Hotel Eternity


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
So, what are you going to do for an eternity? Any plans? How about education....think you'll be learning forever? Anything you're looking forward to? How about God, going to make an effort to get to know Him a little better?

Just what is it that's so attractive about Heaven? What do you think you'll find there? For you people who will be reincarnated, what happens if the universe is no longer capable of sustaining life?

How about the people, or is it souls that you will meet? Do you think they will all be from your faith? What will all of you do for an eternity? That's just a few questions but you get my drift. Please let us know what you expect.

If you bump into me there, would you be surprised?
Psychotic episode

So, what are you going to do for an eternity?
regardless of whether one is in the material or spiritual world, the game remains the same - namely service. The only difference is the object of it.
Any plans? How about education....think you'll be learning forever?
why not?
Anything you're looking forward to? How about God, going to make an effort to get to know Him a little better?
to get there in the first place one would have already made that effort.

Kind of like asking an apprentice surgeon in an operating theater whether they have made the effort to study anatomy
Just what is it that's so attractive about Heaven? What do you think you'll find there?
In short, whatever we find attractive in a person in this world (namely either their beauty, fame, wisdom, renunciation, strength and wealth) finds its full reservoir in god.

For you people who will be reincarnated, what happens if the universe is no longer capable of sustaining life?

Just because the grass dies in winter doesn't mean it won't be back in spring
How about the people, or is it souls that you will meet? Do you think they will all be from your faith?

there's only one religion

service to god
What will all of you do for an eternity? That's just a few questions but you get my drift. Please let us know what you expect.
the prospect of eternity is only painful for a person possessed of material ambition (since there is hardly much one can do consistently in material life for 3 days without it being harmful, what to speak of boring)

If you bump into me there, would you be surprised?
on the contrary, I would be more surprised if you spent an eternity being a cynical atheist in the material world

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So, what are you going to do for an eternity? Any plans? How about education....think you'll be learning forever? Anything you're looking forward to? How about God, going to make an effort to get to know Him a little better?

Just what is it that's so attractive about Heaven? What do you think you'll find there? For you people who will be reincarnated, what happens if the universe is no longer capable of sustaining life?

How about the people, or is it souls that you will meet? Do you think they will all be from your faith? What will all of you do for an eternity? That's just a few questions but you get my drift. Please let us know what you expect.

I don't know.

What happens in eternity does not concern me much at the present time.

If you bump into me there, would you be surprised?

Yeah. Pleasantly surprised :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

regardless of whether one is in the material or spiritual world, the game remains the same - namely service. The only difference is the object of it.
Nothing sinister? What if it's a trap?

In short, whatever we find attractive in a person in this world (namely either their beauty, fame, wisdom, renunciation, strength and wealth) finds its full reservoir in god.

That one is something you're pretty sure about. Not out of line for a religious philosopher. The old 'any place is better than here' routine.

Just because the grass dies in winter doesn't mean it won't be back in spring doesn't really. Perhaps a really, really cold winter or some natural calamity might do the trick but if all grass died, from its roots to its seeds, none of it comes back.

there's only one religion

Too bad that's not the case here.

service to god

Ahh..the purpose of life, or is it death, whatever....I'm sure that will be a pleasurable experience for you. I know I would go insane.

the prospect of eternity is only painful for a person possessed of material ambition (since there is hardly much one can do consistently in material life for 3 days without it being harmful, what to speak of boring)

Example? As I said, sounds like an eternity serving God is going to be enjoyable for you. I guess its different than serving God for 3 days while on Earth.

on the contrary, I would be more surprised if you spent an eternity being a cynical atheist in the material world

My eternity is coming to an end, so how I do I prove to you that I maintained the cynical atheist position when it does end?

What happens in eternity does not concern me much at the present time.

As with LG, you sound pretty confident although you seem a bit more concerned about some other agenda, could that be qualifying for entry?

If you bump into me there, would you be surprised?

Yeah. Pleasantly surprised

If I end up in Heaven with you after I croak then I would be surprised only because that is the most logical answer. If I am destined for oblivion then what can I say...... I'm not surprised. Don't think so
I will spend eternity with Jesus Christ/God because I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. This is what the Bible teaches and I believe it.

Not the question.

What are your plans once you get there? What do you expect to be doing?
Not the question.What are your plans once you get there? What do you expect to be doing?

The Bible says we will worship Jesus when we're there. I don't think we get any plans or say-so in it (which is fine with me). To me, nothing in this life beats worshipping Him. Absolutely nothing.
The Bible says we will worship Jesus when we're there. I don't think we get any plans or say-so in it (which is fine with me). To me, nothing in this life beats worshipping Him. Absolutely nothing.

Except dying here. This must be high on your list since it sounds like you're in Heaven already. I'm not encouraging suicide if anybody thinks that's what I'm doing. The prospect of death and the journey into Heaven must seriously influence the minds of all believers. Odd that such a thing as the end of life is anticipated so much. Very strange.

