How and why do angels fight?

Originally Posted by emil
one of the conditions for them to be readmitted beside god is faith and total obediance to god.
If they have a grudge against god, then they will stay in hell.

angels have no choice but to obey, (which just adds more to the question of why were they fighting)
M*W: Astro-theologically speaking, an 'angel' is a metaphor for a 'star'. In the bible, anywhere you see 'angel', it is my opinion that it means 'star.' Look up some of the references to 'angels' and see if 'star' doesn't fit it well. 'Lucifer' leads the rebellious stars. 'Lucifer' means 'light'. He was the king of the stars, and 'Lucifer' led a rebellion against god. If the story of the rebellion is true, it would simply mean some kind of star shower. Or, it could have been a meteor shower where some 'angels' fell to earth.

I've been saying this for years, but there are many references in the bible to objects in the solar system.
Look up some of the references to 'angels' and see if 'star' doesn't fit it well.
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
(Heb 13:2)

I've lost count of the number of times I've entertained a stranger (coffee, wine, cakes, that sort of thing) only to find out a week later they were actually stars.
Mind you you I should have guessed. The scorch marks on the sofa was big clue.
It just occurred to me that maybe angels are like force carrying particles for the spiritual world.

(Heb 13:2)

I've lost count of the number of times I've entertained a stranger (coffee, wine, cakes, that sort of thing) only to find out a week later they were actually stars.
Mind you you I should have guessed. The scorch marks on the sofa was big clue.

It just occurred to me that ideas just occurring to me often have to be better thought out. Lucifer is the light-bringer. Guardian angels prevent kids from falling off of cliffs.