hot chocolate

Oh My... Where do I even begin here...

It is obvious that you are still a young child and have not really lived in the real world and I will try my best to be polite. I have just visited the site you posted up and frankly I feel sad. I seriously do not even know where to begin with this. I read through the advertised topics on that site and ... YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING??

The part about the dinosaurs had me near tears. So you rather discount what is proven fact that dinosaurs existed millions of years ago? Does your brand of Christianity think they were over-fed pets or fire breathing dragons that exist in mythology?

And the part about the neanderthals and the process of evolution I'm not even going to touch here. I'd be typing all night. Oh man... I think I'm going to cry. So to believe that site, all man and women were descendants of Adam and Eve and in the space of 6,000 years, the population has grown from 2 to approximately 6 billion? If we were to follow the bible and what was said in that site, Adam and Eve and their offspring would have been having sex with their children and sibblings. That web site you've given the link to has so many contradictions within itself that it really does make me want to cry.

The neanderthal part alone is filled with contradictions. In its trying to prove that neanderthal man was human (oh dear lord help me here), it used articles that stated that neanderthal man could have existed 25,000 years ago, but that neanderthal man was actually a homo sapien with bad bones and posture... arrrggghhhh!!! But but but.. it claimed just above that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Overthestars, I have one piece of advice for you... from an adult to a child... go and spend some time in a library and museum. Leave the bible at home and go to a museum. You'd be amazed.

And as for the "Why the black man is black" article on that site... oh my.. that one made me sob. And the homosexuality article.. well... nevermind. I'd really start to become impolite if I argued that one. But I must say this... what kind of so called Christian can expound such hate and discrimination. That site would have to have been the biggest load of tripe I've ever been unfortunate enough to see in my whole life. I have always said that one needs to respect others for their religious beliefs, but that site has made me see red.

And now onto you Over....

think about the book of leviticus. he gives us rules as stupid as not to have sex with animals. ok, yea, having sex with animals is pretty stupid, anyone can follow that rule. but he also said to KILL the person and animal that were having sex. that's harsh. so over the years people did it anyway. he said to kill the people because he animals gave the people diseases! and the person can spread them to other people! i still think that killing the person is still too much, just cut off (or cut out) their sex organs. but then you can still carry the disease in your saliva. he gave us these rules to protect us.

You think that people with communicable diseases caught them from having sex with animals? By your argument, I'm guessing that you mean AIDS and that people with AIDS should therefore be killed as they can spread them to the community... but you dear child saw that as being too harsh, so their genitals should be removed? By your reckoning, people with the flu should be killed or castrated. What about people who have cold sores, a type of herpes. Should they too be killed or castrated? Not very Christian of you now is it? I wouldn't consider castration or murder to be a Christian thing to do. But then I'm not a religious zealot, so I wouldn't think as you do.

You are but a child Over, and obviously very young and very close minded. As for your wanting to be married and not have a boyfriend/girlfriend, well that is your choice and I have a feeling that once you've grown up a bit you may change that view. Otherwise I can picture you being married out of high school and the rest of it. You are obviously not a widely read individual, and by widely I mean books other than the Bible or sites such as the one you posted above. That's why I advise you to go to the library and not to the Christian books section, but to the science section and sociology section for example, and visit some museums, you'd find that all is not as you think. Oh man, when I think that children are our future and then I read what you said... it scares me... really does.


OTS, how old are you? female or male?

Bells that was couragious, that you even looked at the site beyond the intro. LOL.

I think I've seen it before, never thought someone would actually use it as a reference here.

OTS, by your writing, I will make the analogy that you are aproximately 10 yrs old or younger. Sorry if I insulted you and you are much older than this. However it does not seem like it. A teen would most defenetly want to experiment with other sex, or similar whatever, a teens nature and raging hormones would have him/her going bananas if they decide to go against nature, and explore sex and relations with opposite sex, or whatever.

