horrifying lucid dream


Registered Member
IM new here. IM glad i found this site. I had no idea was i was experiencing, of course i new i was dreaming, but the kind of dreaming i have no clue. The closes thing that describes the dream is lucid. I want to share this with you all to see if anyone can put some in sight on this for me. I went to bed as usual i remember i wasnt "asleep" long. i remeber laying there feeling totally paralized from FEAR! It felt as if someone ,in this case,some things was in my room with me.. i felt like i was surrounded by the devil and his demons. they were making hissing noises and whispering.. i assume this was the devil cause he said to me Im gonna take her to.. refering to my mom. I new i was dreaming. i cant describe it. I was trying to scream for my husband and nothing would come out.. i wasnt dreaming about being scared i was MORTIFIED! i actually could feel the fear inside me. when i finally came to i was shaking and i layed there trying to figure out if it was real. Im not a freak or a devil worshipper or anything like that..This dream happened december 2004, shortly after the death of my brothers..one died in november from pancreatic cancer, (he was in jail) the other who thought he could handle sucking the liquid out of a fentanyl patch :( ,died 3 days before xmas. my mom immediatly came to live me. she is poor health. she is all i have left om my immediatefamily. My dad passed in 98. I sorta think that dream was connected to my grieving.. any suggestions? :eek:
What you describe sounds exactly like a few "dreams" I had when I was a child. Lately, I have heard of a study that concluded that this is no more than waking up during REM sleep. During REM sleep, your muscles are actually frozen. When you wake up in this state (however it happens), you have the type of "lucid dream" that you talked of. Nothing really strange about it, according to this study. I can't remember where I heard about it. I think it was on a Discovery Channel program. They could be full of shit too, I don't know. I know it was very scary, though, as you can't move and for some reason you feel like someone or something is standing over you about to eat you or something. :)
I felt like i was gonna stop breathing any second. devils , demons? Good Lord.. why? Why would i dream of such evil that was directed to me. I still to this day can not shake it.it seemed so real .... i know it wasnt,its the fear i felt and real of it ... something out of stephen king.. i DO NOT want it to happen again! ive had a few lucid dreams before and none of them were good and this was by fffffffffaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr the worst..thanks for the info cotton..
At the time, I was sure it was a dark, malevolent spirit (like satan or a demon), but I think that was just a result of my belief, at the time, in god and satan.

I don't know what to say about keeping it from happening again. I have no guidance. I haven't had one like it since I was about 12. I had two altogether. The first was when I was about 9. I think I just got pissed off about being so scared, and they stopped. Telling people about them will probably help too.
Research alien abductions. Paralysis, beings in the room, inability to make a sound, intense fear. In the past this state of "paralyzed wakefulness" gave support to demon mythology. Today most people interpret it as aliens abducting them. Demons are old fashioned.
I am sure manyof us have had nighmares in thepast. what you had was a kind of waking nighmare, where you body is natrually 'immobile' as happens--otherwise we would physically act out our dreams!...thus physiologicaly orgnaism becomes 'paralysed'.....in your case you became kind of in a statew between consciousness and unconsciousness, and had a bad dream

remember you havehad a lot of pain with loss of dear ones, and also i am assuming you greatly fear losing your mum. so all tis played out for you in your experience

it doesn't mean you are bad etc. we all have the capacity for a full spectrum of experience, both ecstatic and terrifying. this is what makes us whole human beings......
duendy said:
I am sure manyof us have had nighmares in thepast. what you had was a kind of waking nighmare, where you body is natrually 'immobile' as happens--otherwise we would physically act out our dreams!...thus physiologicaly orgnaism becomes 'paralysed'.....in your case you became kind of in a statew between consciousness and unconsciousness, and had a bad dream

remember you havehad a lot of pain with loss of dear ones, and also i am assuming you greatly fear losing your mum. so all tis played out for you in your experience

