horrifying lucid dream

i think this definitly is it.. lol Little is known about the physiology of awareness during sleep paralysis. However, some have suggested that it may be linked to post-synaptic inhibition of motor neurons in the pons region of the brain. In particular, low levels of melatonin may stop the depolarisation current in the nerves, which prevents the stimulation of the muscles.

There is also a significant positive correlation between those experiencing this disorder frequently and those suffering from narcolepsy. However, various studies suggest that many or most people will experience sleep paralysis at least once or twice in their lives.

Some report that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:

Sleeping in a supine position
Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in
Increased stress
Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes
lucidnightmares said:
...lol *GULP* im catholic..

...Don't worry, an awful lot of people are... ;)

Does kind of account for why daemons and not little grey men though. And if you were Whitney Stryber, y'could make a mint selling the books regarding your abduction experiences...

Glad we could help put your mind at rest at anyrate, as experiences go that must be one of those ones that kind of rates up there with making one wonder if everything upstairs is bolted together tightly or not.

As you're no doubt well aware by now, thousands of people the world over experience the same thing - trick is to see it for what it is, which y'did.

I think that in 50, 100 years, these types of dreams will be associated with our earliest fears of rain, lightning and thunder. They will be explained, rationally, and forgotten about. We will be past such "ignorant" fears. I hope.
lucidnightmares said:
IM new here. IM glad i found this site. I had no idea was i was experiencing, of course i new i was dreaming, but the kind of dreaming i have no clue. The closes thing that describes the dream is lucid. I want to share this with you all to see if anyone can put some in sight on this for me. I went to bed as usual i remember i wasnt "asleep" long. i remeber laying there feeling totally paralized from FEAR! It felt as if someone ,in this case,some things was in my room with me.. i felt like i was surrounded by the devil and his demons. they were making hissing noises and whispering.. i assume this was the devil cause he said to me Im gonna take her to.. refering to my mom. I new i was dreaming. i cant describe it. I was trying to scream for my husband and nothing would come out.. i wasnt dreaming about being scared i was MORTIFIED! i actually could feel the fear inside me. when i finally came to i was shaking and i layed there trying to figure out if it was real. Im not a freak or a devil worshipper or anything like that..This dream happened december 2004, shortly after the death of my brothers..one died in november from pancreatic cancer, (he was in jail) the other who thought he could handle sucking the liquid out of a fentanyl patch :( ,died 3 days before xmas. my mom immediatly came to live me. she is poor health. she is all i have left om my immediatefamily. My dad passed in 98. I sorta think that dream was connected to my grieving.. any suggestions? :eek:

A lucid dream is a dream in which you know that you are dreaming and because of that you can shape your own dream. If you knew that you were dreaming why would you be afraid. If you didn't know then the dream wouldn't be lucid. So the next time you have a lucid dream, don't be afraid and confront the demons and change them in to something you like.

Man I wish I had such a dream even once. I've read quite a few books on lucid dreaming, tried everything, like listening to Laberge tapes when going to sleep, setting my alarm clock in the middle of the night (cause one can only remember dreams when one wakes while having one).
s0meguy said:
A lucid dream is a dream in which you know that you are dreaming and because of that you can shape your own dream. If you knew that you were dreaming why would you be afraid. If you didn't know then the dream wouldn't be lucid. So the next time you have a lucid dream, don't be afraid and confront the demons and change them in to something you like.

Man I wish I had such a dream even once. I've read quite a few books on lucid dreaming, tried everything, like listening to Laberge tapes when going to sleep, setting my alarm clock in the middle of the night (cause one can only remember dreams when one wakes while having one).
thats why i joined this forum to get some advice on what i was experiencing.. my dream was real, i didnt know what was going on. until i had the dream ,i didnt know what lucid dreaming was, so how could i control that one..? and as a matter of fact i dont want anymore like it.. ! geesh.. relax..
You had something called dream paralysis (dont know if you will read this now) but it is common, and you were not asleep, you were AWAKE and really paralised.

There is a mechanism that stops you acting out your dreams, it is what keeps you in bed, if you ever sleepwalk it means you are asleep but your body is awake.

