homophobic religions cause pain and death

I can see that for a vast majority of the masses who prefer others to do the thinking for them that religion helps to keep them in control but christianity is atrocious in ethics where it deceitfully cancels out any good with just as much evil condoned or ambiguous. Second it is anticerebral, unprogressive and a continual dead weight to true society progress.
KennyJC said:
Where are you getting your figures from?

In secular Europe, which has slowly but surely cut the ropes which religion had attatched to it, Europe has as a result gone on to prosper. And socially out-performs religious nations.

Your statement that society requires religion to maintain order, is misinformed and contrary to the facts which say otherwise.

AHH.. yes... cut the ropes of religion.

thats why i see specials about germany, and how it has become normal for men to want butt sex... in their butts...

there is german tv show... of 12 guys. who spend the day playing paramilitary games.. and other very macho stuff.
but later... they are all sucking each other off in gay orgies.

yeah... germany and europe out performs other nations... in gayness.

iam said:
I can see that for a vast majority of the masses who prefer others to do the thinking for them that religion helps to keep them in control but christianity is atrocious in ethics where it deceitfully cancels out any good with just as much evil condoned or ambiguous. Second it is anticerebral, unprogressive and a continual dead weight to true society progress.


the usa... has been christian based from its birth..

and is the usa... backwards???? without progress??? anticerebral??

you make no sense.... the modern western world, was mostly christian when it formed.... and now that some people choose to abandon religion... you would suggest that religion wasnt involved with that success??

i smell an idiot.

The usa is backwards in many ways because of religion then and up to this day. "True" progress is not just measured in dollars and cents." Or is that your true colors showing? It is time to move on and religion was involved with that success if you think all ends justify the means. Or are you justifying the use of slavery and the use of the bible to condone it? So how do you want it? Defend christianity for its great qualities of self-importance? and Ignore the equal negatives by which it is attained? Like most christians you want it both ways, don't ya. So whats your fuking story? Idiot is you.
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Mosheh Thezion said:
AHH.. yes... cut the ropes of religion.

thats why i see specials about germany, and how it has become normal for men to want butt sex... in their butts...

there is german tv show... of 12 guys. who spend the day playing paramilitary games.. and other very macho stuff.
but later... they are all sucking each other off in gay orgies.

yeah... germany and europe out performs other nations... in gayness.


Perfect example of religious based homophobia.

You want to go back to the dark ages where religion controls every aspect of not only our politics, but personal lives.

Fuck off.
NO one does not have to be religious to be a biggot. However since atheists, humanists, and secularists are in the "minority" it's generally understood that most fucking biggots are religious! ;)

*JERUSALEM - At first glance it has all the hallmarks of a miracle: virtually the entire orthodox leadership of the Holy City — Jewish, Muslim and Christian alike — are gathering in an unprecedented show of unity for the betterment of Jerusalem.

A long-overdue edict of peace, perhaps? A decree against the spiralling violence between Israelis and Palestinians? A crusade to end poverty, even?*

A good cause, perhaps, end the wars, end the bigotry between them, no nothing like that! Dont we wish these people really had reach the point that they have realized they got their heads stuck up their ass? They unite in biggotry!


Mosheh Thezion said:

the usa... has been christian based from its birth..

and is the usa... backwards???? without progress??? anticerebral??

you make no sense.... the modern western world, was mostly christian when it formed.... and now that some people choose to abandon religion... you would suggest that religion wasnt involved with that success??

i smell an idiot.


I'm going to tear apart your argument with what you left out. CHRISTIANITY had only a part to do with america's success and most of it negative. The reason why america is successful is because they believe in equal rights, birth control, separation of church and state, freedom of religion, protection of children, antislavery(recently), women's rights(equality). None of these principles are grounded in christianity. Its in spite OFthe dead weight of religiosity that continues to try to gain political momentum and bust the doors of state and those who fight it has america been successful. As if atheists and agnostics have not also greatly contributed to the success of america and as if they do not or cannot practice morality which is not a CHRISTIAN principle but a UNIVERSAL one.
your right... it wasnt christianity... it was calvinism.

an odd form of christian based beliefs had by those with great wealth.

this belief... started capitalism... the idea of investing your wealth.. in to working buisnesses... instead of hording it.

the idea that we shouldnt hold on to excess wealth... but invest it.

it was this... that gave birth to modern capitalism...

and i suppose, that when in europe... the bible became readily availble by the people... people who could read... like the masons..

they started to read the bible.

and what did they find??

commands from jesus to swear no oaths.

swear no oaths??? but the entire system of monarchy was based on oaths.

the only thing keeping the king in power... was oaths to him.

oaths... was like law.

then the church... quickly said... yes.. no oaths... except... these few.

but it was to late.... they could read.. and owned bibles.

they understood that the church was lieing to them.... so was the king.

therefore.... historicaly speaking.

if it had not been for JESUS, and the bible.... modern capitalism and democratic republics would not have developed and flourished as they have.

as we might all still be living under a king.... or caeser.

KennyJC said:
Perfect example of religious based homophobia.

You want to go back to the dark ages where religion controls every aspect of not only our politics, but personal lives.

Fuck off.

did i strike a nerve??? ha
iam said:
^thats delusional because there is nothing to misinterpret. The bible does not condone it. The thread starter is right because "religionists" base their beliefs on the bible. If some are trying to speak out against it, then they also could be accused of misinterpreting the bible. Because of the hypocrisy and contradictory nature of the bible many christians can and do espouse selective beliefs. They are naive or confused because to be a part of yet refuse to take responsibility for a religion or book who can take the blatant negatives from 'god' to justify makes them no better, ultimately they are defending the source together. The deceit is the bible is not really open for interpretation. Its very clear from beginning to end what it is based on and the nature of this god. So in the end, its the religion that is the source of the prejudice and those who keep representing the religion.

If you read the original aramaic translated to english God was furious that Men were raping. Raping men, women and even his messengers. That was what pissed him off. King James has done more to fuck up the Bible than a thousand of you could.