it doesn't mean you are bad etc. we all have the capacity for a full spectrum of experience, both ecstatic and terrifying. this is what makes us whole human beings......
Thanks duendy ,thats what i needed to hear.. it was a horrible time, (still is) my mom is in and out the hospital at least once a month. sometimes has to be ventilated.. (emphyzema)thank god no recurring nightmares(thus far) :eek: lol I remember when my dad passed suddenly,i was daddy's little girl) I didnt have nightmares but i remeber "waking up" in the middle of the night in the lucid state seeing his spirit and i remeber my brain(lol) feeling tingly almost numbing.. what ever that ment. i guess some people are over powered with grief and are taken over by it for a period of time.. im 33 my brothers were 10 and 12 years older than me.. and me and my brothers son(the one who OD) are closer in age(he's 25).. anyway, we are very close.. and i had to get in touch with the red cross so they could find him, he was in active duty in afghanistan.. :I didnt want to tell him!!! he will deploy for Iraq in january, his new born will only be a few weeks old.. His mom is dead to.. she died when he was 5 in a car accident... I remember when he is was little he use to sleep walk and have night terrors. it lasted til he was like 10. it was a nightly thing .. the sleep walking wasnt bad.. but the poor kid and the nightmares.. i guess grief takes over us.. i know im going into this further than anyone wants to hear i guess im trying to have people understand (or maybe myself) why i could dream of such madness... thanks for listening.... :p
superluminal said:
Research alien abductions. Paralysis, beings in the room, inability to make a sound, intense fear. In the past this state of "paralyzed wakefulness" gave support to demon mythology. Today most people interpret it as aliens abducting them. Demons are old fashioned.
i dont think i need to research alien abductions.. because i dont believe i was abducted ,nor do i believe i was being sought after by the devil.... i think is the product of my grief.. but thanks for your input.. :cool:
lucidnightmares said:
i dont think i need to research alien abductions.. because i dont believe i was abducted ,nor do i believe i was being sought after by the devil.... i think is the product of my grief.. but thanks for your input.. :cool:


You could be correct about grief, I just about remember having dreams after my Mother passed on, No on expected it at the time and even though I was sleeping ok I remeber having a lot of dearms that she was in the room with me just before I would wake up. They were never about the devil or anything just that she was in the room with me, I could never see her face for most of them, just a figure at the end of the bed, but I new somehow it was her.

After sometime I had the last dream, I did see her face this time, we where both in the Garden at her house and she said goodbye and the image of her brokeup into hundreds of parts and floated away. I never had the dream again after that.
Ericc said:

You could be correct about grief, I just about remember having dreams after my Mother passed on, No on expected it at the time and even though I was sleeping ok I remeber having a lot of dearms that she was in the room with me just before I would wake up. They were never about the devil or anything just that she was in the room with me, I could never see her face for most of them, just a figure at the end of the bed, but I new somehow it was her.

After sometime I had the last dream, I did see her face this time, we where both in the Garden at her house and she said goodbye and the image of her brokeup into hundreds of parts and floated away. I never had the dream again after that.
im glad the dreams of your dear mother were good.. the ones i use to dream of my dad mostly were good.. i was hurt and angry with my brother for ODing(not intentional,he thought he had a high tolerance to opiates :( ) heck we were all still grieving over my other brother who died a month before.. and i was afraid there was a pattern here and i was next...or worse my mom.. what a thing the MIND
lucidnightmares said:
im glad the dreams of your dear mother were good.. the ones i use to dream of my dad mostly were good.. i was hurt and angry with my brother for ODing(not intentional,he thought he had a high tolerance to opiates :( ) heck we were all still grieving over my other brother who died a month before.. and i was afraid there was a pattern here and i was next...or worse my mom.. what a thing the MIND

I think I read somewhere that dream are to allow your brain to work things out, in a was of acting things through that you cannot or should not in everyday life. You are not realy ment to remember them and in most case its best you don't. Some poeple think unless you do you cannot make us of the, however the brain is already doing so and its best to leave it do os in pirvate.

So basically if you do remember them its possible best to forget them and trust that they have done the job they were created to do, so I do not think any pattern of future events can be drawn from them, as their job is to tidy up the events of the day in away that the hidden parts of the mind can understand them.
lucidnightmares said:
IM new here. IM glad i found this site. I had no idea was i was experiencing, of course i new i was dreaming, but the kind of dreaming i have no clue. The closes thing that describes the dream is lucid. I want to share this with you all to see if anyone can put some in sight on this for me. I went to bed as usual i remember i wasnt "asleep" long. i remeber laying there feeling totally paralized from FEAR! It felt as if someone ,in this case,some things was in my room with me.. i felt like i was surrounded by the devil and his demons. they were making hissing noises and whispering.. i assume this was the devil cause he said to me Im gonna take her to.. refering to my mom. I new i was dreaming. i cant describe it. I was trying to scream for my husband and nothing would come out.. i wasnt dreaming about being scared i was MORTIFIED! i actually could feel the fear inside me. when i finally came to i was shaking and i layed there trying to figure out if it was real. Im not a freak or a devil worshipper or anything like that..This dream happened december 2004, shortly after the death of my brothers..one died in november from pancreatic cancer, (he was in jail) the other who thought he could handle sucking the liquid out of a fentanyl patch :( ,died 3 days before xmas. my mom immediatly came to live me. she is poor health. she is all i have left om my immediatefamily. My dad passed in 98. I sorta think that dream was connected to my grieving.. any suggestions? :eek:

Hi Sweetie,

I can clear up the mystery of this one in a jiffy. You experienced two seperate events which are frequently linked together and they are 100% completely normal.

