Homosexuality to blame for child abuse

'The Pope should not feel he is under the pressure of the glare of the media if such a meeting takes place, Fr Federico Lombardi said, so that he can listen and communicate with them.'

Oh yes he should.

Of course it's completely lost on the Catholic church that it is repressed homosexuals who turn to paedophilia not because they are true paedophiles but because it's the only piece of arse they think they can get and still remain within the closet.

Sad, sad, sad!
Of course his theory falls flat when you consider it is both girls and boys abused by priests.
Of course his theory falls flat when you consider it is both girls and boys abused by priests.

How would you explain the propensity for priests to abuse the kids?

The devil is looking good at the moment.
Either that or Armageddon..."armageddon all the sweet young ass I can get'.
actually the truth is stranger than fiction
"Yet imagine that an opponent of this new openness to homosexuals in the priesthood had uttered a warning cry. Imagine that someone had said, back in the 1970s, when homosexuals were flooding into Catholic seminaries all over the U.S., that substantial numbers of gay priests, far from accepting the rule of celibacy, would deliberately flout that rule, both in theory and in practice. Suppose that someone had argued that homosexual priests would gain control of many seminaries, that many would openly "date," that many would actively cultivate an ethos of gay solidarity and promote a homosexual culture that would drive away heterosexuals -- especially theologically orthodox heterosexuals - - from the priesthood. Suppose this person went on to argue that, at its extreme, the growing gay subculture of the priesthood would tolerate and protect not only flagrant violations of celibacy, but even the abuse of minors. Then suppose that this person predicted eventual public exposure of the whole sordid mess, an exposure that would precipitate a crisis within the Church itself.

"Naturally, anyone prescient -- and foolish -- enough to say all of these things in the wake of the Sixties would have been excoriated and ostracized as a hysterical gay-hater. It is simply bigoted, he would have been lectured, to claim that large numbers of homosexuals would take the vow of celibacy without making a good-faith effort to adhere to it; and even more so to claim that gay priests would embark on a campaign to deliberately subvert the Church's sexual teachings. And surely our foolish (and hysterically homophobic) friend would have been assured that an institution like the Catholic priesthood would attract only the most conservative homosexuals, not a bunch of "queer" radicals. Besides, even if a very few homosexuals did go so far as to actually abuse the children who had been given into their care, surely the number of such cases could never rise to the point where the stature and credibility of the Church itself would be put into doubt.

"Yet all of these things have happened. Consider Jason Berry's extraordinary account in Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children (1992), all the more striking for coming from the pen of a liberal Catholic who would himself like to see a liberalization of the Church's sexual teachings. According to Berry, as the proportion of homosexuals in the priesthood increased dramatically in the 1970s and 1980s, many gay priests were visiting the seminary "on the make," frequenting gay bars, and "befriending" high- school students. Berry reports a study of 50 gay Catholic priests, only two of whom said that they were abstaining from sexual activity: "Sixty percent said they felt no guilt about breaking their vows. Ninety percent strongly rejected mandatory celibacy . . . and slightly less than half reported that they engaged in sex in public toilets or parks." According to Berry, Richard Wagner, author of the original study of these gay priests, found that 34 percent of his interviewees called their sexual partners "distinctly younger." (Wagner did not say how young.) What's clear from Berry's account is that sexual abuse of boys by homosexual priests (the typical form of abuse in the current scandal) was part and parcel of a larger gay subculture within the priesthood, a subculture that effectively enabled the abuse of minors by encouraging flagrant homosexuality, and openly flouting the rule of celibacy itself. Indeed, in a now infamous case, a priest who has been the subject of abuse allegations over a period of three decades, the Reverend Paul Shanley, went so far as to advocate abuse in an address to the convention that led to the founding of the North American Man- Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Here, the connection between sexual abuse and an openly "queer" culture was frighteningly direct." (Kurtz)

- for those of you who aren't in the know and missed the southpark episode
How would you explain the propensity for priests to abuse the kids?

The devil is looking good at the moment.
Either that or Armageddon..."armageddon all the sweet young ass I can get'.

Sexual frustration, paedophiles drawn to the RCC as an easy way to access children, probably many reasons.

The more important questions are about the RCC covering up the abuse that has spanned decades (that we know of) and every corner of the globe.
They specialize in ignorant BS

wsionynw said:

Amazingly ignorant bullshit even for a Cardinal.