You don't like catholism however it has the same root as your christian religion, you most misunderstand what conffessions are all about, it is not to be forgiven by the preacher, it is so he can assign a petinence for your sins, mostly prayers, two hail mary's what have you. bla,bla.. I forgot it's been long time.

As I understand it, when people say I'm a christian but not a jesus freak. It means to me that they are not zealous, upon the religious ideology, and it is a good thing, otherwise we would have christian extremist hounding everyone else all over the place. Like the ones you see in front of abortion clinics, porn shops, etc..

My apolegies however most of your post was just childish ranting, so I'll get to the point quickly why I decided to answer your post.

You need an education, coming here could have been the best thing you have done, wether you are going to be a Christian or what ever in your future is totally upon your decission, however you need to be able to comprehend other opinions and evaluate other resources of information other than the bible. Or otherwise in sites like this, you will be made fun off, rediculed, by many sides not just atheists, but also Catholics, Muslins, etc..

So learn. here is a good start:

Well I think this should keep you busy for awhile..

Re: OK!!!

Originally posted by Godless
Bells that was couragious, that you even looked at the site beyond the intro. LOL.

I think I've seen it before, never thought someone would actually use it as a reference here.

Was painful... really painful. It was like when you drive past a horrid car accident and you don't want to look but can't help yourself and stare at the wreckage:(... And I must admit that I too am surprised that someone used that link in here.

the parent will know that the child is going to disobey them sometime anyway, that just by telling them something is wrong isn't going to work most of the time. a loving parent will always love you and forgive you.


For every one that curseth his father or mother shall surely be put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

(yeah, very forgiving)
Ok, son, how about his riddle:

There were Adam and Eve, and they had three sons right? Cain, Abel, and Seth. But:

Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she concieved, and bare Enoch:...

This is the first mention of Cain's wife in the bible, where did she come from?
adam lived 900+ years, and his sons and wife also lived around 900 some years. adam and eve had other children, and there was most likely inbreeding going on between them. the problems we get from inbreeding today didn't exist then.
cursed his mother and father how?

after christ came, he changed the rules with killing people for almost every sin, instead he just said forgive them, i forgot where, but somewhere in the new testament it talked about this woman accused of adultery, and they were about to stone her to death, but christ told them, "he who is without sin may throw the first stone." or something like that.

Did you even look at those site I sent you?. Havent learned anything yet, not even how to quote your own bible?

The bable is full of contradictions it is not a good source of realiable knowledge, or wisdom if taken literally. Take it from a priest who studied the bible, then realized what a farce the bible really was.

adam lived 900+ years

You don't seriously believe that do you? Anyway, this means we are all the product of incest, a fact that should be easy to check by genetic testing.

after christ came, he changed the rules with killing people for almost every sin

So, we should only obey the New Testament? What about all those beliefs that christians love to endorse- like gay people are an abomination- that's all from the Old Testament.
Originally posted by OverTheStars
adam lived 900+ years, and his sons and wife also lived around 900 some years. adam and eve had other children, and there was most likely inbreeding going on between them. the problems we get from inbreeding today didn't exist then.
LMFAO!! You can't be serious. OTS, you actually believe that Adam lived for 900+ years along with his family? Oh my this is too precious. If it was just Adam and family (maybe this is where they got the idea for "The Adams Family"), then there would have been inbreeding and such inbreeding would have continued to today. You should ask your mummy and daddy if they're kin folk. After all, if we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, then we're all inbreds. A planet of 6 billion inbreds. ROFLMAO!! Hey OTS, if you do get married, and by the sounds of what you said in your first post, that you don't plan on ever having a b/f or g/f, that marriage may be arranged by your parents.... just make sure it's not your brother that you're marrying. After all, if you're such a believer of the Adam and Eve story, you could follow your idols or even the bible. After all, you'd want to keep it all in the family.

