Homeopathy:A cure or just plain water?


Registered Member
There was this guy and he said he'd give $1 million dollars to anyone who could prove homeopathy could work. :D
Oh really, how interesting. :bugeye: Care to send us a link concerning this? Also, the debate is still out on how well mind-over-matter techniques work for pain etc, as in placebo and things.
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Re: "There was this guy and he said ..."

Originally posted by EvilPoet
Was it this guy?

James Randi

I think weehah wanted to keep the guy a secret so that (s)he can ask on forums to get an answer and claim the money.

You are ruining the plan! :D
Originally posted by one_raven
You are ruining the plan!

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
-English Proverb
Does anyone here know what homeopathy is???

It like trying to cure something with something else that bad or would produce the same symptoms. Like using fire to fight fire.
"Does anyone here know what homeopathy is??"

Yup, sure do.

"Homeopathy, from the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering), is a controversial system of alternative medicine involving the use of remedies without chemically active ingredients. The theory of homeopathy was developed by the Saxon physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and first published in 1796."


See also:


Alternative Health Dictionary

"Keep an open mind, but don't keep it too
open or people will throw a lot of rubbish
in." -Unknown
i thought homeopathy was something entirely different. boy was i wrong. i don't know why you would want to bother proving that.

what does everyone think of the use of herbs to treat symptoms and conditions?
Huuuum I thought Homeopathy was my definition :bugeye: well I found a major English dictionary that confirms it:

Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: ho·me·op·a·thy
Pronunciation: "hO-mE-'ä-p&-thE, "hä-
Function: noun
Etymology: German Homöopathie, from homöo- homeo- + -pathie -pathy
Date: 1826
: a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease
- ho·meo·path /'hO-mE-&-"path/ noun

I remember a report about the use of phage to fight off bacterial infections and they referred to that as Homeopathy.
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Re: Re: "There was this guy and he said ..."

Originally posted by one_raven
I think weehah wanted to keep the guy a secret so that (s)he can ask on forums to get an answer and claim the money.

You are ruining the plan! :D
Don't worry, I'm not trying to keep it a secret or anything. Yes, it was James Randi. As for the placebo effect, they tried it on animals and it seemed to work. Personally I think it's impossible that chemicals that have been diluted thousands of times could have any effect on the human body.
Re: "Does anyone here know what homeopathy is??"

Originally posted by EvilPoet
"Homeopathy, from the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering), is a controversial system of alternative medicine involving the use of remedies without chemically active ingredients. [/B]
Isn't 'not chemically active' another way of saying 'doesn't do anything'?
So that’s what homeopathy is... hehehahahaHAHAHAHA stupid fu[ks! obviously they don't understand what molecular polarity is... heck they don't understand a lot of things. I guess homeopathy made since when they tried to explain the effects of placebo.
As far as I know homeopathy is putting something in water and then diluting it down until that "thing" could no longer possibly be in the water.
Yes it is a load of crap.
Yes thats right. They dilute it until it's the equivalent to one drop to all the water in the Atlantic
If homeopathy works, than one drop of poison could kill a million people, drinking the highly diluted solution....?

Drinking plain water may no longer be be safe, you never know what industrial waste may have caused the water to have become quantum entangled with it in the past :p