Hooray for the Methodists

That sounds like intellectual intolerance and closed-mindedness to me. I can't support or even respect that kind of attitude.

I'm for freedom of thought and inquiry, for ideas standing or falling on their merits. I don't like the enforced exclusion of ideas that disagree with the beliefs of those in power. We see for too much of that already in the contemporary intellectual world.

That's a worthy but in my opinion rather naive view of this issue. The ID movement has a long history of slippery misrepresentation. It seems to me the organisers of the official conference of a serious religious group are quite right not to host the the promotion of ideas it thinks are false.

It was a pleasure to see that you are not quite of the false belief that ID subverts science! :biggrin: While of the one that ID is unscientific!

From article:

The movement is fundamentally a version of the teleological argument for the existence of God. While it encompasses a range of views about evolution, with some proponents saying God simply guided the process, others are keen to argue that some life-forms demonstrate an "irreducible complexity" that means they have to have been specially created by an intelligent directing force. It critiques evolutionary explanations of life, saying that they are inadequate accounts of origins. It usually avoids saying that the intelligent designer is God, but the implication is clear.

EDIT: On second thought, I just noticed you've agreed with spidergoat. You've lost my respect. :(

Tant pis.
Tell about other things beside shooting . and rocketry is shooting
They made the first drone, landed it on the moon. And going into space is more than just shooting, it requires advances in almost every field.
That's a worthy but in my opinion rather naive view of this issue. The ID movement has a long history of slippery misrepresentation. It seems to me the organisers of the official conference of a serious religious group are quite right not to host the the promotion of ideas it thinks are false.

I'd be willing to bet that if a fundamentalist evangelical denomination excluded a group that had a display arguing that Christianity is consistent with biological evolution, the same people who applaud the methodists would condemn them for doing it.

So what would justify the exclusion of dissenting opinion in the one case and not the other?
You have to remember on thing . Science is not creating NATURE. SCIENCE IS STUDYING NATURE . meaning was have been done .

I don't believe ID scientists are masquerading. The problem is there are two camps . Atheist trying to negate the Existence of God with out knowing all the facts , and pretend to know the fact.
About the design : Would you rather have your balls hanging were your ears are and your dick on your arm ?
And you think combining waste removal with reproduction is an intelligent design?

Two of the problems with ID is that it doesn't explain anything & there's no way to objectively recognize "design".
Isn't forbidding the expression of perceived unorthodox opinion one of the things that more authoritarian belief systems are justifiably criticized for?

Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more of it in contemporary intellectual life.
You can spout off all you want, it's just not science, that's the problem.
And you think combining waste removal with reproduction is an intelligent design?

Two of the problems with ID is that it doesn't explain anything & there's no way to objectively recognize "design".

I suppose you know a woman have two separated orifices , if not please che ck wiki
If you are a male you would know there is a valve by the prostate, and you balls are hanging so the sperm will not die from body temperature
I suppose you know a woman have two separated orifices , if not please che ck wiki
If you are a male you would know there is a valve by the prostate, and you balls are hanging so the sperm will not die from body temperature
The giraffe has a nerve that loops from the neck around the heart and back up the neck. For no other reason than it evolved before the giraffe evolved long neck, and it had no way of unlooping itself. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Laryngeal_nerve
The giraffe has a nerve that loops from the neck around the heart and back up the neck. For no other reason than it evolved before the giraffe evolved long neck, and it had no way of unlooping itself. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Laryngeal_nerve

Ok guy . we don't know the purpose of this on . that mean we don't know , so let study it perhaps there is a good reason. So what is the reason for a giraffe to have a long neck ?
Ok guy . we don't know the purpose of this on . that mean we don't know , so let study it perhaps there is a good reason. So what is the reason for a giraffe to have a long neck ?
To reach food. But one of it's nerves has 15 feet of unnecessary length! Intelligent design indeed!
... so let study it perhaps there is a good reason.
The reason is simple enough: It was never designed; it was tacked on.

We see this happening in real life all the time. You move a lamp and the cord won't reach so you use an extension cord. Nobody would wonder why the lamp was "designed" with a two-piece cord. They'd conclude that it was adapted.
To reach food. But one of it's nerves has 15 feet of unnecessary length! Intelligent design indeed!

Do we know how many sensors are attached to the cord ? Since you apparently are more familiar with the giraffe. . Does the spinal cord runs the same way from cerebrum to the tail ? and so does the mentioned 15 feet cord runs from the spinal cord ?
I'd be willing to bet that if a fundamentalist evangelical denomination excluded a group that had a display arguing that Christianity is consistent with biological evolution, the same people who applaud the methodists would condemn them for doing it.

So what would justify the exclusion of dissenting opinion in the one case and not the other?

First, I'm quite sure we'd all expect the fundamentalists to exclude such a group. The "same people" (=me, right?) would not waste energy condemning something so unsurprising.

Second, ID is dishonest. The Wedge Document and the Kitzmiller trial show that clearly. Would you expect the UMC to welcome a stand at their annual conference promoting Scientology? Or a Ponzi financial scheme?
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