How and why do angels fight?


Registered Senior Member
All throughout holy books, there are always chapters about angels and demons and spirits fighting amongst themselves--and I've always wondered how and why do they do this. Aren't they suppose to be immortal? What is the point of fighting if you cannot defeat your enemy spirit (meaning kill them or something)?

What's the point of having swords and chains? Like for example: in the book of Daniel, an angel was wrestling with another angel and they were locked in battle for some time. How does that happen? They are both immortal, and probably know each other's power and stuff. Couldn't they just point at the other angel and say a curse or something? I don't see the need for physical contact. Why do they even bother? Is there like a book outhere that deals with this specific topic? :confused:
Probably the same reason big bad wolves huff and puff and blow down the houses of little pigs when their natural pack hunting instincts would yield quicker and better results - wouldn't be a very good fairytale otherwise.
Yes. I've considered the possibility that is not real. But there has to be theologian out there that maybe can shed some light on it.
All throughout holy books, there are always chapters about angels and demons and spirits fighting amongst themselves--and I've always wondered how and why do they do this. Aren't they suppose to be immortal? What is the point of fighting if you cannot defeat your enemy spirit (meaning kill them or something)?

What's the point of having swords and chains? Like for example: in the book of Daniel, an angel was wrestling with another angel and they were locked in battle for some time. How does that happen? They are both immortal, and probably know each other's power and stuff. Couldn't they just point at the other angel and say a curse or something? I don't see the need for physical contact. Why do they even bother? Is there like a book outhere that deals with this specific topic? :confused:

I'm no theologian, but what makes you think angels/demons are immortal?

How does it happen? Do they keep on living in another afterlife? Or they simply disappear from existence forever?
So they disappear forever? Meaning they're no longer conscious of their existence?
Maybe that's all for our benefit. Like that Star Trek episode where the Q's were fighting each other with human weapons and stuff so that Picard could understand what was going on.
Maybe that's all for our benefit. Like that Star Trek episode where the Q's were fighting each other with human weapons and stuff so that Picard could understand what was going on.

Nice touch with the Star Trek analogy.

That would have been specifically for Picard, because he is a staunch atheist.



Wouldn't they hold a grudge against God for sending them there only to take them out again?

Wouldn't they hold a grudge against God for sending them there only to take them out again?

One of the conditions for them to be readmitted beside God is faith and total obediance to God.
If they have a grudge against God, then they will stay in Hell.