Honest Question

Can somebody out there please give me an example where religion has solved one of the major problems facing our world (famine, war, crime, global warming, etc)??
It seems that the religious amongst us are all too happy to thank God for all the good stuff that happens, but quickly blame the non-religious or the devil for all the bad stuff. Ignorance is bliss!
wsionynw said:
Can somebody out there please give me an example where religion has solved one of the major problems facing our world (famine, war, crime, global warming, etc)??
It seems that the religious amongst us are all too happy to thank God for all the good stuff that happens, but quickly blame the non-religious or the devil for all the bad stuff. Ignorance is bliss!

As 'famine, war, crime, global warming' are all ongoing, no organisations religious or secular can possibly claim to have solved them.

Religion is not a particularly apposite term but within what you might call 'religious organisations' there are lots of people over the years who have been driven to do undoubtedly good things because of their personal love of God.

In the (former) British Empire slavery was abolished (before the US incidentally) by the selfless efforts of a devout christian, William Wilberforce. Prisons were improved (has that ever happened in the US?) by the actions of a devout christian Mrs. Fry. Wiliam Booth founded the Salvation Army which still today provides shelter clothing and support to homeless people.

In more recent time, the idea of 'Jubilee 2000' was that of a devout Christian woman who worked for a christian charity called 'Tearfund'. This later expanded to encompass all manner of religious and secular organisations worldwide. It and its successor the 'Make Poverty History' campaign achieved a great deal and have at least put subjects like Debt Relief and Trade Justice very much at the top of the agenda for organisations like the G8. Even George W and the USA were forced to concede a lttle!

This latter is an interesting point as it does seem to us outside the USA, that it really makes no difference what religious persuasion your president claims to have or whether it's none at all, US trade policy remains one of the most protective and least fair in the world!

Away from international politics, each day christian relief organisations like Tearfund and Christian Aid provide practical humanitarian help to thousands of people worldwide both after major disasters and from day to day. On a local level, many churches are involved in local community projects to help drug addicts, homeless people, the frail, the elderly and the sick.

There's plenty of good things going on out there with probably millions of people giving their time, effort and expertise to help others.

'God' is always a useful excuse to be quoted by those with other agendas for doing what they want to do themselves. In truth, however you cannot honestly claim any love for the God envisioned by christian scripture unless you love other people, particularly those less fortunate. This can be proved by a myriad of quotes from the Gospels and other parts of the New Testament. Anyone who claims that you can love God without real practical concern for other people is I fear, to put it at ist most kindly, misguided as to what christianity is actually about.

On a purely philosophical basis knowing that 'famine, war, crime, global warming' are going on and that most of them have been happening for some time, which view makes more sense, the biblical concept of fallen mankind who continues to do evil things and will get in a mess or the utopian vision espoused by some atheists of people being intrinsically good and capable of resolving all problems on their own?

kind regards,

Gordon said:
As 'famine, war, crime, global warming' are all ongoing, no organisations religious or secular can possibly claim to have solved them.
on the subject global warming, I agree, however are'nt we god's children so why does this aledged loving god treat us so bad. there appears to be an awful lot of wars and crimes, done by the rightious, you only have to take a look in the jails for that.
and yes some people use religion to their own ends, but they all think, they will be forgiven, tell them thats not so, and then see the change in their behavior.
Gordon said:
Religion is not a particularly apposite term but within what you might call 'religious organisations' there are lots of people over the years who have been driven to do undoubtedly good things because of their personal love of God.
and I dont doubt an equal if not larger amount, because of their lack of belief.
Gordon said:
In more recent time, the idea of 'Jubilee 2000' was that of a devout Christian woman who worked for a christian charity called 'Tearfund'. This later expanded to encompass all manner of religious and secular organisations worldwide.
it has been ongoing all over the world for over a hundred years, no one person started it, it has been pushed by all religious or non religious race's, colours and creeds. http://www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/?lid=279&PHPSESSID=8f6cf6b13ad2c620c4b4f8e633f0dfea
Gordon said:
There's plenty of good things going on out there with probably millions of people giving their time, effort and expertise to help others.
yes theres good in all people but to what ends. Torquemada, was a devout and rightious man was he not, well he was to his peers.
Gordon said:
'God' is always a useful excuse to be quoted by those with other agendas for doing what they want to do themselves. In truth, however you cannot honestly claim any love for the God envisioned by christian scripture unless you love other people, particularly those less fortunate. This can be proved by a myriad of quotes from the Gospels and other parts of the New Testament. Anyone who claims that you can love God without real practical concern for other people is I fear, to put it at ist most kindly, misguided as to what christianity is actually about.
yes we learn by example dont we.
Genesis 1:31 "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey.

