hot chocolate

Originally posted by Mucker
Easy there Flores, it's only a discussion! Some people get so touchy. I agree with you but I have to say the birth of Jesus was a miracle, and if we aren't to look to him for inspiration who should we look to?
M*W: Every birth is a miracle. Every woman is a goddess that gives life to other human beings.

A woman's breasts are for nourishing their infants. When grown men return to the breast, it may seem to be in a sexual way, but they are subconsciously trying to return to their mother's breast for the nurturing they longed for from childhood.
If breasts weren't there to be used God wouldn't have made them.
M*W: Why, then, did God give men nipples that cannot nourish an infant and reproductive organs that can only impregnant but not give birth? What a waste of humanity!
* Does anyone know a word that describes waves in a sea. I'm sure there's one but I can't think of it, and to-ing and fro-ing doesn't sound correct.
M*W: Are you referring to the ebb and flow of the tides? The positive and negative magnetic forces of our planet also affects the positive and negative energy in our bodies, after all, we're made up of, what is it, about 90% water content? The ebb and flow of the water in our bodies is affected just like the ebb and flow of the tides. This is most prominently noticed on the New Moon and the Full Moon. The New Moon energizes with the magnetic pull of the Earth as if the water content of our bodies is being lifted like the ebb of the tide. The Full Moon has the opposite effect. The Full Moon tires the body with the push of the magnetic field of the Earth that affects our body like the flow of the tide. Time seems to pass faster on a New Moon just as it seems to pass slower on a Full Moon. The affect of the New Moon feels as if we are "lighter" with more energy, and the affects of the Full Moon feels as if we are "heavier" and more sluggish.

A woman's body more sensitively responds to the phases of the moon (i.e. pregnancy is more accurately timed on the Lunar Calendar not the Christian Calendar). A woman's reproductive cycle corresponds to the Lunar Calendar. Why does man not experience this natural cyclic phenomena? Even man's reproductive features don't correspond to the natural ebb and flow of the tide or the Moon. Men don't experience any appreciable cyclic phenomena except when they reach the climacteric in late mid-life. Late mid-life is occurring earlier these days. The cyclic universe seems to be speeding up evolution. What it boils down to is what IS the purpose of men? Now we can artifically inseminate, so the sexual act isn't needed. Where does that leave man on the evolutionary scale? "Use it or lose it." I see evolution going in the direction of men's reproductive organs starting to shrink into nothingness as the human race becomes an androgynous people. There will never be a need for a sex change because there will be only one gender. Possibly the reason this has become more prevalent is our genes are programming us to become more androgynous naturally. I don't know, but I have a vision about this.

As we evolve toward the more perfect human being, we will lose our need for false man-made religions as we gradually become awakened to the fact that the human race is God on Earth, and we will learn to worship the God who is us.
Don't forget, Satan was God's right hand man, the most glorious angel that existed. The so-called conflict between them is a complete farce. God needs Satan the way light needs dark to exist, it's a way God can play hide-and-seek with himself. Besides, there is a way out of hell, down in the lowermost pit where Satan lies frozen solid, you can crawl down his back, and out a small passageway. Your welcome.
Originally posted by Mucker
Easy there Flores, it's only a discussion! Some people get so touchy. I agree with you but I have to say the birth of Jesus was a miracle,

Jesus was no more a miracle than Adam and Eve were.....Adam was born without a father or mother....Eve was born only of a father, and Jesus was born from just a mother....I fail to see your point in worshipping Jesus due to his miraculous birth.....Hey, I hear that dolphins are the only fish mammel that give birth, wanna worship a dolphin instead of Jesus?

Originally posted by Mucker
and if we aren't to look to him for inspiration who should we look to?

Ever heard of the saying "Don't walk in people's shadow". Look to yourself for inspiration, if your are not self motivated, then you are a sheep waiting to be herded. Afterall, your creator will judge your own neck. Jesus won't be put in trial for you. lathough, I'm sure you love him so much in that demented selfish way that you wish Jesus be put in trial in your place......
Originally posted by spidergoat
Don't forget, Satan was God's right hand man, the most glorious angel that existed. The so-called conflict between them is a complete farce. God needs Satan the way light needs dark to exist, it's a way God can play hide-and-seek with himself. Besides, there is a way out of hell, down in the lowermost pit where Satan lies frozen solid, you can crawl down his back, and out a small passageway. Your welcome.
M*W: I liked your analogy, and I wanted to add that if Satan is God's right hand man, to me that means Satan is man's right hand man. So Satan, then, would be the king of the world? But if Satan doesn't exist (and I do agree with you), then the human race would be Satan. Strangely, we are all descendants of Seth/Set/Seti, the Egyptian god of the underworld. Now, my next question, who are the descendants of Qayin/Cain?
to me that means Satan is man's right hand man. So Satan, then, would be the king of the world?

More precisely, the satan/god thing is man's eternal companion, reflecting the polar aspect and therefore essential unity of reality. They can be seen, outside of christian theology, of course, as two complementary forces. One symbolizing eternal order, perfection and death, (God) the other symbolizing rebellion, novelty, chaos, and life (Satan). The egyptians had a similar mythology, that of Set/Horus.

