Honest and regular opinions of the idea of God

This is a pretty good thread i'm going to resurrect it.

Cris, I believe that a regular opinion of god and hearing why to start out with people normally believe in god either atheist or agnostic would give some character to the arguement. First your opinion of very valid and the higest up that there is as to having an opinoin of god that matters or, does Not matter.
However i feel that the notion has some character as there are many characteristics of god and why someone would believe in him or her.
not to go into discussion as I feel the thread has been bloated and finally popped by your opinion.
So i'll just shut up.
I find it sad how many people equate God and Religion as if they are one and the same.
"I don't beleive in God, because religions are dumb."

Futher, I see a lot of people base their opinions of whether or not God exists on other people's views of what God may be.
"God can't be omniscient, omipotent and omnibenevolent at the same time."
While I don't necessarily believe the logic in that statement, it doesn't really matter, because who says God has to be all the above?

Most people, when referring to God and claiming he does not exist, are speaking specifcally about the "Judeo-Christian" ideal of God.
If that's the case, I've yet to come across anyone who can give me a scripture reference stating that God is omniscient, omipotent and omnibenevolent.
If that's not the case, what God are you referring to, and why must he be these things? Simply because it is convenient for you to deny his existence if they fit?

My view:
Yes, I do believe in God.
No, I do not beleive in the God of the Old Testament.
No, I do not follow any organized religion.
Yes, I do find some real value in them.
I agree in some aspects with One_Raven...when anyone says the word 'God' everyone jumps to the conclusion that people who believe in or acknowledge a 'God' are thinking of the Judeo-Christian God. There are plenty of 'Gods' out there that do not fall into that category. It seems, in this forum, when one mentions 'God' or 'religion' that people automatically assume you are of the Judeo-Christian belief. That is just annoying.

I believe in the importance of the symbol of 'The God' and 'The Goddess'. To me, they represent polarity between male and female, the importance of both, and equality between the sexes. Do I believe in a singular 'God'? No. Do I believe that there is actually a God and Goddess sittin' around some where in the universe or in 'heaven' pointing there fingers and dictating life on Earth? No. I believe in the power of the symbol of 'The God' and 'The Goddess' as well. Do I follow a specific organized religion? No. That's just my two freakin' cents.
I beleive in a Goddess as well, in case anyone is curious.

So, just from reading your posts, can I assume you see the God and Goddess as archetypes or do you actually believe in their physical existance? Not that either one is better or worse :)
So, just from reading your posts, can I assume you see the God and Goddess as archetypes or do you actually believe in their physical existance? Not that either one is better or worse :)


I suppose a bit of both.
It is an antropomorphic view of natural phenomena and systems.