Originally posted by Spidergoat
So, we should only obey the New Testament? What about all those beliefs that christians love to endorse- like gay people are an abomination- that's all from the Old Testament.
In his/her first post he/she said that people with communicable diseases should not be killed but castrated... because killing them is apparently "still too much", so OTS suggest that people with communicable diseases should be castrated. So God knows what OTS would say about people who are homosexuals. If you read that site he/she posted up, the one that smells nice (OTS seems to have a scratch and sniff computer screen), they say that homosexuals are evil and that God said they should be put to death. I stopped reading after that as I felt severe nausea coming on. The hypocrisy of such christian thoughts never cease to astound me. Love thy neighbour but kill thy neighbour if he or she is gay.

OTS, I really should show some pity, but I don't pity stupidity or even ignorance.

I'm disappointed.

I was sure that "hot chocolate" on the "religion" forum referred to the priest who levitates after drinking hot chocolate in Gabriel García Márquez's novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude."
Hey!!Fraggle Rocker

That is a good book!!.

I've read that one long ago, mom read it in spanish. This should be a good book for OTS to read, perhaps he might enjoy some classic literature. Othen than the bible!.

Another member of the herded bible belt!


Originally posted by OverTheStars
i just want to give people here my little perspective on things. i'm not some kind of pastor,

It's obvious that you are actively being brain washed by one......It could also be your father that is inflicting such horror and misinformation to you.

Originally posted by OverTheStars
i still haven't finished high school, so please, work with me. a child can change an adult's view on something by saying something inpirational, or even by correcting them.

pop your big floatation device in your head before you get yourself stuck in some cloud at an altitude that you can't handle....What the hell makes you think that you can inspire nor correct sometone???? Start with the self, you idiot, for a start, finish highschool, go to college, get a job, help the society with something other than selling obselete words that you stole from a corrupt bible...

Originally posted by OverTheStars
i hate it when i hear someone say,"i'm a christian, but i'm not a jesus freak." it is EXACTLY like saying,"i love my husband, i'm just not devoted to him."

No it's just like saying, I love my husband, but I'm not his freak show...It's like saying, I love my husband, but I don't worship him like a god.....Stop worshipping a man and worship the god that created Jesus and you and everyone and everything else.

Originally posted by OverTheStars
or "i'm in a relationship, i'm just not devoted or faithful to him/her."

That makes every christian a cheater, because they are all in a relatioship, yet their devotion is to Jesus and not the spouse.....Sounds stupid...right???? because your example and understanding of love and relationships are stupid and baseless....You wouldn't know what love is, if it hit you in the face. You confuse selfish possessions and arrogance with the pure word love....

Originally posted by OverTheStars
i also hate it when people say,"oh, i was a christian, but it just didn't wasn't my thing." LIAR! no, you weren't.

How do you know?????Speak of yourself...You or your parents were also once devout catholics and now you call it non christian....You are hypocrite.

Originally posted by OverTheStars
being a christian is all about having a personal relationship with christ.

No, It's all about abusing christ and using him as a scapegoat for your sins....You don't love christ....If you did,. you would die for him, not place him on a cross to die for you..... You're in love with the idea that someone is sacrificed for you.....What type of demented love is that....Do you think that a mother that loves her child would place him in a cross and believe that the baby died to save her, or would the mother sacrifice herself for the one she loves....Again, you don't know how to love....You are a user and christ will let you know all about it in a day when christ will tell you, I want nothing to do with you, because you didn't follow my father.

Originally posted by OverTheStars
just because your parents took you to church when you were a kid does NOT make you a christian.

Absolutely, you went to church as well, and you are no way near being a christians....You like to call yourself one though.

Originally posted by OverTheStars
being in a strict christian family does not make you christian. most of you already knew that, i hope alot of you who read this already knew that.

It makes you a sheep just like you turned out to be a fine goat....great for herding.

