

Friend to world's children
Registered Senior Member
(serious question and apologises for any previous messages that made light of anyone's beliefs, despite my own but hey...I guess I'm forgiven already aren't I?)

Is frowned upon under Christian/Catholic, well, most religious beliefs? Yes? Curious, for example are Christian 'Gay' groups taken seriously? Or isn't it just contradicting the bible? There seems to be a grey area, like Bishops are saying now, it's OK to be gay, God won't smite you down...but then does that mean the word of God, allegedly is just a basic guideline?
Sin is still sin no matter what is in fashion and what is not.

The Message of the Bible is sinners repent and accept Jesus for salvation. We are all sinners and the physical act of homosexuality is sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It boils down to do what you like but dont forget to repent, though the bible does say gay people should be stoned to death, so im not sure how the gay bishops overlooked that part.

Homosexuality is comdemned by mainline Christian fundamentalists becuase the bible tends to support that position and the bible is meant to be the inerrant word of God. Unfortunately the bible was written in a pre-science era where the writers had no concept of sexual orientation, modern biology or genetics.

The ignorant writings of the bible have inevitably led to intense bigotry and discrimination against those with different sexual orientations, and by those who irrationaly believe that an ancient out-of-date book contains truth on these matters.

But to answer your question - I suspect the eventual result will be acceptance of homosexuality by most because of science, although fundamantal religionists are never likely to accept science and real knowledge over the bible texts.

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Just another example of mainstream religion being dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world...

<i>He will then be reborn
From 1970's porn
Wearing tubesocks with style
And such an innocent smile

Better pray for your sins
Better pray for your sins
'Cause the gay messiah's coming

He will fall from the star
Studio 54
And appear on the sand
Of Fire Island's shore

Better pray for your sins
Better pray for your sins
'Cause the gay messiah's coming
-- Rufus Wainwright, "Gay Messiah"​
all the shirt lifters, on the day of judgement, will repent there sin's, including bum punching, just to go to heaven.

and all you men be careful of this gay mess iah he's coming!. and it will make you eye's water
Is frowned upon under Christian/Catholic, well, most religious beliefs?

Christians think it's bad because they're zealots that believe the Bible word for word. Catholics think it's bad just because many of the public don't like it even though 70% of the Vatican priests and Swiss Guard members are bi or homosexual.

- N
The Christian faith as with most religions evolves. It is not as static as some would think or like.

From my observation the "Church" is morally evolving as "God" is also.

It is no wonder that the so called sin of Homosexuality is becoming more acceptable to a "Church " that is evolving.

It is unfortunate that some fundies refuse to allow evolution and change to take place.

If one looks at our legal systems they too are constantly evolving. Old laws thrown out and new laws brought in.

Change is one inevitability in this universe that can not be stopped. The more we try to stop change ( evolution) the more pain we suffer.

I think the more modern thinking religious person recognises that this issue of homosexuality is not one created by the homo sexual himself but through the nature of his/ her birth and predispositions.

To deny a homosexual the right to a happy co-existence with Heterosexuals is to commit a fraud against the very thing God has created.

The biggest problem that faces the Church is that the bible needs to be updated and re-written, maybe a third testament needs to be added.

The greatest mistake of the bible is that in it's last words condems it to be obsolete and lose relevance.

Life has continued to evolve since it was written but the bible has stayed static in it's interpretation. This I think is Christianities biggest mistake.
Katazia said:
The ignorant writings of the bible have inevitably led to intense bigotry and discrimination against those with different sexual orientations, and by those who irrationaly believe that an ancient out-of-date book contains truth on these matters.


Because the Bible was written over 2000 years ago, it is now "ignorant"?

Are you mad? :bugeye:
Because the Bible was written over 2000 years ago, it is now "ignorant"?

Ignorant for the crazy beliefs and laws and descrimination it has in it which makes it an outdated book. The Bible is an outdated religion to us these days just as the religions before Christianity were outdated which spawned the reason of having Christianity in the first place.

Different religions come to be and are considered "the one true religion" but is only true for "it's specific time" since that's the most up-to-date religion. They each take the previous belief systems and update them to make life better for the people in those new times. Fact.

- N
Neildo said:
Ignorant for the crazy beliefs and laws and descrimination it has in it which makes it an outdated book. The Bible is an outdated religion to us these days just as the religions before Christianity were outdated which spawned the reason of having Christianity in the first place.

Different religions come to be and are considered "the one true religion" but is only true for "it's specific time" since that's the most up-to-date religion. They each take the previous belief systems and update them to make life better for the people in those new times. Fact.

- N

1) The Bible is not a religion. Much less an "outdated" one.
2) How are the beliefs crazy (comparatively)?
3) Are you saying that people converted to Christianity because their former beliefs were "outdated"?
4) Christianity does not claim to update anything as far as I know. Where did you get this?
Neildo said:
Christians think it's bad because they're zealots that believe the Bible word for word. Catholics think it's bad just because many of the public don't like it even though 70% of the Vatican priests and Swiss Guard members are bi or homosexual.

- N

Who told you that Christians believe the Bible "word for word"?
§outh§tar said:
Who told you that Christians believe the Bible "word for word"?

Ever hear of Jerry Falwell? Pat Robertson? Fundamentalism?

Once again, you seem rather ignorant of your own ranks.
JustARide said:
Ever hear of Jerry Falwell? Pat Robertson? Fundamentalism?

Once again, you seem rather ignorant of your own ranks.

I was commenting on the crass generalization JustARide.

§outh§tar said:
I was commenting on the crass generalization JustARide.


By the way, could you list another 2000-year-old non-fiction book you believe has really held up over the years?

Just curious, since you seem to be suggesting that modern books have no leg up over old ones when it comes to psychology, biology, social theory...
JustARide said:

By the way, could you list another 2000-year-old non-fiction book you believe has really held up over the years?

Just curious, since you seem to be suggesting that modern books have no leg up over old ones when it comes to psychology, biology, social theory...

I wasn't suggesting anything like that.

I was saying not all Christians take the Bible "word for word" like he was saying, and thus his generalization was unfair.

As for Biology
- There are authentic reports of Jonah surviving in the belly of a whale, the Son of God ascending into heaven, an apostle having a vision of the end times, the lame made to walk again, the deaf and dumb restored to good health, the blind made to see..

It all comes down to your staunch belief in "reason" and "rationale". Which reminds me, I found something interesting which you might want to take a look at:

This is actually the line to which I was referring:

§outh§tar said:
Because the Bible was written over 2000 years ago, it is now "ignorant"?

Are you mad?

And I'm still waiting on that other 2000-year-old book that's not "out-of-date"...
The Bible was recently (relatively) bound in a Book.

Perhaps you mean literature instead of book?

The Books of Moses have "held up".