Honest to God no BS saw a ghost.

The strongest one, which I experienced, was while I was sitting in a lecture with a friend of mine.

I "felt" him being attacked from behind (aimed at the back of his skull).
I then "stepped" in between (putting up a ... not very strong ... "mental shield", which hindered the attack).

When my friend then looked at me (I think I said something, but I'm not sure), his eyes where red. Not the red, you see in horror movies, but a red, as if all those small capillars in the eye had split (though no major cappillars where visible).
It wasn't the red of a hemp-smoker, but I can't really explain the difference. it was somehow more organic (I said I can't really explain it :) )

The "being" then turned on me, too, and it took me about 1 hour till I was able to make it flee (I didn't really hear much of the lecture in that hour, as my attantion was fully taken by the being).

The eyes of my friend turned normal after a short time, but it was rather scary, especially for him, because he never experienced something like that as long as he could consciously remember (I can't say he didn't experience it, the memory has its flaws, especially if it wants to forget).

We then found out the why: The whole day he had drawn a symbol, a very distinctive skull in strong black. This thing seems to have been the focus of the being. I think he called it with it, without ever knowing it.
That is why I think, we should learn about these things in school. You can kill yourself, because a "being" doesn't care if you didn't knew what you did.

We destroyed the drawings by ripping them and dumping them into the sewer afterwards (running water). On the way back in the car a second attack took place, but on me. It was a hell to concentrate on driving while having to defend myself on the german freeway (I'm glad I didn't crash the car, then).

My other experiences where mostly much weaker, nothing affecting the physical world.

PS: I stumbled upon this post by pure chance (hitting the wrong button, then just looking on, because it couldn't hurt to look if there was anything interesting).
Well, I like the whole idea of the spiritual realm and all that stuff. I'm not really a religious person, but I do believe in ghosts and what have you. I'd really like to see one. I mean, flat out see it, none of the, in the cornor of my eye, or hearing, or foggy things, I mean, the real thing :D
Originally posted by ChyldoftheNyte
I'd really like to see one. I mean, flat out see it, none of the, in the cornor of my eye, or hearing, or foggy things, I mean, the real thing :D

Whatever you hope for: Don't call them. It can seriously backfire. What you call might come, or something else.

This may sound like really esoteric blablah, but I know it from experience. If you just get enough "power" together, you might call something. But if you can't distinguish the beings, you can't be sure, what you called, and most times it is much harder to get rid of something, than to call it.

Good luck on your way.
Originally posted by ZwiSter
Whatever you hope for: Don't call them. It can seriously backfire.

I believe that. After reading ghost stories for a couple weeks out of curiosity (there's thousands on the net), disembodied footsteps began in my house. If it was in my head, it was a damn good hallucination! Not wanting more of that, I immediately put ghost-related thoughts & curiosity out of my mind.
My dad's friend used to work out at a rec area on a lake up north. He lived in his house alone, but in a community. One night he woke up and saw a guy sitting in the couch looking at him. He wasn't happy with that so he started to sleep with his rifle next to his bed. Some time later he woke up again with the guy sitting in the couch looking at him. He grabbed the rifle and shot it. After that he didn't sleep with the rifle next to his bed.
Originally posted by zanket
Wanna experience a ghost firsthand? Just strongly express that desire. One way to do this: Read lots of ghost stories. If all goes well, within a few weeks you’ll have an encounter.

You'll see one, becasue you want to, and thus you wotn rationally think
There's a ton of ghost and paranormal stories at paranormal.about.com (my personal favorite place to waste time;)). I've been reading ghost stories for quite a long time and I have never seen, heard, smelt, tasted, or felt a ghost. I'm not entirely sure that I'd want to, since I believe that there's enough evidence to guarantee some kind of an afterlife anyway. If there wasn't, then I don't think there'd be so many pictures and stories. They can't all be lies.

A few odd things have happened to me before, though.

I may have had a mild sexual encounter with something, hopefully it was *originally* female. I believe I was riding on a bus, don't remember much about it. I thought to myself "hey, that feels pretty cool," and then that was it. I just could have been imagining it, though, because we teenagers tend to be pretty f*cking horny...

I brought my Ouija board to a playground once. It worked, sort of...if it did we didn't talk to the most intelligent ghost, I don't think we really got a straight answer out of it. It still freaked me out, though.
Ouija boards

Me, my brother, and a couple friends played around on the Ouija board about 10 years ago. We went down to my friend's basement and three of us were on the little mover/pointer thing. We all swore up and down (still do) that we didn't consciously move it. We asked it inane things like, "Am I a good person? (it said 'no')" and "Who's gonna hook up with a hot chick? (and it would go to one of our initials)."

One time, my brother and the same friends went up to our local cemetery and placed the board directly over a grave at midnight. I opted to stay outside of the cemetery but I could see and hear them (think very small cemetery, about 60 plots). Anyway, they got freaked out because they said the board led them to a grave they didn't know and got the name on it perfectly. None of them has retracted their story on this, either.

Suffice to say, for some odd reason I haven't found the excuse to pick up the Ouija board again since that time.

Pretty crazy stuff.
You might find interesting the customer reviews about the Ouija board at Amazon. I threw mine away after a couple of scary usages as a kid. Years later a friend told me he threw his away in the garbage outside, then went back inside to find it ready to go on his bed.
Hate to break it to you folks, but ghosts are completely psychological, not physical. In other words, your brain makes them up.
That is SOO wonderful. Now we all know...what would we do without you 10-10-220???

Ohh...just one question...would you mind going further and explaining the various neurochemistries are that responsible for the mental manifestations that we here are referring to as "ghosts"?

**hint** There was sarcasm there, because I really dislike when people state things as fact without any sort of evidence or reasoning behind it. There is a forum for debate...you can't debate opinions.

Um not sure!!

I was at my grandma's a few weeks ago and I saw a dark figure in the kitchen from where I was laying on the sofa and a bit later that night I heard a womans voice whisper my grandma's name.

Also at the house I am currently living in my cat Splash some times tenses up and freaks out. One night my room was slightly cold in the area around my bed where I was sitting. I didn't think any thing of the temp. change until Splash slowly crept toward the spot with her ears back making a growling sound. I checked to see if it was the paper I had on my bed that was bothering her but it wasn't so I picked her up and tossed her on the spot she was so upset about, and she hissed turned around and scratched me as she jumped off my bed. I noticed she was also smacking her paw at the spot a few moments earlier before I tosssed her. This kind of thing has happened many times in this house. Maybe it's a pet that the owner had that died here, I dunno it doesn't bother me seeing as I love paranormal things anyway.
Originally posted by creamsoda
I like to talk to the spirit in my house. Sometimes, if he's bored he'll wander around the house, usually up and down my hallway. or sometimes he writes me messages on the fogged up windows in my bathroom. He likes water, cuz he likes to turn the sink on and off in my kitchen. Sometimes when I'm alone though and I don't talk to him, because I don't know he's there, he throws a toy on the foor. This is not BS. He's my friend, kind of. I met him a year ago in my bathroom when I saw this message on my fogged up bathroom window:
"Hi... male...cold..."
I was very scare at first, but then I talked to him. He can hear my thoughts too. only sometimes he answers though. He likes to joke around.

You believe in him, because you want to. Quite possible you were lonely and looking for a conversation at the time and your subconcience decided to give you one