In dream paralysis your brain is awake, but your body is asleep, it is common to hear strange noises such as buzzing and rushing due to nerves in the ear.
As you said it seemed like the devil was at your bed......maybe he was in our sleep we open our minds to many things their is alot of free thinking. The same thing happened to my Mum as she was around 15 till she was about 17 most nights. Later on in life she became a Christian and as they happened she would think to her self leave in the name of Jesus as she couldn't speak at the time as she did this the left her and did not come back. Demons and the Devil know what you're thinking so even in your mind asking them to leave works. This link may help you understand all this (as far fetched as this all sounds) http://dianedew.com/satan.htm and this is a story that may help tou realise they reality of the spiritual side of things http://dianedew.com/rape.htm.
Then there is the theory of REM sleep which I agree with but I believe Satan and his Demons use REM sleep to do these things, as REM sleep is a part of creation obviously.
That's if you believe in the existance of God.
You know, interestingly enough (to me anyways), i've suffered from Sleep Paralysis twice after taking a rather large amount of "E" (or MDMA). The first experience I dreamt two dreams. The first was that I was flying with a rush of air that flew over my desk and into my body (I sleep on the floor behind my desk), and I when I opened my eyes the "wind" was still blowing and I could hear it and feel it blow past my ears. My body was totally paralysed and I thought something was at the base of my matress trying looking at me. Scary at first, but VERY cool. The second dream was not so well apreciated, from what I can still remember, I dreamt of a dig site, much like a dig site for fossils and stuff. There were two levels, one big square pit, and a smaller one inside it opposite from where I was standing. Within the pit there was some kind of dark liquid (can't really say it was water), and when I focused on it I was suddenly overcome with so much fear that I woke up crying. Everytime I thought of that pit with the liquid I felt so much fear that i burst into tears whenever I told anyone about it. But that was over two days later, i'm a guy after all - I don't cry over silly things.
A year later (after another successful rave party) I had my second experience and was handled a little differently on my part, I woke up paralysed and staring at a figure next to my matress, but I really struggled to get up and kick whoever's ass was standing there because for some reason the figure pissed me off. When the paralysis cleared I realised that it was my shirt hanging over a chair. Heh.

Hi there, I have experienced something similar and I think I have an explaination for you. When I was in my early teens I had a couple experiences of sleep paralysis. Very scary stuff when you become "awake" and you cannot move your body. Years later I met a person who was able to have out of body experiences (OBE) and he showed me some meditation excecises and I started doing some research on the internet about OBE and Astral Projection. Soon I began having experiences, I would become conscious in the middle of the night, paralyzed, but now that I knew what this was I could calm myself. Waking paralysis is what many people are attempting to achieve!! If you can get to this point you are on your way to amazing experiences that will change your reality! As for the noises you heard those are textbook examples of common noises that projectors hear when attempting to exit your body. I have heard these and know just how scary they are! There are many theories on what these noises are. I would recommend researching OBE and Astral Projection. Here is a popular forum on the subject http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/
I can't say for sure, but it should go in time. The important thing to remember is that nothing can harm you in a dream, even a lucid one.
i just googled dreams and came across this site. i had a dream last night that left me paralyzed with fear. i was so scared. i was sleeping and saw a figure in the tv. it seemed like it was going in and out. ghostlike. i was trying to scream, but nothing came out. it seemed like it was going on and on. the fear i had was so overpowering. when i finally woke, it was like was put on mute and then all of a sudden i was turned on and the scream was so loud, that my bf was scared too, for me.

i was awake but afraid to lay with my back to the wall. i had to spoon and have my bf cuddle me, cause i was so afraid. my mouth was like cotton. so very dry, and i figured it was from screaming.

i have had this same dream about 5 years ago. the 'demon' was at the foot of my bed and no matter how much i tried, nothing came out of my mouth.i think i started saying the 'our father' over and over and then finally a scream came out.

at that time, as well as last night, i believe these dreams are because i have done some terrible things and it's my subconsious telling me i need to stop.

i hope i don't dream those nightmares again. i don't know how i fell back to sleep. i was afraid to move when i woke up.

Love it. tell it you wanna dance wit it. i am serious. when you have these freak out things entities they is you 'shadow'. the 'other'. for many phobics it may be actual dirt, or creep crawlies etc. and the underlying fear is of death itself. so i suggest you begin accepting yourself. trust your whole self. and dance with it. invite 'it' fr a dance of death...hehe
You just woke up during deep sleep. Your muscles are still "paralyzed" in this REM state and it is easy to get scared. No demons or shit in the room with you. No god. Just you and your body, and a wild imagination.