Genesis 4:3-5 "God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables. Why? Well, no reason is given, but it probably has something to do with the amount of pain, blood, and gore involved.

Genesis 6:7-17God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all.

New Testament
Matthew 5:17 Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.

Matthew 5:29-30Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery.

Matthew 10:21 Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."
theres another 800 plus of nasty things said and done by god or jesus.

the religious certainly learn by example, dont you think.

Gordon said:
On a purely philosophical basis knowing that 'famine, war, crime, global warming' are going on and that most of them have been happening for some time, which view makes more sense, the biblical concept of fallen mankind who continues to do evil things and will get in a mess
put it in it's right context, "fallen man who knows he will be forgiven".
Gordon said:
or the utopian vision espoused by some atheists of people being intrinsically good and capable of resolving all problems on their own?
and again lets put this in it's right context, people being intrinsically good, because they know, this is there one and only chance of life, so they want to make, the best of it for themselves, and there fellow man.
pavlosmarcos said:
on the subject global warming, I agree, however are'nt we god's children so why does this aledged loving god treat us so bad. there appears to be an awful lot of wars and crimes, done by the rightious, you only have to take a look in the jails for that.

Strange definition of righteous - do you not mean those who pretend to be righteous?!

and yes some people use religion to their own ends, but they all think, they will be forgiven, tell them thats not so, and then see the change in their behavior.

If you believe people follow religion to do evil things then presumably they would think themselves right and would not consider they needed forgiveness. This is the logic followed by Islamic Suicide Bombers. Whether they are truly 'religious' or misled or brainwashed may be difficult questions to answer and may be different in different cases. The Official Muslim Leaders here in the UK seem to be somewhat ambivalent on the subject.

and I dont doubt an equal if not larger amount, because of their lack of belief.

it has been ongoing all over the world for over a hundred years, no one person started it, it has been pushed by all religious or non religious race's, colours and creeds. http://www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/?lid=279&PHPSESSID=8f6cf6b13ad2c620c4b4f8e633f0dfea

'Jubilee 2000' was a specific campaign set up in 1994 by Tearfund (see link from Unesco
http://www.unesco.org/courier/2000_01/uk/dossier/txt08.htm Secular organisations joined later.

yes theres good in all people but to what ends. Torquemada, was a devout and rightious man was he not, well he was to his peers.yes we learn by example dont we.

Again clearly what he did was not 'right' (by any reasonable definition) so he was not therefore 'righteous'. He may have been devout in accordance with his own beliefs and some of his peers but that does not mean he was actually following christian scripture. He clearly was not! Yes many 'religious' people have done many nasty things and so have many non-religious people!

Genesis 1:31 "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, the Bible states that the original creation was very good. Something happened associated with the actions of the first people that corrupted it and made it the way it is now. So the description of the universe created in Genesis is not of today's world. Likewise the world today is not as it should be. According to scripture all things will be restored to perfection. As I say belief is up to you but the story does follow correct logic.

Genesis 4:3-5 "God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables. Why? Well, no reason is given, but it probably has something to do with the amount of pain, blood, and gore involved.