All I seem to hear is the one common theme, that there must be someplace better than Earth. All believers share this mantra. Perhaps that is where I really differ because I like it here. Sure it has its moments but I haven't given up on the human race just yet. Hell, we're only in our infancy.
what would a cosmic harddrive need with worship for eternity? maybe it powers it?

It's as sad as it can possibly get to think that this is what its all about. All this so we can worship God for eternity, unbelievable! And this is heaven? Wow...knowing that people actually believe this makes me feel so damn fortunate to think otherwise. :D
Except dying here. This must be high on your list since it sounds like you're in Heaven already. I'm not encouraging suicide if anybody thinks that's what I'm doing. The prospect of death and the journey into Heaven must seriously influence the minds of all believers. Odd that such a thing as the end of life is anticipated so much. Very strange.

All I seem to hear is the one common theme, that there must be someplace better than Earth. All believers share this mantra. Perhaps that is where I really differ because I like it here. Sure it has its moments but I haven't given up on the human race just yet. Hell, we're only in our infancy.
Maybe you're a pagan, they are vastly less ephemeral and fascinated by the transcendant.;)
Maybe you're a pagan, they are vastly less ephemeral and fascinated by the transcendant.

Is that so?:D Why not? Learn something every day.

Maybe you're an astrologist, you're sounding like one with that analysis.;)

“ regardless of whether one is in the material or spiritual world, the game remains the same - namely service. The only difference is the object of it. ”

Nothing sinister? What if it's a trap?
well sure, there is the argument about how service in the material world is a trap, but I don't suspect its appropriate to discuss that right now

“ In short, whatever we find attractive in a person in this world (namely either their beauty, fame, wisdom, renunciation, strength and wealth) finds its full reservoir in god. ”

That one is something you're pretty sure about. Not out of line for a religious philosopher. The old 'any place is better than here' routine.
Even one who is possessed of material ambitions has an element of surety in their pursuits (aka "no place better than this" routine)

“ Just because the grass dies in winter doesn't mean it won't be back in spring ” doesn't really. Perhaps a really, really cold winter or some natural calamity might do the trick but if all grass died, from its roots to its seeds, none of it comes back.
fancy that, eh?

“ there's only one religion ”

Too bad that's not the case here.
well religion that falls short of the mark of service to god doesn't make the grade so it appears otherwise

“ service to god ”

Ahh..the purpose of life, or is it death, whatever....I'm sure that will be a pleasurable experience for you. I know I would go insane.
just as well you have a material identity to fall back on I spose

“ the prospect of eternity is only painful for a person possessed of material ambition (since there is hardly much one can do consistently in material life for 3 days without it being harmful, what to speak of boring) ”


Fill in the blank

"I like to do __________"

Now imagnine doing three days of pure unadulterated continuous ____________ and imagine the repurcussions on your health.

As I said, sounds like an eternity serving God is going to be enjoyable for you. I guess its different than serving God for 3 days while on Earth.
The problem with serving god in material consciousness is that one is constantly beseiged by interruptions

“ on the contrary, I would be more surprised if you spent an eternity being a cynical atheist in the material world ”

My eternity is coming to an end, so how I do I prove to you that I maintained the cynical atheist position when it does end?
Its just your (temporary) cycnical atheist attitude that has you convinced that your eternity is coming to an end.
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*beep beep*
Error 16278A-8001-B17
Low on Power
Low on Power
Low on Power

Initiating prayer induction... Tsunami 0019V7D

*back on Earth*
Over 250,000 people die in Indonesian Tsunami....

The Glorious Name "ALLAH" appeared on the waves of Tsunami

Human's running for their lives ...
- All Praise God the merciful. ...
- Oh God PLEASE save my little ones...

*microsoft start up sound*
*batter power at 80%*
*God program stabilized*
*beep beep*
Error 16278A-8001-B17
Low on Power
Low on Power
Low on Power

Initiating prayer induction... Tsunami 0019V7D

*back on Earth*
Over 250,000 people die in Indonesian Tsunami....

The Glorious Name "ALLAH" appeared on the waves of Tsunami

Human's running for their lives ...
- All Praise God the merciful. ...
- Oh God PLEASE save my little ones...

*microsoft start up sound*
*batter power at 80%*
*God program stabilized*
ascribing eternal values to temporary things remains absurd even if one does it through the instruments of theism.

Didn't you know LG?
God is Omniscience, THE Heavenly Hard-drive.

It doesn't change and It is eternal.

Yes, you are correct, God is absurd (or should we say God-drive, Godrive? no that looks like Go drive not God rive, God-drive it is)
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"I like to do ___golf______"

Now imagnine doing three days of pure unadulterated continuous ____golf________ and imagine the repurcussions on your health.

