Homosexuals are a disease, but luckily they've found the cure!

can you tell a straight girl by looking at her?

Usually not

no, she could easerly be gay and u would never know

She could be . And so can it be the other way around but guess what , but it can also be different , and that is something that is more likely to happen .

If we would have an ammoun to of peoples both gay and hetero , it would be more likely to distinguish those who are gay rather than those who are not , and that has little to do with being used to normality of non-gays , it has to do with gays over-expressing their sexual identities .
Like I say the problem is 2-fold
1)the need to overexpress
2)the colonization of the entire concept of identity by sexuality

being a lawyer isnt a mental disorder either and u cant tell THAT by looking at someone either

So how you tell a person from being a lwayer ? From how he talks , or how he otherwise behaves (ofcourse clothing and such isnt the relevant issue here) ?

If so , then obviously his career-identity is taking over his entire identity , and thats what I consider a disorder . It makes him rather lawyer than human , ofcourse I am speaking of general circumstances , not in a court-room or something .

If I am able to tell without having any super-abilities weither one is a lawyer while he isnt practicing law , his lawyer identity overshadows his own identity , or rather becomes , and thats what i think the problem is .
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
Like I say the problem is 2-fold
1)the need to overexpress
2)the colonization of the entire concept of identity by sexuality

The need to "over express" sexual identity comes mostly from social and institutional oppression. Take a look at African Americans in the 60s and 70s, people only tend to shout about their identities when their rights are challenged on those grounds.

As for "colonization of the entire concept of identity by sexuality" I'm not exactly sure what you mean, as that's a very strange word choice, but I assume that you mean letting sexuality define who you are far too much. You're right, that's not a good thing, it may be a large factor in who someone is, but shut up about it already, right? In this instance, however you may just be experiencing observer error, you only hear gay people talking about being gay because that's the only issue which they feel the need to be shouting about (as, rightly it's the only issue they can unanimously be defensive about as a group). Behind every loud proud fag there's a full person. . . well ok behind MOST. . . or at least some, hey there are still very shallow and vein gay people, no different than the rest of society.
id like to know how many people would know IM bi

my parents cirtanly didnt

nor did my close friends

at one stage only xev knew

i dont walk around with the bum cut out of my pants and i look at those who do and laugh normally because i find it stupid to try and fit a stero type (not the gay one, not the aussie guy

but if they are doing it for reasons as Mystech said then good luck to them

its no different from the feminist protests in the umm 50s?
Originally posted by Asguard
i dont walk around with the bum cut out of my pants and i look at those who do and laugh normally because i find it stupid to try and fit a stero type

Wait a minuet, people do that outside of RoadWarrior? I don't get out nearly enough.
Australia sounds like such a fun place, I need to go there sometime. How's Melbourne? I know people in Melbourne.
Originally posted by Asguard

No, someone else entirely, acctualy :p The internet is a big place, and other bisexual melbournians are out there, hehe.