No it does not. Sacrifice is about giving the best back to God, whatever it is. Abel was involved in livestock so gave livestock. Cain grew vegetables so should have given over the best vegetables. It appears that he did not but held them back for himself. This story has many modern day parallels where people give away what they have no further use of, rather than giving something of real value to them and they then consider what they have done to be really worthy. I think this is true for many non-religious as well as religious people.

Genesis 6:7-17God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all.

The background to this is not really gone into in the scripture we have. God only did it once and bearing in mind what has gone on since, the background must have involved something seriously amiss on a very grand scale. A common view sex between demons and women (as detailed more in the apocryphal 'Book of Enoch') corrupting the whole of mankind. I agree that wiping out large numbers of people does not seem intrinsically good but it may have been necessary. The Bible does say the evil was great and almost total. The only near modern day equivalent I can think of would be the need to totally crush the Nazi state and ideology in World War II. This intrinsically meant killing many people (including innocent ones).

New Testament
Matthew 5:17 Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.

I am not sure that the reality

Matthew 5:29-30Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery.

As there is no record of anyone actually doing it, it is reasonable to assume that this was hyperbole to make a point.

Matthew 10:21 Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."
theres another 800 plus of nasty things said and done by god or jesus.

This seems to be bit muddled in its meaning so I have quoted it in context with the earlier verses (modern English 'The Message' translation)

When you enter a town or village, don't insist on staying in a luxury inn. Get a modest place with some modest people, and be content there until you leave.

12-15"When you knock on a door, be courteous in your greeting. If they welcome you, be gentle in your conversation. If they don't welcome you, quietly withdraw. Don't make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way. You can be sure that on Judgment Day they'll be mighty sorry—but it's no concern of yours now.

16"Stay alert. This is hazardous work I'm assigning you. You're going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don't call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.

17-20"Don't be naive. Some people will impugn your motives, others will smear your reputation—just because you believe in me. Don't be upset when they haul you before the civil authorities. Without knowing it, they've done you—and me—a favor, given you a platform for preaching the kingdom news! And don't worry about what you'll say or how you'll say it. The right words will be there; the Spirit of your Father will supply the words.

21-23"When people realize it is the living God you are presenting and not some idol that makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family. There is a great irony here: proclaiming so much love, experiencing so much hate! But don't quit. Don't cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. It is not success you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! Before you've run out of options, the Son of Man will have arrived.

So it's the believers trying to spread the gospel who are going to be the recipients of nastiness and possibly even the violent action. And this has proved to be the truth right up to the present day where every day christians are persecuted (and some killed) because of their faith. In Muslim countries it is not at all uncommon for a person who has converted to christianity to be killed by his own family. So yes the prophesy was very accurate but in a slightly different way to that which you state.

the religious certainly learn by example, dont you think.

The problem is the opposite - that many who call themselves 'christian' certainly do not make any attempt to follow the example of the person in the name 'Christ' but this again is prophesied.

put it in it's right context, "fallen man who knows he will be forgiven". and again lets put this in it's right context, people being intrinsically good, because they know, this is there one and only chance of life, so they want to make, the best of it for themselves, and there fellow man.

If the latter were true, where atheism has been dominant, people would have created, if not utopia, at least a 'good' society where they have made 'the best of it for themselves, and their fellow man'. The examples of the USSR, China, North Korea (all strongly atheistic communist) and many others would seem to indicate that this is simply not true.

People both theistic and atheistic (in fact all people) are capable of both good and evil. You do not become 'good' by being either one or 'evil by becoming either one. True tolerance and respecting the belief of others is only possible if we accept this.

kind regards,
wsionynw said:
Can somebody out there please give me an example where religion has solved one of the major problems facing our world (famine, war, crime, global warming, etc)??
It seems that the religious amongst us are all too happy to thank God for all the good stuff that happens, but quickly blame the non-religious or the devil for all the bad stuff. Ignorance is bliss!

