How and why do angels fight?

I don't get why you are asking detailed questions abouta certain aspect of it then unless you think it might be true. For instance how-much focus do you put into debating about tom and jerry or jack and the bean stalk?.

The bible is roughly 50% lies anywayit's not even written from any eye witness accounts, the story's are like chinese whispers and mingled facts and legends with added lies and confusion.


Well, what can I say. I'm fascinated by religion.
I'm just trying to follow the discussion from a theists point of view.

How do you determine what in the bible is fact and what is fiction?
Could you try being less negative
Could you stop making assumptions?

also be polite especialyto theladies
I take you're (oh no, not again!) assuming that "Jan" automatically = female?

also you don't even believe in Angels
Try reading my previous answer on this. And once you've read it try to understand it.

why are you debating `fairy tales in such depth.
If you'd bother to read my posts, as opposed to cherry-picking to support your assumed "negativity" you might understand.
The bible (supposedly some sort of source on angels and the like) contradicts itself.
Could you stop making assumptions?

I take you're (oh no, not again!) assuming that "Jan" automatically = female?

Try reading my previous answer on this. And once you've read it try to understand it.

If you'd bother to read my posts, as opposed to cherry-picking to support your assumed "negativity" you might understand.
The bible (supposedly some sort of source on angels and the like) contradicts itself.

Elongated pointless cyclical debate denied, I will read your stance on angels though.

A Jinn is a genie?

hmm yes, thatis wherethe Genie legend/myth comes from. becauseyou can communicate with them and ask for their help with material things but it is forbidden.

Thats where the granting genie wishes comesfrom the trading oftheir service for your oath.

Angels do not disagree, they are told what to do and they do it, they are not like humans with free will, they are instruments and gods tools.


I understand where you are coming from, but there is a flaw in this statement;

In his 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat (Marvels of Creation) the famous cosmographer al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283) utilizes the Quran, the Hadith, and the later tradition to provide a detailed description of fourteen kinds of angels.

At God's request they chose two of their number to be sent to the earth possessing sensuality and the other attributes of man. Harut and Marut were the most worshipful and humble of the angels; sending them down to the earth, God commanded them to avoid idolatry, fornication, wine, and the unjust spilling of blood. Eventually they committed all these sins and God gave news of their state to the angels in heaven.

Either these Angels exhibited free-will, or they were somehow commanded by Allah. The latter doesn't appear to be correct.

I understand where you are coming from, but there is a flaw in this statement;

In his 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat (Marvels of Creation) the famous cosmographer al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283) utilizes the Quran, the Hadith, and the later tradition to provide a detailed description of fourteen kinds of angels.

Either these Angels exhibited free-will, or they were somehow commanded by Allah. The latter doesn't appear to be correct.


To me it looks like god was doing a little test, to see what an angel would do in comparison to humans having to fight sin and evil on earth, or in other words how they would "stack up" against each-other in righteous-ness if they were given humans free will. This is an interesting `Question you have asked, would you like to post the suran in my Quran Thread? s we can discuss it in further details.

I understand where you are coming from, but there is a flaw in this statement
No there isn't.
Read what you quoted:
At God's request they chose two of their number to be sent to the earth possessing sensuality and the other attributes of man.
Supposedly free will is an attribute of man. The "flaw" doesn't exist.
Oh, the made up thing is another kind of made up thing. Are you sure he's not a leprechaun?

Are you sure you haven't wasted 6 years of your spare time debating fairy tales with foolish kiddies?. Youhave gotten worse you was not this aggressivein your agendabefor.

Moremilitantyouhave become please turn backfrom that path, I remember talking to you 6 years ago and your heart was softer.

I understand where you are coming from, but there is a flaw in this statement;

In his 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat (Marvels of Creation) the famous cosmographer al-Qazwini (d. 682/1283) utilizes the Quran, the Hadith, and the later tradition to provide a detailed description of fourteen kinds of angels.

Either these Angels exhibited free-will, or they were somehow commanded by Allah. The latter doesn't appear to be correct.


Hey brother it is wise that you abandon taking the biblicalscriptures as Gospecl, pun intended. They will lead you to give fuel to trolls who wish to wage war on god and his way. The Quran clears up allof these miss-conceptions about "Angels and fighting" etc and lots more.

I swear
I agree. When do we kill the infidel? I can't wait to be all self-righteous and wear a funny hat.
No there isn't.
Read what you quoted:

Supposedly free will is an attribute of man. The "flaw" doesn't exist.

I don't understand what you're getting at here.
Despite being created for a certain purpose, they disobeyed Allah.
That can only be their choosing, meaning they had the capacity to choose.

Also, it does not mention that they had acquired free-will, nor anywhere does it mention that free-will is a purrely human attribute.