If I make you angry an ounce, then you make me SAD by the ton.
Good post over the stars, but I wish you'd use capital letters at the beginning of every sentence! Anyway I thought it was all quite impressive, except one little bit. :mad:

I agree with you on almost everything you wrote! I dislike Catholicism and for the same fundamental reasons that you wrote. I do not beleive one needs another human being to spiritually 'contact God' (if you want to look at it like that). God is surely there for each and every one of us, individually. And perhaps it is naive and slightly arrogant for any of us to think we know Jesus, considering his life, however if you are writing about following in Jesus' footsteps then that's a different matter. :)

Anyway I was impressed with your post. :)

Easy there Flores, it's only a discussion! Some people get so touchy.
Stop worshipping a man and worship the god that created Jesus and you and everyone and everything else.
I agree with you but I have to say the birth of Jesus was a miracle, and if we aren't to look to him for inspiration who should we look to?

OverTheStars from following your link I found this:
Satan, the master of evil, weaves a spider's web with each strand methodically connected for the overall success of wickedness. The Satanic effort to discredit God's Word which is the only source of truth and goodness is incessent. He is the diabolic master of weaving the network of evil. What appear to be unrelated benign strands turns out to be weapons of orchestrated catastrophic destruction. Case in point is the subject of breast feeding.
and personally I think it is crap! If breasts weren't there to be used God wouldn't have made them. Perhaps I am alone here, but I find in my Christian beliefs God made the world as he wanted it to be (conflicted sociality excluded). What kind of man or race thinks it can better what a creator has designed and brought into fuition?? So the breasts' use is/are for feeding children!

When in doubt just think 'what's the use?'! This has always helped me when looking for (a) purpose(s) in life.

The web being written about above seems to me to be a description of a social web which has no solid foundation, and where one person can actually personify another without any care for their own person ality. This social web would have no solid foundation, and facts, but it would be based on changing ideas and moving (for the lack of a better word*) truths.

* Does anyone know a word that describes waves in a sea. I'm sure there's one but I can't think of it, and to-ing and fro-ing doesn't sound correct.
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Originally posted by Mucker
Easy there Flores, it's only a discussion! Some people get so touchy.

Why shouldn't people get touchy? Did you visit that site OTS posted up? I still can't believe that one. It's appalling. It even went so far to say that women who don't breastfeed have been influenced by the devil. WTF? My mum's going to love that one. She was unable to breastfeed me as a baby so according to that site, she was touched by Satan. What a load of bull!!

And I swear to god, if I were someone who was unsure about my beliefs and was leaning towards Christianity and I was unfortunate enough to read OTS's post and read the pathetic crap on that site he/she posted in here, I'd be steering myself way away... becoming an atheist would seem like a good alternative after that. That site was insulting to anyone with half a brain and so was that post. I mean talking about castration if you have a communicable disease?? :mad: and he/she dares call themselves a Christian??? That's an insult to Christians out there. OTS said that Catholics are bad because you have to confess your sins to a priest and that no one should step in between you and God. Yet OTS had no qualms about passing judgement on people who have a communicable disease, and even going so far as to suggest a punishment of castration. Who the hell made OTS God to pass such a judgement. And OTS, you obviously have no idea about the notion of confession in regards to catholicism. I suggest you read up a bit on it before you pass judgement.

I don't think she meant that as you are making it out to be Bells! I think you have misunderstood. :( (I hate arguments)
Mucker, I suggest you re-read OTS's original message under this thread. Read it carefully and then look at that site she posted up. I think the way I'm seeing it is the way I'm seeing it. I don't think I read this incorrectly....

Originally posted by OverTheStars
god (and people today) are almost the same exact way. god loved you before you were born, and he gives you rules to protect you. and alot of people today think that he gave us rules so he can have power over us and watch us suffer. yeah, his rules are pretty harsh. and they might not make sense. think about the book of leviticus. he gives us rules as stupid as not to have sex with animals. ok, yea, having sex with animals is pretty stupid, anyone can follow that rule. but he also said to KILL the person and animal that were having sex. that's harsh. so over the years people did it anyway. he said to kill the people because he animals gave the people diseases! and the person can spread them to other people! i still think that killing the person is still too much, just cut off (or cut out) their sex organs. but then you can still carry the disease in your saliva.

And as for the rest of it and that site, I refuse to ever go back in that site again. I found it insulting and frankly disturbing.
