
Now take for example jesus christ he has many similarities with the egyptian god horus
No, they don't. Horus is a solar and kingship deity, the offspring of two gods. None of that matches even close to what Christians claim regarding Jesus of Nazareth.

so it could mean that they were one and the same man/man-god what have you.
Not really. At all.

i for one think it is plausible that there was one religion at some point and all of the present day religions stem form that.
On a much smaller scale than what you're thinking, kinda. And only if you really stretch the definition of "religion".
No, they don't. Horus is a solar and kingship deity, the offspring of two gods. None of that matches even close to what Christians claim regarding Jesus of Nazareth.
Typical Christian petty defensiveness on anything calling out their religion.
Let me hash out the similiarties since you seem so oblvious to them:
To cite some examples, both were: born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, executed...by crucifixion, rose three days later, born on dec 25th.
So what part of those seem to elude your acute perception that you yet continue to deny this Baghdad Bob style?

Not really. At all.
I'll give you that. They weren't the same, but Christians did copy his information. Deny it all you want, it doesn't make it any less true.

On a much smaller scale than what you're thinking, kinda. And only if you really stretch the definition of "religion".
Get off your high horse. Christianity is no less a religion than any of the other belief systems. For you to think so and to think that Christianity is any more believable than any other religion.
So...because I'm explaining the historical information regarding those religions, it makes me a Christian? O__o
Huh. That's new.

Furthermore, Horus wasn't virgin-born, nor was he crucified. Horus was and is the son of Isis and Osiris, and was never killed, in any variation of Egyptian mythology; his father was slain by Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and war, but not by crucifixion. Osiris was hacked to pieces and his body parts sent to all corners of Egypt. A lot of the "information" on that (blatantly and heavily biased) site is way off, btw.
So...because I'm explaining the historical information regarding those religions, it makes me a Christian? O__o
Huh. That's new.

Furthermore, Horus wasn't virgin-born, nor was he crucified. Horus was and is the son of Isis and Osiris, and was never killed, in any variation of Egyptian mythology; his father was slain by Set, the Egyptian god of chaos and war, but not by crucifixion. Osiris was hacked to pieces and his body parts sent to all corners of Egypt. A lot of the "information" on that (blatantly and heavily biased) site is way off, btw.
:shrug: I've already cited my sources of proof, you didn't. So far the evidence is not in your favor. So put up or shut up.

Next thing your gunna tell me is that the Zeitgeist movie used special effects and camera tricks and such?
Mike what are you talking about? Zeitgeist did use special effects and created its own script.

i was watching another similar movie about the federal reserve and how it was created from nothing and this has made up value or whatever. the only thing i kept thinking to myself was 'no shit'. as if gold comes out of the ground with automatic value to it. could have been anything to replace gold, could have been lizard turds, sea shells or flowers. so what is the difference?
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Zeitgeist movie

Oh. You're one of those nutters.
Zeitgeist is a crock of shit. It has been proven to be crap time and time again. If you are going to rag on Christianity, do so based on actual historical information. Do not make random shit up and ignore contradicting details just because it doesn't fit your worldview; it spits on the very study of history.