Holy Bible, Space Travel; Big Bang, Black holes.

Show me an ancient reference to something other than water that is called water. Such a reference will then lead doubt to the generic creationist theory that at least one god separated two bodies of water to make the sky and the oceans. I play Scrabble and am anxious to hear a new definition for water.
Ok. There are extensive metaphors in later sections of bible.

Ezekiel 8:6 "Because this people has rejected the waters of Shiloah that flow gently, And melts with fear before the loftiness of Rezin and Remaliah's son. Therefore the Lord raises against them the waters of the River, great and mighty [the king of Assyria and all his power]. It shall rise above all its channels, and overflow all its banks; It shall pass into Judah, and flood it all throughout: up to the neck it shall reach; It shall spread its wings the full width of your land, Immanuel!"

The King of Tyre representing Satan had his fortress in the sea.
Read Ezekiel 26-28

Revelation 13:1 "Then I saw a beast come out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads; on its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads blasphemous names." Water represents the holy spirit.

Water represents the holy spirit. This is why Peter was called a fisher of men. Another verse is "living waters flow within him."

Isaiah 51:10 "Was it not you who crushed Rahab, you who pierced the dragon. Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, Who made teh depths of the sea into a way for the redeemed to pass over?"

Ezekiel 17:12 "Along both banks of the river, fruit trees of every kind shall grow; their leaves shall not fade, nor their fruit fail. Every month they shall bear fresh fruit, for they shall be watered by the flow from the sactuary. Their fruit shall serve for food and their leaves for medicine.

Originally posted by okinrus
The NAB stands for the new american bishops.

Last I heard, NAB stands for the New American Bible. It is the Catholic version with the imprimatur and nil obistat(sp) sanctioned by the Pope.

<i>James, you claimed not to say a black hole is a singularity yet in a quote from you it is clear that you compared a black hole singularity to the big bang singularity. By later saying you never called a black hole a singularity one must wonder who wrote your comment under your login id and password?</i>

Please try to make at least a little effort to read what people write, or they will most likely stop bothering to respond to you at all.

A black hole is not a singularity. A black hole does, according to current theories, have a singularity at its centre. However, the nature of that singularity, as I pointed out, is quite different to the nature of the singularity at the big bang.

In fact, both types of singularities are most probably merely mathematical artifacts which will be eliminated once we have a good quantum theory of gravity. We don't have a complete understanding of either the big bang or black holes yet, but to claim they are the same thing betrays a deep lack of knowledge of the relevant physics.

Originally posted by James R

In fact, both types of singularities are most probably merely mathematical artifacts which will be eliminated once we have a good quantum theory of gravity. We don't have a complete understanding of either the big bang or black holes yet, but to claim they are the same thing betrays a deep lack of knowledge of the relevant physics.

I never said black holes are the same as Big Bang. With big bang everything emanates. With black hole everything converges.

In the past you have made comments contradicting relativity and Newtonian physics. I do not mind not recieving critiques from you because I have to pull up the equations from my desk references to show that there are relations of Gravity to Mass and Mass to Velocity. In addition I had to locate the equation for centripetal force which is based on mass, rotational speed and something else. For you to not slam me I have to produce equations, a bibliography and so on. That becomes tedious.

Have a great Day!