Can somebody out there please give me an example where atheism has solved one of the major problems facing our world (famine, war, crime, global warming, etc)??
It seems that the atheist amongst us are all too happy to thank science for all the good stuff that happens, but quickly blame the religious and religion for all the bad stuff. Ignorance is bliss!

These problems persist hence no one has solved anything.

Religion has dented these things though, salvation army for example, mother Theresa. Also muslims give 10% of income to charitable causes (supposed to).

The relgious help as do the atheist.
It's people that make the difference not labels.
Gordon said:
If the latter were true, where atheism has been dominant, people would have created, if not utopia, at least a 'good' society where they have made 'the best of it for themselves, and their fellow man'.
mass education as opposed to indoctrination. (and it still in it's infancy, not everybody is educated at present) and with the ability to think for themself(as not everybody is allowed (indoctrinated) or able), only now are we seeing the changes for the better, france, england, for example.
Gordon said:
The examples of the USSR, China, North Korea (all strongly communist)
bad examples, just because they did'nt have a dominant religion,does not make them atheist, they had a religion it was/is called communism, the uneducated plebs, will follow anygroup or individual they know no better, you only have to look at the sheeple who follow religions. to see that.
once people get that education, without the indoctrination of a religious fantasy. then man will step forward into the universe.
Gordon said:

People both theistic and atheistic (in fact all people) are capable of both good and evil.
yes we can all suffer lunacy, but it is less likely from a reasonable man.
Gordon said:
True tolerance and respecting the belief of others is only possible if we accept this.
then it is about time the religious, accepted it.
spiritual_spy said:
You wonder why he hides it from the wise? Becuase we arent stupid enough to actualy fall for the fairy tales. :eek: Only the weak of mind or people in need of a crutch actualy beleive the bible.

Another misconception by the non-believers.

Many skeptics think that Christianity is for people who do not want to think. Christians are often characterized as people who believe whatever they are told by the church. Faith is thought of as something that one believes blindly - with no supporting evidence. However, this viewpoint does not represent biblical Christianity. In contrast, to what many skeptics believe, the Bible challenges its readers to test it and come to a reasonable conclusion. There are those Christians who believe blindly, and certain cults (such as Mormonism) teach that truth can be known through prayer. These ideas are heretical to biblical Christianity and often lead to deception, making such individuals susceptible to conversion by the cults.
ggazoo said:
Another misconception by the non-believers.

Many skeptics think that Christianity is for people who do not want to think. Christians are often characterized as people who believe whatever they are told by the church. Faith is thought of as something that one believes blindly - with no supporting evidence. However, this viewpoint does not represent biblical Christianity. In contrast, to what many skeptics believe, the Bible challenges its readers to test it and come to a reasonable conclusion. There are those Christians who believe blindly, and certain cults (such as Mormonism) teach that truth can be known through prayer. These ideas are heretical to biblical Christianity and often lead to deception, making such individuals susceptible to conversion by the cults.
i have read the bible and I have come to the conclusion that most of it is false. The book gives some good wisdom and life advice but aside from that it has no value to me. I have said this before but i will say it again. To me the killer of the Bible is God himself. Look at the OT God And the NT God. What diffrences do you see? The OT God sentenced entire cities to death and not to mention the flood. The NT God preaches peace, Love and forgivness and dosent want peple to use violence. So to sum it up.. OT God - Evil, Violent and not very wise. NT God - Kind, merciful, loving. To me it dosent add up. And i could go on about hell but i dont feel like typing anymore.
wsionynw said:
Can somebody out there please give me an example where religion has solved one of the major problems facing our world (famine, war, crime, global warming, etc)??
It seems that the religious amongst us are all too happy to thank God for all the good stuff that happens, but quickly blame the non-religious or the devil for all the bad stuff. Ignorance is bliss!

