Honest to God no BS saw a ghost.


Registered Member
How many of you have ACTUALLY seen a "ghost". I have had some unexplainable occurances in my life that I can't figure out or explain but I have never seen with my two eyes a ghost. I have a very reputible friend of my fathers who swears he has seen a ghost. Hes not someone who would lie. So have any of you seen a "ghost".
i dont really believe in ghosts, however..
My cousins once lived in a house that was apparently haunted, one of the freakier stories they told me (about that house) was, once when everyone was already in bed, sleeping their doorbell rang.
The scarry thing is that the doorbell had never worked before, and this was the only time it had ever worked.
They also claim that they heard things at night, like someone walking thru the hallway and their pet dog occasionally barked at thin air, although it could have been possums in the roof that they heard and maybe thats what the dog barket at, maybe??
My aunty also claimed to have seen a figure running towards the kitchen at night, no one was awake, she had gotten up to go to the toilet and the house was completely dark... she was freaked out and they moved out eventually.

I have to convey a story about my aunt and uncle. They lived in this house in southwestern Ontario; the place was haunted. My aunt kept on telling my uncle that she heard foot steps upstairs pacing back and forth. She said she could hear them come down the stairs and the garage door closing. She kept on hearing these noises, and of course, my uncle thought she was off her rocker. They both decided to investigate who owned the house before them. It turns out that the couple that owned the house before them had tragedy strike. The husband was at home and received a phone call; his wife was killed in a car accident. I can only guess that this was the pacing back and forth upstairs, wondering what to do. He committed suicide by, you guessed it, carbon monoxide poisoning!
is it not possible that some people's tragedy or anger here on earth was so great that the impressions of those feelings manifest themselves in strange noises or visions?
Not sure? I was thinking more along the lines of replaying the scenerio over and over again; since he took his own life. A damnation so to speak; if there is a damnation.

Is it possible, since they were children, that they didn't have an idea what death was? Could that be an explanation? In limbo so to speak? And who said damnation? I merely stated it as a hypothesis. This is Pseudoscience! It's speculation.
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I've always been one to want to see a ghost, but I never had. My logic though is why would people just make it up that they've seen a ghost before if it really wasnt true? Though i've never seen a ghost I do have acouple stories to tell.

Awhile back I was at a friends house and her dad told us a story of how he saw a ghost at this old appartment he was staying at one time. He said it was a buddy of his appartment and he was stayin the night there with him and acouple friends. He went to get a drink of water during the middle of the night and as he walked into the hallway he saw an old man just sitting in a rocking chair. He didnt move a muscle. Just woke up his friend to come look. The friend looked and also saw the old man. They got all freaked out and turned on the lights and the old man dissappeard. They left the light on and went back to sleep and found out the next day from their friends mom that an old man had been murdered there years before. But she had never seen a ghost or anything. Her dad isnt someone to lie or just make up stories. I believe they saw the old man ghost.

My friend's mom and dad claim there is an old man and his dog haunting thier bedroom. They claim that the bed shakes sometimes in the night and that they occasionally see a little do ghost running in and out of their bathroom.