1) Sleep paralysis - you wake up (nice and lucid), can sense the environment, have a heightened emotional potential, and can't move for a little while.

2) Hypnogogic hallucination - Any combination of audio, visual, tactile, etc. sensory input that overlays with the normal waking environment. It typically occurs when waking up or when very very tired.

These two events happen hand in hand most frequently when people wake up. The hallucination usually stops the moment the sleep paralysis stops. The content of the hallucinations can be scary (especially because the paralysis keeps you from moving), but no matter how intense and real it feels... it's just a hallcination :)

i dont think i need to research alien abductions.. because i dont believe i was abducted ,nor do i believe i was being sought after by the devil.... i think is the product of my grief.. but thanks for your input..

I guess the symptoms just sounded very similar to me and there are some good medical explanations for them. I think Crunchy Cat covered them though.
lucidnightmares said:
i remeber laying there feeling totally paralized from FEAR! It felt as if someone ,in this case,some things was in my room with me..


What your describing here is pretty much as the chaps and chapesses have covered, an instance of sleep paralysis. The passage quoted indeed covers a n almost verbatim description of one of the key elements of the experience - your being wakeful, immobile and sensing the presence of something malevolent with you in the room.

You experienced daemons and devils simply because you don't personally have any cultural belief in Aliens and Alien Abduction, but I'm willing to bet you were brought up in and/or around a religious faith wherein such concepts are accepted as part of the greater scheme of things, correct?

Don't worry. It's an incredibly common experience.
Mr Anonymous said:

What your describing here is pretty much as the chaps and chapesses have covered, an instance of sleep paralysis. The passage quoted indeed covers a n almost verbatim description of one of the key elements of the experience - your being wakeful, immobile and sensing the presence of something malevolent with you in the room.

You experienced daemons and devils simply because you don't personally have any cultural belief in Aliens and Alien Abduction, but I'm willing to bet you were brought up in and/or around a religious faith wherein such concepts are accepted as part of the greater scheme of things, correct?

Don't worry. It's an incredibly common experience.
...lol *GULP* im catholic..
Crunchy Cat said:
Hi Sweetie,

I can clear up the mystery of this one in a jiffy. You experienced two seperate events which are frequently linked together and they are 100% completely normal.

1) Sleep paralysis - you wake up (nice and lucid), can sense the environment, have a heightened emotional potential, and can't move for a little while.

2) Hypnogogic hallucination - Any combination of audio, visual, tactile, etc. sensory input that overlays with the normal waking environment. It typically occurs when waking up or when very very tired.

These two events happen hand in hand most frequently when people wake up. The hallucination usually stops the moment the sleep paralysis stops. The content of the hallucinations can be scary (especially because the paralysis keeps you from moving), but no matter how intense and real it feels... it's just a hallcination :)
ya know something, you guys are awesome, im so glad i found this sight.. i couldnt find my answers (or understand) until i found this forum.. thanks crunchy... :cool:
lucidnightmares said:
IM new here. IM glad i found this site. I had no idea was i was experiencing, of course i new i was dreaming, but the kind of dreaming i have no clue. The closes thing that describes the dream is lucid. I want to share this with you all to see if anyone can put some in sight on this for me. I went to bed as usual i remember i wasnt "asleep" long. i remeber laying there feeling totally paralized from FEAR! It felt as if someone ,in this case,some things was in my room with me.. i felt like i was surrounded by the devil and his demons. they were making hissing noises and whispering.. i assume this was the devil cause he said to me Im gonna take her to.. refering to my mom. I new i was dreaming. i cant describe it. I was trying to scream for my husband and nothing would come out.. i wasnt dreaming about being scared i was MORTIFIED! i actually could feel the fear inside me. when i finally came to i was shaking and i layed there trying to figure out if it was real. Im not a freak or a devil worshipper or anything like that..This dream happened december 2004, shortly after the death of my brothers..one died in november from pancreatic cancer, (he was in jail) the other who thought he could handle sucking the liquid out of a fentanyl patch :( ,died 3 days before xmas. my mom immediatly came to live me. she is poor health. she is all i have left om my immediatefamily. My dad passed in 98. I sorta think that dream was connected to my grieving.. any suggestions? :eek:

What you describe is a textbook example of sleep paralysis.