Holy Hot Dogs!


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
When i buy a package of Hebrew National hotdogs am i supporting some faith based organization? Ive never looked into this, is an awfuly political sounding name for a package of hottdogs. I also notice that they feature god in thier advertising... can anyone point me to any bible/talmud/quaran quotes that support these hot dogs?
Anything Jewish is political, don't you know that already.

Anyways, when it comes to making Hotdogs, being the garbage disposal for the meat market, the jewish prefers to separate themselves from the masses and eat differently.....So I suggest you eat Hebrew national, because if it is good enough for the survival of the minority inbred weakly jews, it must be good enough for general human consumption.
Flores are you for real? I would far prefer a kosher hotdog than a normal hotodg for the very reason that hotdogs are inherently a way for cleaning up scraps, at least i know that if a hotog is kosher all it contains is some unsavory meat, and not old phone books and boot leather.

and your assertion that everything jewish is political is clearly more a statement of your own hatred rather than a refelection of reality. Ive known pleanty of apolitical jews and you should know that logicly EVERYTHING jewish cant be political.
Originally posted by Flores
if it is good enough for the survival of the minority inbred weakly jews, it must be good enough for general human consumption.

Im sure you wouldnt beleive it if a nutritionist told you that jews have the same dietairy needs as everybody else.

Im curious about freeking hotdogs here people, lets not concider it an invitation for anti-semitism to rear its crosseyed ugly head.
SpyMoose idiot, read my freakin post again. I said that I suggest you eat kosher because the Jewish are more likely to create a cleaner product to protect their race. I eat kosher myself, because I don't eat pork, and I live in US.

As far as political, you are the moron that brought out the political issue, so save us the lecture about not bringing politics to the table, afterall, you farted first....Who's the freakin idiot that said, "it is an awfuly political sounding name for a package of hottdogs".
wait now you are a champion for the "minority weakly inbred jews" and thier kosher hotdogs?
I accept the title, now shut up, and get a real prespective, or go grill a dog if you're craving one that bad.
You dont have any real principals do you? You just pick whatever will piss off whoever started a thread...
It's a tough world out there my friend, survival for the fittest, and today doesn't seem to be your day. Wanna start fresh.?

Welcome Spymoose,
You bring an excellent point that I have been contemplating all my life. Why is kosher dogs more tastier and more expensive than regular dogs? I have tried so hard to enroll in the hotdog factory tour offered in elementry school, but somehow I got placed in the Hershy factory, so may you enlighten me on how kosher dogs are made....oh great one:D
To anyone reading this, the most important post is still the first, but Flores dosnt seem to be able to read or she gets off on insulting jews, then defendign jews, then declairing herself the winner, then something about chocolate, who can tell?
That goes without saying Moosy,

I like the story, it reminded me of the time, my son swallowed the stone off my diamond ring. We searched his soiled diapers for days to recover it.
ahh children, they are so like the large mammals of the sea in so many ways.

Flores, we have to stop posting like this, people are going to get the idea that we arnt important busy people and we have too much time to sit in our big comfy chairs and scour the sciforums.
From that article about the manatee:

"As usual," said Frank Capello, the airport's federal security director, "we always get our man."
That's a pretty bold claim coming from anyone working in Airport Security if you ask me. Someone should shove some hotdogs up his nose, arrogant bastard.

Anyway, so far as I know there is no genuine political movement behind Hebrew National HotDogs. Though I'm not privy to their secret board meetings, I'd say that the company just makes, sells, and advertises hotdogs, and are in fact not some sort of funding base for Zionists. Their commercials depicting God seem to be more flippant and tongue-and-cheek than serious. It seems like they're just using the Jewish thing as a sort of comedy shtick.

But again, do try to remember that the Jews ARE God's people, after all. If you're in an Abrahamic religion you've got to admit that much. God may love all his children, but he loved the Jews first, and best. Don't get jealous, it's just the way things are.
Yeah seriously, what is with all these abrihamic religions that keep the old testimate as part of thier official literature, but claim the jews are all filthy smarmy bastards whos only contribution to the world is a damn tasty kosher hot dog.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Yeah seriously, what is with all these abrihamic religions that keep the old testimate as part of thier official literature, but claim the jews are all filthy smarmy bastards whos only contribution to the world is a damn tasty kosher hot dog.

Well Nathan's is a pretty good hot dog, and they also aren't even vaguely associated with any religion or political movement so far as I can tell. Also, I think it'd be good to remember that most often people' just let their own prejudices and biases rule their life and use religion as a sort of post hoc rationalization for their beliefs, seeing how as most Abrahamic religions tend to be so convoluted and vague as it is that you could use them to justify or denounce anything at all.
"I have done the Old Testament and the Apocrypha and am working away on the New Testament, and I must say that I stand amazed at the highly intelligent people who have taken so much of the Bible so seriously." -Issac Asimov