Homosexuality to blame for child abuse

he is trying to blame it on a minority group of people...

the fags.

but last time i seen a none Vatican employee get charges with raping a child, they were mostly with the opposite sex.

the biggest problem with priests doing what there doing is, there fucking human, it is our instinct to want to be sexually active, and the stupid rule the church has about priests and the men of faith staying alone, Lonely will drive a human mad.

if they want to fix this problem they should double look at there stupid man made policy about priests not getting married and having a family.
It's been amazing me ever since I came to the realization that fundies have an extremely one sided bigotry. For most of them, the wildest insinuations, a priori "Truth", and outright hatred are fine if directed at homosexuals. Most of those same would never indulge in doing that to a different race, or, more appropriately, to a certain gender. But unsupported discrimination is always fine if God says YES!

Males can be blamed for the majority of crimes, sexual or not.

But, MAN is in the image of GOD, so it isn't proper to persecute people because of their genitalia, you know. :rolleyes:
M*W: I'm not sure where you're coming from, but if there were a god with man made in his image, that would make man homosexual. We know however that all humans begin as females in utero, and either remain females or mutate into males. That means that god must be female.

That said, male or female, heterosexual or homosexual.. (you say tomayto, I say tomahto), pedophelia is pedophelia is pedophilia.
the biggest problem with priests doing what there doing is, there fucking human, it is our instinct to want to be sexually active, and the stupid rule the church has about priests and the men of faith staying alone, Lonely will drive a human mad.

I'm sorry, but how exactly does that explain having sex with children? I could understand your argument if they were having sex with adults, but children?

So to be human and be sexually active, they satisfy their sexual activitie with children?

if they want to fix this problem they should double look at there stupid man made policy about priests not getting married and having a family.
Letting priests marry won't stop the issue. Paedophiles are not attracted to adults, but to children.

If they want to fix the problem, they should not only immediately defrock a priest, but hand him over to the police to be charged, tried and jailed for sexually abusing children.
Since it is an epidemic, all priests who deal with children must take a supervised "neutering" potion as a part of the ritual.
The number of Priests involved in this type of abuse is lower than what we see in society and other profession. I read an article that stated it is under 4 percent and higher in some professions. As a percentage it is lower than doctors and school teachers, these figures come from google links. Certainly not the same media coverage though, but at least they do run the stories. Recently there was a doctor who molested hundreds of children and unfortunately molesters dont seem to do much time, not enough time because the liberals end up calling it cruel. so they release them and they do it again.

It is common knowledge that homosexuals do not abuse children more than heterosexuals, all these statistics are verifiable through law enforcement.

The link in the op:

He may be referring to young adults engaged in sexual activity, meaning that the two involved were close in age and decades later they come forward with abuse charges when both parties are much older. On t.v they had two guys looked to be in their 50s on an interview and the accused was not much older than them.
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I'm sorry, but how exactly does that explain having sex with children? I could understand your argument if they were having sex with adults, but children?

So to be human and be sexually active, they satisfy their sexual activities with children?

Letting priests marry won't stop the issue. Pedophiles are not attracted to adults, but to children.

If they want to fix the problem, they should not only immediately defrock a priest, but hand him over to the police to be charged, tried and jailed for sexually abusing children.

i did state that they would be sexually deprived, and not having a healthy sexually life style, will drive men silly, and adult or unfortunately even children isf thats the only ppl they have access too.
i did state that they would be sexually deprived, and not having a healthy sexually life style, will drive men silly, and adult or unfortunately even children isf thats the only ppl they have access too.

In short, what you're saying is that men not getting any will drive them a bit crazy and they would turn to having sex with children?

Are you saying that if men have a "healthy sexually life style", that some would not be paedophiles?

You do realise that paedophilia is in a class all of its own, don't you? That there are some men and women in the world who can have as healthy a sexual lifestyle as one can imagine, but would still be sexually attracted to children.
In short, what you're saying is that men not getting any will drive them a bit crazy and they would turn to having sex with children?

Are you saying that if men have a "healthy sexually life style", that some would not be paedophiles?

You do realise that paedophilia is in a class all of its own, don't you? That there are some men and women in the world who can have as healthy a sexual lifestyle as one can imagine, but would still be sexually attracted to children.

I think he was saying that Children are what was readily available to the deprived. Easiest target.
I think he was saying that Children are what was readily available to the deprived. Easiest target.

And what I am saying is that even if someone were deprived of sex, children being the easiest target, would normally not be the preferred target unless one was sexually attracted to children anyway.
And what I am saying is that even if someone were deprived of sex, children being the easiest target, would normally not be the preferred target unless one was sexually attracted to children anyway.

I agree with you. Just was tryin' to help a boy out...