Even? What's all this about "even for a Cardinal"? You get to be a Cardinal by promoting ignorant and superstitious bullshit. He's immersed in it.

The Bishop of Tenerife last week allegedly blamed the sexually abused children for tempting the priests. The Pope's preacher apparently compared the Catholic Church to Holocaust Jews recently. Right now, the Catholic clergy specializes in mind-bogglingly stupid bullshit.
Even? What's all this about "even for a Cardinal"? You get to be a Cardinal by promoting ignorant and superstitious bullshit. He's immersed in it.

The Bishop of Tenerife last week allegedly blamed the sexually abused children for tempting the priests. The Pope's preacher apparently compared the Catholic Church to Holocaust Jews recently. Right now, the Catholic clergy specializes in mind-bogglingly stupid bullshit.

That was my point, Cardinals are full of shit anyway but this latest crap about homosexuality and child abuse just adds to the mountain of excrement.
The church doesn't want to look at how it creates a milieu for abuse, nor that if you want to go statistically it's men who tend to abuse more - if we have to pick out a group.


This is something that has gone through my head before, in moments of spiritual ecstacy: why don't churchy people, those conservative Christians and all, if they want to really get to the root of a problem, then get to the root of the problem, rather than skirt the periphery?!?!

Homosexuality is the cause of this and that, sodom and gomorrah, Armageddon, yada yada... when, like you point out, it's...


Most rape, molestation, murder, other violent crimes, and robbery, starting wars, etc.. the majority of the time, it is MEN who commit those crimes. You would think though, that it's only homosexuals who are responsible for all that.:rolleyes:
Of course his theory falls flat when you consider it is both girls and boys abused by priests.

I reviewed around 200 cases of sex offenses in a local database not too long ago. They included all offenses, not just child abuse.

Approximately 7% of those were same-gender crimes. Of course, that was only a small part of the database that I reviewed. I would judge the margin of error in that to be about +- 1% maximum. Most samples looking at the ratio of same-gender sex crimes are kind of small, from my own studies.

But clearly, homosexuals do not commit around 30% of child molestation cases, as Dr. Cameron asserts. And his data is generally the only that is cited by the anti-homosexual groups.

In fact, some studies if I recall correctly, have actually concluded that homosexuals might be less inclined than the average heterosexual to commit child sexual abuse.
actually is stranger than fiction
An opinion piece from the National Review is fiction. The statistics do not back up homosexuals as abusing more children than heterosexuals. Men however do abuse more children than women. It would seem like people who are homophobic and want homosexuals not to be brought into contact with children would want the same restriction placed on men when faced with statistics.

As far as Nambla, sure sick stuff.

But the internet is filled with hetero child porn, in fact the tendencies toward minors or minor-looking women is all over hetero porn. It is just this is taken for granted. They don't need an organization, they have thousands. Heterosexual trafficking of girls is huge business.
Sexual frustration, paedophiles drawn to the RCC as an easy way to access children, probably many reasons.

The more important questions are about the RCC covering up the abuse that has spanned decades (that we know of) and every corner of the globe.
M*W: I rather think this abuse has spanned centuries.

This is something that has gone through my head before, in moments of spiritual ecstacy: why don't churchy people, those conservative Christians and all, if they want to really get to the root of a problem, then get to the root of the problem, rather than skirt the periphery?!?!

Homosexuality is the cause of this and that, sodom and gomorrah, Armageddon, yada yada... when, like you point out, it's...


Most rape, molestation, murder, other violent crimes, and robbery, starting wars, etc.. the majority of the time, it is MEN who commit those crimes. You would think though, that it's only homosexuals who are responsible for all that.:rolleyes:
M*W: You said it all:

M*W: You said it all:


It's been amazing me ever since I came to the realization that fundies have an extremely one sided bigotry. For most of them, the wildest insinuations, a priori "Truth", and outright hatred are fine if directed at homosexuals. Most of those same would never indulge in doing that to a different race, or, more appropriately, to a certain gender. But unsupported discrimination is always fine if God says YES!

Males can be blamed for the majority of crimes, sexual or not.

But, MAN is in the image of GOD, so it isn't proper to persecute people because of their genitalia, you know. :rolleyes: