomprehensible God in existence, is there some kind of goal that we simply cannot comprehend, are we too low in the chain to understand? Because we certainly want to! I've just hit on something..The purpose of life is to understand! Sounds good enough for me.

*I think life forms contain uncountable numbers of frequencies peculiar to their species stretching back to the original life form created. Though they all vibrate in unique wavelengths, they are all part of the same waveband. The frquencies transmit and receive unique information throughout a lifetime. The presently living host's main frequency is a combination of mother's and father's but variable on a scale and can be influenced by the majority vibrating rate of the other frequencies, this might explain personality disorders or why some offspring are so different to their parents and siblings.

While at the drawing board, you need to look for a brain that controls the planets systems. Every oraganism has a brain or something analogous to it except parhaps the most rudimentary ones. If you can find one that is highly sophisticated, you may find your answer. People have been looking for the answer for thousands of years....
Yes, people have been looking for the answer for thousands of years. Mayhaps they've been looking too hard and in their eager to give themselves something to hang on to, they completely overlooked the obvious. (yes, skeptics, I know! Don't you bother.)

Every organism has a Spirit! A brain is that thingy that makes us, humans, so arrogant to think we know all the answers...

*I think life forms contain uncountable numbers of frequencies peculiar to their species stretching back to the original life form created. Though they all vibrate in unique wavelengths, they are all part of the same waveband. The frquencies transmit and receive unique information throughout a lifetime. The presently living host's main frequency is a combination of mother's and father's but variable on a scale and can be influenced by the majority vibrating rate of the other frequencies, this might explain personality disorders or why some offspring are so different to their parents and siblings.*

...something to think about some further...
Every organism has a Spirit! A brain is that thingy that makes us, humans, so arrogant to think we know all the answers...

Someday I hope you might discover *your* thingy. :D
And why shouldn't the universe have a 'brain'?
But more to the point is, how do organisms without brains exist and function in the first place and how come these 'brainless' (eg: algae, plants, bacteria, virii etc) things have been around for so many millions of years and been able to outlast virtually every other order of animal?
What is it about water that makes it an absolute essential for the existence of every single form of life? Does water have a brain, or does something in the water have a purpose?
Originally posted by (Q)
Every organism has a Spirit! A brain is that thingy that makes us, humans, so arrogant to think we know all the answers...

Someday I hope you might discover *your* thingy. :D

And...Q...please dont forget about me....I would like to discover her thingy just snap your fingers and.... :D
BBC news quote:
Cosmic rays are super-fast protons and have the highest energy levels of any known particle in the Universe. But the source of the most energetic of these particles is "a complete mystery", according to Nobel prize winner Dr James Cronin. He is co-director of the Auger Project and a physics professor at the University of Chicago.

We know they exist, but we don't know where they come from, where they go, what they do or what purpose they might have, makes you really wonder about it no?

PS. I'm all for showing our thingies, Q and Kmguru, show us yours and I'll show you mine!:D
I think we might have a spirit, but its more like electricity. It powers us, its not something cosmic/magical/or religious only people can give things those qualties (and they do that to a lot of stupid things:p )

P.S.- Does anyone know about Einstien's theory of limited Quantum Space, it fits well with this.
...Like we are all coming from the Cosmos, beamed into an Earth-Bound body for this life-time. Your brain is an organic Earth-Bound organism.

How can you people be so sure of yourselves? Afraid that tere may be more to life and all living organisms than your spinning brains can conceive?

Making stupid remarks is the best you can do isn't it? It should be better to look a little farther then your narrow three dimensional little worlds. And now I sound arrogant, that's not my purpose.

Have a little respect for other people who think different then you please. Thank you...
I Apologize

I don't believe what I said came off correctly. I'm not trying to "down" other people's opinion and I feel everyone has a right to think what they think..... unless outlandishly stupid (which I don't feel you are). I was just talking about an idea that I've had for a while based on Einstien's theory, not necassarily what I believe. I do like to entertain the idea that we have spirits that someday will "meet our maker" and I like to entertain ideas to the otherwise. I'm truely sorry if you were offended.

However, what I said about relating symbols to objects is something I believe. And even though I'm guilty of (as with almost everyone) I still think it could be done without in some cases. Like the cross has no real meaning except that which people give it. Neither does and autograph of someone famous. But as our world grows more digital and information of these people become rampant, it becomes more impressive to touch something they held - or in the cross/Jesus case use an object to embody what someone taught or some belief system.

- Cactus
I think that the spirit, ie the life/evolution prompter is not a part of our tangible physical make up, even though it exists within every life form.
Definite non-sequitor: 'It isn't, but it is.' ;)

And why shouldn't the universe have a 'brain'?...
Because, by inference, most everyone's existense proves post-priori that the Universe has a "thingy" and not a brain -- that the Universe can have only a pass-along "thingy".

Originally posted by tablariddim
BBC news quote:
Cosmic rays are super-fast protons and have the highest energy levels of any known particle in the Universe. But the source of the most energetic of these particles is "a complete mystery", according to Nobel prize winner Dr James Cronin. He is co-director of the Auger Project and a physics professor at the University of Chicago.

And here is another...who says science is not fun...

Researchers have found a possible source for enigmatic high-energy particles called cosmic rays in a study that shows rapidly spinning black holes may act as giant batteries, shooting particles into the cosmos at nearly the speed of light.

The study involved four aged galaxies that used to be among the brightest beacons in the universe but are now somewhat worn out. These former quasars, as they would have been called, might help solve a longstanding mystery about cosmic rays.

The galaxies are above the handle of the Big Dipper and visible with backyard telescopes. Each contains a central black hole of at least 100 million solar masses that, if spinning, could fire off atomic particles at great speeds, the scientists said today at a joint meeting of the American Physical Society and the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society in Albuquerque, N.M.

The team includes Diego Torres of Princeton University and Elihu Boldt, Timothy Hamilton and Michael Loewenstein of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Quasar galaxies are thousands of times brighter than ordinary galaxies, fueled by a central black hole swallowing copious amounts of interstellar gas. The gas is sped up and superheated, triggering X-rays and other forms of radiation just before it is swallowed.

In galaxies with so-called quasar remnants, the black hole nucleus is no longer a strong source of radiation.

"Some quasar remnants might not be so lifeless after all, keeping busy in their later years," Torres said. "For the first time, we see the hint of a possible connection between the arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and locations on the sky of nearby dormant galaxies hosting supermassive black holes."

Ultra high-energy cosmic rays represent one of astrophysics' greatest mysteries.

Each cosmic ray -- essentially a single sub-atomic particle such as a proton traveling just shy of light speed -- packs as much energy as a major league baseball pitch, over 40 million trillion electron volts. The particles' source must be within 200 million light-years of Earth, scientists have said, for cosmic rays from beyond this distance would lose energy as they traveled through the murk of cosmic microwave radiation pervading the universe.

Yet no one has been able to determine what kinds of objects within 200 million light-years could generate such energetic particles.

"The very fact that these four giant elliptical galaxies are apparently inactive makes them viable candidates for generating ultra high-energy cosmic rays," Boldt said, adding that drenching radiation from an active quasar would dampen cosmic-ray acceleration, sapping most of their energy.

The team concedes it cannot determine if the black holes in these galaxies are spinning, a basic requirement for a compact dynamo to accelerate ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Yet scientists have shown that it is possible. The prevailing theory is that supermassive black holes spin up as they accrete matter, absorbing orbital energy from the infalling matter.

Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays are extremely rare, striking the Earth's atmosphere at a rate about one per square kilometer per decade.
Oh yeah, I wanna talk a little bit about the limited quantum space idea. Anyone every seen Quantum Leap? Well it was based losely around this theory. Einstien believed that there was limited quantum space in the universe, that's why when Bennet in Quatum Leap "leaps" back in time hes in another person's body. That's why I believe that if we do have spirits and we just end after death reincarnation is likely.
We all have one

I believe that all living things have a soul or spirit that is reused multiple times through different forms. This means that you, in terms of your spirit, are probably very old. You have also been several different creatures, plant and animal. Well, that's my belief.

I'm new at this so maybe someone can help me. Where can I get those little pictures near my name?
...maybe someone can help me. Where can I get those little pictures near my name?
May I recommend instead the personal reward of nonconformity with <cough> graven images of oneself.

Oh, the pun of it all.
Cactus Jack, I apologize! :) It was not your post, it were the usual remarks from the usual members.

Aragorn, welcome at Sciforums. :) Avatars you can find on an internet page or make one yourself and scan it to the proper formats. I thought it was 60 by 60. Look at your profile, at "Change Avatar", click on it and it will show up. :) (thought it was under "Edit Options", can be that it is "Edit Profile".)

Kmguru, isn't that article about Gravastars? Then I have an article that came in at my e-mails yesterday. Guess it's about the same as you mention. If you want to read about it anyway, let me know.

By the way, what do "Black Holes" have to do with the being of Spirits in every living organism?

Or is it now all of a sudden possible that "Black Holes" have a Spirit, too?

Just wondering...
Yeah, yeah, ok, ok, but no one has answered my question: WHY does life depend on water? HOW did life start with water? What is this...this spirit that caused life to happen, which is catalysed in water? I mean, simple talk of pea soups and perfect conditions for life to have began on earth by scientists are about as convincing as Adam and Fritz, uh, I mean Eve!

SO, waddaya think of my spirit in the water non-theory? Do YOU have a better idea huh? Come on then let's hear it.
Water is simply a nice easy medium for molecules to move around in and interact with each other. I dunno, that's just a guess. Although I am wondering now if the Earth's oceans contain more gaseous oxygen these days than they did say 4 billion years ago. Oxygen is rather poisonous, and killed off maybe 95% of life on Earth when microbes began metabolising enough to flood the atmosphere with the gas form of it. Nah, some must be cycled through the mantle and broken up by that activity to put oxygen in the oceans regardless.