I recommend Alan Watt's book The Two Hands of God; Myths of Polarity, Collier Macmilan, New York, 1963.

A dominant characteristic of the religious psychedelic experience is what Alan Watts calls awareness of polarity. "This is the vivid realization that states, things, and events which we ordinarily call opposite are interdependent, like back and front or the poles of a magnet. By polar awareness one sees that things which are explicitly different are implicitly one: self and other, subject and object, left and right, male and female--and then, a little more surprisingly, solid and space, figure and background, pulse and interval, saints and sinners, and police and criminals, ingroups and outgroups."-Does It Matter?, published 1970, (pg.83.)
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Originally posted by spidergoat
Don't forget, Satan was God's right hand man, the most glorious angel that existed.The so-called conflict between them is a complete farce. God needs Satan the way light needs dark to exist, it's a way God can play hide-and-seek with himself.Besides, there is a way out of hell, down in the lowermost pit where Satan lies frozen solid, you can crawl down his back, and out a small passageway.Your welcome.
M*W: Satan can be anything you want him to be, maybe even God himself. But Satan was written to be the shadow side of God, to make God even greater in appearances. But only God gives birth. Satan cannot procreate.
A woman's body more sensitively responds to the phases of the moon (i.e. pregnancy is more accurately timed on the Lunar Calendar not the Christian Calendar). A woman's reproductive cycle corresponds to the Lunar Calendar. Why does man not experience this natural cyclic phenomena? Even man's reproductive features don't correspond to the natural ebb and flow of the tide or the Moon. Men don't experience any appreciable cyclic phenomena except when they reach the climacteric in late mid-life. Late mid-life is occurring earlier these days. The cyclic universe seems to be speeding up evolution. What it boils down to is what IS the purpose of men? Now we can artifically inseminate, so the sexual act isn't needed. Where does that leave man on the evolutionary scale? "Use it or lose it." I see evolution going in the direction of men's reproductive organs starting to shrink into nothingness as the human race becomes an androgynous people. There will never be a need for a sex change because there will be only one gender. Possibly the reason this has become more prevalent is our genes are programming us to become more androgynous naturally. I don't know, but I have a vision about this.

This is an intersting take on the evolution of Male Sex organs, however is is fundmentaly incorrect because in order for change to occour the trate must be activily persued. In the case or smaller equipment, wemon aren't activily seaking smaller men, infact with society generaly moving to a phase where wemon are haveing more sex partners, they are activily pursuing larger men. The Use it or Lose it idea sounds logical to us, but you are forgetting the case of vestigial organs.

For OTS:

i also hate it when people say,"oh, i was a christian, but it just didn't wasn't my thing." LIAR! no, you weren't.

yoyu are completly wrong. When I was in 6th grade I was a hard core christian, i read my bible everyday, I prayed everyday because I wnated to, and I genualy loved God. People in my church would come and talk to me because they would see the light of god in me. I Had adults comming to me with their problem regarding morals. I witnessed to many people lead countless people to christ, my church was growing tremendously, largly because he people i witneesed to ould bring their families.

However I forced myself to question my religon, and I started activily seaking arguiments against my religion. This lead me to Sciforums about 2 years ago. And with long conversations with Cris I decided that my religion was bull shit almost over night.

So I was a Christian, then I realised it was wrong.
Originally posted by Ender
This is an intersting take on the evolution of Male Sex organs, however is is fundmentaly incorrect because in order for change to occour the trate must be activily persued.
M*W: Of course, women prefer better equipment, but better equipment doesn't necessarily come with better genetic material which is unfortunate.
In the case or smaller equipment, wemon aren't activily seaking smaller men, infact with society generaly moving to a phase where wemon are haveing more sex partners, they are activily pursuing larger men.
M*W: Yes, of course, this is the idea, but women don't truly prefer more men, just one that is satisfying. I tend to believe that there really aren't that many men who are considered "large."
The Use it or Lose it idea sounds logical to us, but you are forgetting the case of vestigial organs.
M*W: Large really doesn't matter if Small knows how to use it. That's the problem. If Small would just learn some techniques, that would be great. Large is not all that satisfying when you think about it. Large can only do one thing that is good, and that is penetrate. Small has a bigger playing field. Small can be creative where Large is limited to penetration. I'm not dissing Large, mind you, Large has his place but he must use it precisely. Small has a bigger playing field. Small usually wins out over Large. Small tries harder. Large must have the personality to go along with his assets, and the finances. Otherwise, Large is just Large with no attributes.
For OTS:
yoyu are completly wrong. When I was in 6th grade I was a hard core christian, i read my bible everyday, I prayed everyday because I wnated to, and I genualy loved God. People in my church would come and talk to me because they would see the light of god in me. I Had adults comming to me with their problem regarding morals. I witnessed to many people lead countless people to christ, my church was growing tremendously, largly because he people i witneesed to ould bring their families.

However I forced myself to question my religon, and I started activily seaking arguiments against my religion. This lead me to Sciforums about 2 years ago. And with long conversations with Cris I decided that my religion was bull shit almost over night.

So I was a Christian, then I realised it was wrong.
M*W: Yes, Christianity is wrong. It offers no hope. I'm glad you see that. Christianity is the biggest lie ever told. God doesn't deserve that kind of ridicule.