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Lately i have been doing some research about my religion (faith if you will) and have come to believe that ALL religions stem from one and the same origin. I am not trying to be anti-semitic or reprsent the anti-christ.... whatsoever but the proof is kind of overwhelming. Please note that english is no my native tongue so if you see an error than try to overlook it. Now take for example jesus christ he has many similarities with the egyptian god horus... so it could mean that they were one and the same man/man-god what have you. I am not trying to say that hesus christ did not exist but maybe he existed in another timeframe who knows. Now i dont want religious fanatics start up a discussion about you blasphemer you are saying that jesus does not exist...or scifi-ists saying you lunatic how could you possibly exclaim that jesus exists... i am just wondering if i am the only one who thinks this is a possibility.... also buddha and the hinduist gods show these same similarities... i for one think it is plausible that there was one religion at some point and all of the present day religions stem form that. If that were true then that means that we actually all believe in the same thing..... what are your thoughts about this.... and please dont let this turn into a heated discussion where people just rant about something.... i really only want to discuss this with openminded people.

oh fyi i am no scholar i will provide no proof whatsoever because i am not saying this is true i am merely asking a question (oh and go easy on me i have just entered college so i do not have the extensive research or researchquality as some of you do)
i also dont wish to offend people by saying these kind of thing but i am a bit confused as of late regarding my religion
Well the Hindu religion was the very first myth that was ever created. It showed that many types of Gods and Godeses were in control over humans so I guess they wanted to make it simpler with only one to remember.
Lately i have been doing some research about my religion (faith if you will) and have come to believe that ALL religions stem from one and the same origin.
M*W: Welcome to Sciforums. I understand your research and also believe all religion stems from one focal point. That focal point, I believe, is the night sky and the anthropomorphizing of the constellations. What that means is that the ancient nomads traveled by night and slept during the day. The night skies not only helped them in the directions of their wandering, they imagined the shapes of the stars, planets and constellations, to form beings which they named and created stories about. I believe they did this for their entertainment. When their stories were later written down as myth by the scribes, more modern people believed these stories to be true, wise and salvific (required to be saved by their god).
"...take for example jesus christ he has many similarities with the egyptian god horus... so it could mean that they were one and the same."
M*W: I have read about the gods of Egypt--Isis, Horus and Osiris among others. Many people around the world believe when they see a madonna and child, they believe it is the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. This is not so. It is Isis and her infant Horus. In fact, christianity was taken almost entirely from Egyptian religion and myth. Christians don't believe this, of course. Even Catholics today have many symbols of the ancient Egyptian religions stemming from sun worship. I believe all religions today stem from the beings the ancients identified in the skies. I also believe that all religions today stem from sun and/or moon worship. The study of this is called "astro-theology." I study astro-theology and comment on it in this forum.
i am just wondering if i am the only one who thinks this is a possibility.... also buddha and the hinduist gods show these same similarities... i for one think it is plausible that there was one religion at some point and all of the present day religions stem form that. If that were true then that means that we actually all believe in the same thing.....
M*W: I understand your beliefs, and it is refreshing to have you on the forum. Again, welcome! I hope we can have many discussions about this topic. I would like to recommend to you the following books:

Darlison, Bill: The Gospel & the Zodiac: The Secret Truth About Jesus, Duckworth Overlook, Woodstock, NY, 2007.

James, E.O.: The Ancient Gods, Weinfield & Nicolson, London, England, 1960.

Osman, Ahmed: Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT, 2004.

Osman, A.: Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT, 2005.

Acharya, S.: The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL, 1999.

Acharya, S.: Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL 2004.
I wonder what the beliefs were of the people on Easter Island? Could it be that people are genetically programed to create myths? Most of our world is artificially created in our minds anyway.
I wonder what the beliefs were of the people on Easter Island? Could it be that people are genetically programed to create myths? Most of our world is artificially created in our minds anyway.

The most important myths are:

Tangata manu, the Birdman cult which was practiced until the 1860s.

Makemake, an important god.

Aku-aku, the guardians of the sacred family caves.

Moai-kava-kava a ghost man of the Hanau epe (long-ears.)

Hekai ite umu pare haonga takapu Hanau epe kai noruego, the sacred chant

to appease the aku-aku before entering a family cave.

I wonder what the beliefs were of the people on Easter Island? Could it be that people are genetically programed to create myths? Most of our world is artificially created in our minds anyway.
M*W: I believe humans created myths for entertainment purposes only. I see the stars, constellations and planets as ancient video games.
M*W: I believe humans created myths for entertainment purposes only. I see the stars, constellations and planets as ancient video games.

Or to convey a point, morals and values. Kinda like Jesus did with his stories.
M*W: I believe humans created myths for entertainment purposes only. I see the stars, constellations and planets as ancient video games.

The first sentence is obvious and common knowledge until you added the word only, the second is incredibly simplistic.
Well the Hindu religion was the very first myth that was ever created. It showed that many types of Gods and Godeses were in control over humans so I guess they wanted to make it simpler with only one to remember.

How many natural forces affect humans but not affected or controlled by humans?
The most important myths are:
Tangata manu, the Birdman cult which was practiced until the 1860s.
Makemake, an important god.
Aku-aku, the guardians of the sacred family caves.
Moai-kava-kava a ghost man of the Hanau epe (long-ears.)
Hekai ite umu pare haonga takapu Hanau epe kai noruego, the sacred chant
to appease the aku-aku before entering a family cave.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Island
When humanities predecessor first stood up in awe of the sun.
Is when religion began, the fact that groups of individuals moved around the globe populating this island and that is irrelevant, they didn't suddenly become religious, they had a Chinese whispers version already instilled in them from there ancestors, hence why they are so much alike. They hadn't the knowledge to explain why the sun was a life giver and why the sky spat lightning, or why the ground rumbled and spat fire. Religion is not something we are predisposed too, we've just been indoctrinated for so long it's become normal(sadly). Tis all.
Hopefully one day we'll put aside childish things.
And what does that have to do with making up a myth about Gods and Goddess's? The Native Americans didn't have any religions.
Yes they did.

While the Iroquois belief system centered around the idea of a benevolent Great Spirit, it did not ignore the existence of evil in the world. Evil is represented by the brother of the Great Spirit, "Ha-ne-go-ate-geh", or "the Evil-minded" (1954,147). This evil spirit exists independently and controls it's own inferior spiritual beings. These agents of evil also exist in the material world and are place there in an attempt to bring about evil.
Well the Hindu religion was the very first myth that was ever created. It showed that many types of Gods and Godeses were in control over humans so I guess they wanted to make it simpler with only one to remember.
... That we know of.
Please try to allow for human ignorance.

God knows I do.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
WHAT makes you think Jesus conveyed points, morals & values with his tales??? ”

He often used parables to convey a point. Whether you see him as an actual person or as a fictional person doesn't matter.

He privately told his disciples that he used parables so most people wouldn't understand.