If you read my post "Could this be true?" then you read about my friends seeing some "hoppy thing" and how the road its on has a few haunted places of its own. Well, I went out there with my friends and though one of them claimed to see the "hoppything"..i didnt, and neither did the rest of us. A few of my other friends had flashlghts and were shining them towards the hills for awhile while the rest of us were looking across the street at the other side of the road. We were gonna stay a little while longer then this sound ive never heard anything like before in my life just came from the side my friends were shining the flashlights from. It was faint at first then got really loud. Its hard to describe. It was high pitched and sounded like screaming but didnt sound human or like coyotes. That was the first time I had ever heard anything supernatural before in my life. Where we were on the road was towards the end of where this old insance asylum which is said to be haunted my not so friendly spirits was. It sounded like its possible that thats where the sounds could have been coming from like the spirits didnt want us snooping around the road or something. We didnt hesitate to get the hell out of there but we had no camera to get the noise on tape. So as curious and as stupid as we are. We went and got a camera and went back. There was no sounds like that though which dissapointed us, but aparently in the video after I reviewed I seem to have found a frame in which a strange figure was standing there...it looks like a stick figure...at first i thought it was apart of the fence but later in the video it wasnt there so I dont know.... take a look.
I personally have not _seen_ them with my eyes, but I've heard them, I've (dun laugh) psyhcically (Sp?) sensed them. I believe their weird. There are way to many sightings for them not to be real. I just want to know, what do you really think about them? I mean, why are they here roaming the earth? So many of them, some hostile some dosile (just like regular humans, might I add :D ), and taking out the christian relgion veiw of it, why?
I have my own theory, but I'd rather hear of your own before I post it. thankies
Me and my grandmother saw my grandfather walking by us in the hallway of their home a few weeks after he had died.
He stayed in that house long after my grandmother sold it too, and played tricks with the new people living there.
He was always full of mischief.
Eventually he moved on. I think he was very reluctant to leave his fabulous applegarden.
I heard a report once that some Russian scientests had done tests on people. They had scanned a person somehow, and found a sort of "force field" of energy around them. They then scanned a person who had lost his arm several years ago in an accident, and he still had the energy around where his arm had been. this could hold some relevance to the exsistance of ghosts, right?
I like to talk to the spirit in my house. Sometimes, if he's bored he'll wander around the house, usually up and down my hallway. or sometimes he writes me messages on the fogged up windows in my bathroom. He likes water, cuz he likes to turn the sink on and off in my kitchen. Sometimes when I'm alone though and I don't talk to him, because I don't know he's there, he throws a toy on the foor. This is not BS. He's my friend, kind of. I met him a year ago in my bathroom when I saw this message on my fogged up bathroom window:
"Hi... male...cold..."
I was very scare at first, but then I talked to him. He can hear my thoughts too. only sometimes he answers though. He likes to joke around.
Wanna experience a ghost firsthand? Just strongly express that desire. One way to do this: Read lots of ghost stories. If all goes well, within a few weeks you’ll have an encounter.
I personally never have, but when i was younger we lived in a house my parents talked about being haunted quite casually. They said there were a lot of strange things in the house but that they always felt safe.

My mother told me of one particular story about how I was a baby in my crib and she was upstairs after having baked some pies (I know it sounds made up...but it isnt). We had 2 cats at the time and when she was upstairs she heard the pies tumble off the counter. She said there was NO mistaking it, it was definately the pies falling (think metal pie tin sound). When she rushed down stairs the pies were still on the counter and the cats were sleeping. She said she's sure it was the ghost (not sure if he dropped them and fixed it or what).

It's strange my family doesnt really believe in anything supernatural, but they talk about the ghost in that house like he was just another person.

Sorry...i lied. I guess i did see one (maybe..kinda) once or twice. It was in a half dream state type situation so its hard to tell. I was in my grandparents house sleeping when I was about 14 maybe. I woke up (kinda drowsily opened my eyes really) and saw a late middle aged man sitting at the desk in the room looking at me. He was wearing a brown coat. I was kind of freaked out. But not enough to even wake up for some reason. I went back to sleep and in the morning i remembered it and told my grandparents. My grandfather said his father had always worn a brown coat like the one i described.

Was it a dream? Don't know.

The only other time, im very sure (or hoping really) it was a dream. This was more recent maybe 2 years ago, I was sleeping on my bed and I felt a presence. I remember thinking it didnt feel good (sounds cliche i know). I was lying on my side, facing the wall and I felt a hand (pressure really) on my arm and in a long....slow....raspy voice it said my name...not my real name as a I use on here Anton, but my nickname that all my friends call me. I was THOROUGHLY freaked at that point and ripped my body around to try to grab at whatever had me and i literally fell off the bed because nothing was there. I slept the remainder of the night with the light on and door open...childish i know.

That one was the more disturbing, but it was also most probably a dream. Either way...didn't like it.

You know what? Today my ghost friend said...wel first I asked him when I was going to get a boyfriend, because he wonce claimed he could tell the future.
Well I asked him when I'm going to get a boy friend anyou know what he said?
He wrote on the window "NOW" and the I felt something brush against my cheek.
I think he has a crush on me.
never seen a ghost but

when i was 7 years old i was playing ghost busters outside when all of a sudden a mini tornato appeared outta no where and freaked the shit outta me ;)
I was sitting by this very computer typing on a forum. A white figure walked behind me, (i could clearly see the reflection in the monitor). I thought it was my wife attempting to sneak up on me so i turned round swiftly to make her jump. Nobody was there. I looked around the whole house for my wife and eventually phoned her mobile. She was out shopping. The next day i found out a girl friend of mine had died in a car accident at that time of day.

I think it might very well be a case of the dead wanting to see you and not vice versa.