Famine, war, and crime are problems man brought upon himself. As for global warming if people would actually look at the geology than they would shut up about that.
pavlosmarcos said:
mass education as opposed to indoctrination. (and it still in it's infancy, not everybody is educated at present) and with the ability to think for themself(as not everybody is allowed (indoctrinated) or able), only now are we seeing the changes for the better, france, england, for example. bad examples, just because they did'nt have a dominant religion,does not make them atheist, they had a religion it was/is called communism, the uneducated plebs, will follow anygroup or individual they know no better, you only have to look at the sheeple who follow religions. to see that.
once people get that education, without the indoctrination of a religious fantasy. then man will step forward into the universe.
yes we can all suffer lunacy, but it is less likely from a reasonable man. then it is about time the religious, accepted it.

So it is not belief in God or gods that is the problem just believing in something?!

You also seem to be saying that atheism is a religion - something hotly denied by fellow atheistic contributors to this site.

As far as education is concerned and 'getting better'. I was under the impression that state education in the USA had to be non-religious whereas in Britain (yes Scotland and Wales as well as England) some form of religious education remains a compulsory part of the curriculum. So your point about 'England getting better', if true, contradicts your own argument.

I do not know what the position with education is in France but my observations as a very regular visitor over 30 years is that it is certainly more secular and less religious than it was (although the Roman Catholic Church still has enormous power). In regard to generally getting better in any social respect, it most certainly is not. On my last visit I was discharged from the tram in which I was travelling into the centre of a riot by students and schoolchildren, some of whom were no older that 10 or 11!

Paris which is probably least 'religious' and most secular, outside of the immediate tourist centre can be a most unpleasant place to be, particularly in the evening. Many suburbs of Paris are certainly a less comfortable place to be as a stranger than any suburbs of London that I know (including Brixton, Peckham and Dalston).

Hardly a society that has got it or even appears to be getting it 'right'!

I remain unconvinced that if we all became 'educated' atheists rather than the current mixture of educated and uneducated theists and atheists that society would be so much better. I have seen no evidence of this being true and in fact much to the contrary. It appears to me that what you are really saying is that if everyone were as clever as you and therefore believed the same things that you 'know' to be true, everything would be so much better.

This seems to be intellectual arrogance on a grand scale and hardly represents tolerance of others or their beliefs.


gordon said:
So it is not belief in God or gods that is the problem just believing in something?!
no, we are all entitled to our own beliefs, but you know as well as I, plebs/sheeple will believe anything.
believing anything and following anybody makes pleb/sheeple dangerous.
gordon said:
You also seem to be saying that atheism is a religion - something hotly denied by fellow atheistic contributors to this site.
so now you only defence, is to aledge something that never happened, to try to make me look bad.
or is it you just cant read.
gordon said:
As far as education is concerned and 'getting better'. I was under the impression that state education in the USA had to be non-religious whereas in Britain (yes Scotland and Wales as well as England) some form of religious education remains a compulsory part of the curriculum. So your point about 'England getting better', if true, contradicts your own argument.
have you got that back to front!, because of the multitude of religious ethnicity's in this country, we have no compulsory religions, it is concidered racist.
we are a very secular nation.
gordon said:
I remain unconvinced that if we all became 'educated' atheists rather than the current mixture of educated and uneducated theists and atheists that society would be so much better. I have seen no evidence of this being true and in fact much to the contrary. It appears to me that what you are really saying is that if everyone were as clever as you and therefore believed the same things that you 'know' to be true, everything would be so much better.
not so, I'm not clever.
if people become more educated, then it is your believe that they will all become atheist, would that be such a bad thing, to put all your being into making yours and your fellow mans life worth living.
If God exists, It will not be found through religion.
superluminal said:
If god exists, I am soooo screwed.
Yah :eek: But if he does exist, he isnt doing a good job with his creations. So ill gladly take my time in hell if he exists. :D
superluminal said:
BTW, I'm an electrical engineer. My religion is always CURRENT.

Ha! HaHahahaha! :D

:confused: :m:
You seem a little hyper. Calm yourself with some meditations:

Ohm... Ohm...