Ahh...I'd follow it up with three days with my lady friends. All things in their proper order.

I'd like to get into some kind of routine for eternity, wouldn't you?

The problem with serving god in material consciousness is that one is constantly beseiged by interruptions

Keep're convincing yourself. An eternity of immaterial consciousness sounds like a lot of fun:rolleyes:. Heaven for you, hell for me.

Its just your (temporary) cycnical atheist attitude that has you convinced that your eternity is coming to an end.

Then I have nothing to worry about. I have an eternity to get on track. Suits me fine. I'm a procrastinator by habit so I can always get up the next day and say I'll do it tomorrow. Heaven for me, hell for you.
ascribing eternal values to temporary things remains absurd even if one does it through the instruments of theism.

What a great line to read!

But then look at all this abuse


well sure, there is the argument about how service in the material world is a trap, but I don't suspect its appropriate to discuss that right now

but that IS important otherwise how can anyone know which hotel to check into?

for example, look at your BELIEF and that 'ideology' is abusive to truth (reality)

Fill in the blank

"I like to do __________"

Now imagnine doing three days of pure unadulterated continuous ____________

that be funny

it is that BELIEF BS that you are suggesting; that if i am glutinous of sex, i will live in eternity forever having sex

and since no food, water or needs will ever be required in that eternity, i will just have O after O after O...forever.....

where do i sign up?

The problem with serving god in material consciousness is that one is constantly beseiged by interruptions

like spending time in rituals (man created homage)

Its just your (temporary) cycnical atheist attitude that has you convinced that your eternity is coming to an end.

you got that backwards....... revelations is not in science! Nor is daniel; that END is what religious folks lean on ALL DAY (today is sunday) LONG!

they impose the fear of dying forever, if you don't BELIEVE them.........

funniest thing there is, when SCIENCE and the MEDICAL fields are what SAVES more lives than beliefs EVER did.

ascribing eternal values to temporary things remains absurd even if one does it through the instruments of theism.

here is more of that 'abuse'

I will spend eternity with Jesus Christ/God because I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. This is what the Bible teaches and I believe it.

hello sandy..... great sense of humor

The Bible says we will worship Jesus when we're there. I don't think we get any plans or say-so in it (which is fine with me). To me, nothing in this life beats worshipping Him. Absolutely nothing.

ever read what Jesus (was thought to have) said versus the bible?

Mark 10:17

And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

couple items to see; you find them

Hint: no homage is of injil! (follow the rules, be responsible) then read John 14:15-17......

and if you getting confused read Matt 16:20.....

if you want to know the sourse; Dan 7:8

this aint a practice run!

As with LG, you sound pretty confident although you seem a bit more concerned about some other agenda, could that be qualifying for entry?

I have already been Qualified by believing in the One who Qualifies me. Jesus.

So the "agenda" as you call it. Is not about me being with God in eternity, that’s a done deal. It is about others joining God and me in eternity. At this moment they are more important by far.

If I end up in Heaven with you after I croak then I would be surprised only because that is the most logical answer. If I am destined for oblivion then what can I say...... I'm not surprised. Don't think so

Well only if you exist past your death can you ever be surprised. If you cease to exist then you cannot be surprised, because you need to exist to be surprised :D

I don't know where U will be in eternity because your time alive has not ended yet.

There is an old saying. "Do not count your chickens before they hatch"

I don't know what you will face in life between now and the time of your death. Many things can happen to a person and sometimes people can be completely changed by events. I have not seen your blaspheme the Holy Spirit yet.. soooo.. You’re still alive and the game is still being played out.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Psychotic episode

"I like to do ___golf______"

Now imagnine doing three days of pure unadulterated continuous ____golf________ and imagine the repercussions on your health.

Ahh...I'd follow it up with three days with my lady friends. All things in their proper order.
if you don't have the opportunity to interrupt your golfing for a toilet break it certainly makes for a dreadful experience .... what to speak of your ambition for 24/7 casanova'ing.

In short, eternity through the medium of material existence is dreadful.
(hence samsara lends a bit of appeal to the location)

I'd like to get into some kind of routine for eternity, wouldn't you?
let's hope you have an identity that can offer something other than dread before you start the routine, eh?

The problem with serving god in material consciousness is that one is constantly besieged by interruptions

Keep're convincing yourself. An eternity of immaterial consciousness sounds like a lot of fun. Heaven for you, hell for me.
on the contrary, practically every advertisement you turn your head towards is geared up to bolster the faded appeal of eternal existence in a temporary medium.


Its just your (temporary) cynical atheist attitude that has you convinced that your eternity is coming to an end.

Then I have nothing to worry about. I have an eternity to get on track. Suits me fine. I'm a procrastinator by habit so I can always get up the next day and say I'll do it tomorrow. Heaven for me, hell for you.
I guess even goats can pass the time having sex while they are in a slaughterhouse queue
