
"What you hold true on earth I shall hold true in heaven"
is this a legit quote? i have oft heard it spoken. and thus it would seem that as bishops - or what have you - change their views on homosexuality, so too does god change his views on the subject.

Just curious, since you seem to be suggesting that modern books have no leg up over old ones when it comes to psychology, biology, social theory...
doesn't the bible classify bats as birds rather than mammals? :eek:

Perhaps when the Trojan War is proven then I'll add Homer's epics to my list
yes, because achilles was dipped into the river styx [because there is a river styx], and was invulnerable in every spot but his heel. :rolleyes:

there is no other book like the Bible
koran, torah, bhagavad gita - how are these unlike the bible?

Please post them again
or you could just scroll up. :bugeye:

i like smilies.
JustARide said:
<b>Leviticus 20:13</b>
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.​

<b>Romans 1:26 </b>
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.​

Christians disliking homosexuality? Of course not!

It beats me where people come up with such ideas.

That is different from what you said later on. There is a difference between the Biblical attitude towards homosexuality and homosexuals.
"What you hold true on earth I shall hold true in heaven"
is this a legit quote?
No, the quote that you want is "Whatever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in
heaven: and whatever ye shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven." This was given to St. Peter. It only applies to the Pope under limited and rare conditions, however.

i have oft heard it spoken. and thus it would seem that as bishops - or what have you - change their views on homosexuality, so too does god change his views on the subject
I would just like to say that I have researched the causes of Homosexuality as non-biased as I possibly could and came to the conclusion that it is caused by some form of negligence or abuse early on in the homosexual's life. The most reliable and scientific studies that I came across confirmed this.

Another conclusion that I am even more certain of is that Homosexuality is NOT caused by genetics. Let me repeat that: Homosexuality is NOT caused by genetics. There have been absolutely NO scientific studies showing that homosexuality is genetic. There have been FLAWED and biased scientific studies attempting to show it is genetics. For example, ever hear about the twin studies? Well, did you also know that the scientist who did that study was a homosexual who had a partner that died of aids, and on this partner's deathbed, he made a vow to prove to the world that homosexuality really was simply genetic? Did you also know that he did ALL of his advertising for the volunteers in publications that were written for a homosexual audience?

Anyway, I don't think that homosexuality is natural or right. I also don't think that the actual PERSON who is homosexual is a bad person. I believe that his homosexuality is unnatural and is the result of abuse early on in his life.

I believe that the homosexual is a VICTIM, just like someone who was raped or sexually abused.

But that's just my opinion, based on the research I've done.

Does God hate homosexuals? Of COURSE not.

Does God hate homosexuality, just like any other unnatural tempting act which we as humans succumb to and seperate ourselves further from God?
Yes, I do believe he does. Remember, not the PERSON, just their act.
Frisbinator said:
I would just like to say that I have researched the causes of Homosexuality as non-biased as I possibly could and came to the conclusion that it is caused by some form of negligence or abuse early on in the homosexual's life. The most reliable and scientific studies that I came across confirmed this.

My extensive research has showed conclusively that theism and other forms of superstition are caused by some form of negligence or abuse early on in the person's life.
Another conclusion that I am even more certain of is that Homosexuality is NOT caused by genetics. Let me repeat that: Homosexuality is NOT caused by genetics. There have been absolutely NO scientific studies showing that homosexuality is genetic
Anyway, I don't think that homosexuality is natural or right

Not all homosexuality is biologically/genetically originated, but there is very good evidence that it can be.
At 4-6 weeks vast amounts of testosterone are released (or not), making the embryo male (remaining female). Depending on the amount of testosterone released, the "brain wiring" may result one way or the other - too little testoserone in a male embryo and you get a female behaviour, which can include tendency to homosexuality. Too much testosterone in a female gives the opposite result. This will be crucial in adolescence, when the body is awashed by a second wave of hormonal release.

Experiments have been made with rats. If early in the development of the embryo testosterone is suppressed, you get some males developing female behaviour, nesting, etc. If testosterone is suplied in large amounts, you get some of the females behaving like males, aggressive, trying to cover other females, etc. This only works early in the development of the brain, if you fiddle with testosterone later it makes no difference.

I am sure you will agree that rats are not deviant beings with anti-social behaviour. Their behavior is not unnatural or wrong.They are just rats, responding to their "instincts". Homosexuality, and particularly transsexuality, can result from some weird overlust, I don't say it can't, but a lot of it is simply a result of a biological condition, just like some people are blond and others are brune.
§outh§tar said:
That is different from what you said later on. There is a difference between the Biblical attitude towards homosexuality and homosexuals.

Yes, it's called discussing multiple topics at once.

But pray, inform me of how the Christian attitude toward homosexuality has nothing to do with those who practice it. (?)
§outh§tar said:
4) Christianity does not claim to update anything as far as I know. Where did you get this?

So you don't eat swine or shellfish?

And all Christians are required to be circumcised, right?
Frisbinator said:
I believe that the homosexual is a VICTIM, just like someone who was raped or sexually abused.

Even the ones who were not abused and simply have a natural inclination toward the same sex?

Does God hate homosexuals? Of COURSE not.

Does God hate homosexuality, just like any other unnatural tempting act which we as humans succumb to and seperate ourselves further from God?
Yes, I do believe he does. Remember, not the PERSON, just their act.

Ahh, yes. The lovely Christian compromise. "It's fine if you are homosexual. Jesus loves homosexuals. Just don't ever actually have or imagine having sex."

Please. It's like telling Mozart "We love you very much, but if you could please just stop writing music and take up jai lai instead, God will be very happy."
§outh§tar said:
Are you saying stoning is outdated? That is laughable. Perhaps we should "upgrade" to life imprisonment and the electric chair, or even lethal injection?

It seems to be more brutal to you, but the end result is the same and all these methods are just for the end result. Death.

Wow. Are you actually arguing for abolition of the death penalty? Way to go, SouthStar. :D There may be hope for you yet.

By the way, I'm just curious. If you had to die, would you rather be stoned for an hour or so or given a quick lethal injection so as to slip away into the blackness?