Holy Bible, Space Travel; Big Bang, Black holes.


Registered Senior Member
Theories of creation come from Creationists and Big Bang theorists. God made everything according to Creationists. Everything sprung from a singularity according to Big Bang theorists. Let us look at each theory.

Creationists were discredited with Genesis itself when the first man landed on the Moon because our blue sky is not an ocean!

Black holes are reportedly 99.99 % likely to exist. Black holes prevent all that exists from escaping them. If everything in our Universe combined it would form a gigantic black hole. No explosion would ever disassemble the black hole. Therefore, the Big Bang theory is only 0.01 % likely to be true.

Now with both theories false, the only possible theory is that God does not exist according to the Holy Bible and everything always existed. That means Satan does not exist, atheism is true, and some astronomers are paid too much to produce improbable possibilities for educators to teach children.

Have a good Day! :)

Originally posted by GodLied
Creationists were discredited with Genesis itself when the first man landed on the Moon because our blue sky is not an ocean!

I think your mis-interpreting a part of the bible with this one, try re-reading genesis

You need to study up on some cosmology, too.

The big bang singularity is not the same as a black hole singularity. The big bang has nothing to do with black holes.
Originally posted by James R

You need to study up on some cosmology, too.

The big bang singularity is not the same as a black hole singularity. The big bang has nothing to do with black holes.

A black hole is not a singularity. A black hole is a large dead star of purportedly large mass whose gravity generates an escape velocity supposedly equal to at least the speed of light.

All mass in the Universe combined will be larger than any black hole. Such a combined mass should have an escape velocity larger than a dead star because billions of objects would be included in the combined mass of the Universe. Under those conditions, it is impossible for any big bang to happen.

From what I have seen on the internet the Big Bang theory considers that the expansion of the singularity was at greater speed than light speed. Objects moving at such speed would have infinite mass which results in infinite gravity, not to mention infinite magnetic fields. That infinite gravity and infinite magnetic field strength would re-glue everything that tried to leave during the Big Bang. Essentially, no explosive force would separate everything in the Universe under the Big Bang theory. That is why it is the most ridiculous theory taught at some schools.

Creationists were discredited with Genesis itself when the first man landed on the Moon because our blue sky is not an ocean!
The clouds have water.

Many christians intepret Genesis differently with the days only representing time markers. Revelation also uses similar ideas because at the end of the 7 trumpets and at the end verse 14:13 says "let them find rest from their labors, for their works accompany them." The trumpets themselves represents plagues etc that will wake up mankind who has been sleeping. The whole point of the genesis is clearly theological and instructive of keeping of the sabath. It is not supposed to be used as a physics textbook.
Re: Re: Holy Bible, Space Travel; Big Bang, Black holes.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
I think your mis-interpreting a part of the bible with this one, try re-reading genesis

Quoted from Holy Bible, New International Version:

Genesis 1:6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water."
Genesis 1:7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it." And it was so.
Genesis 1:8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning--the second day.

In perusing Genesis 1:6-8 I see that, according to the Holy Bible, God said he gave the name sky to the expanse of water he personally placed above the terrestrial waters. As we all know the sky is blue because blue light is dispersed in all directions as it enters our atmosphere. In addition to that, we similarly know that astronauts can't go snorkeling in the sky. That is why God does not exist. His nonexistence lends to the fact that Jesus is therefore not his son. With that in mind, a lot of bible based religions are based on worshipping frauds.

With America's great freedom of religion, anyone may practice anything they believe in as long as it does not adversely affect the rights of others. Therefore, no matter how fraudulent the Holy Bible and all religions based upon it are, Americans allow people to participate in bible based religions.

If you want to negatively attack my reference to the Holy Bible, at least produce a rational reason for your attack. That will prevent me from having to quote the Holy Bible. Thank you in advance.

Respectfully yours,

Originally posted by okinrus
The clouds have water.

Many christians intepret Genesis differently with the days only representing time markers. Revelation also uses similar ideas because at the end of the 7 trumpets and at the end verse 14:13 says "let them find rest from their labors, for their works accompany them." The trumpets themselves represents plagues etc that will wake up mankind who has been sleeping. The whole point of the genesis is clearly theological and instructive of keeping of the sabath. It is not supposed to be used as a physics textbook.

Clouds, fog, and waterspouts have water. Neither is in the sky. All are contained in the expanse between the expanse called sky and the expanse called seas and land. For example, on a high mountain one may be above clouds, fog, and waterspouts yet be below the sky.

Respectfully yours,

Ok. This is what the NAB bible says "Then God said, 'Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other." And so it happened: God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it. God called the dome "The sky".

I'm not sure what here contradicts our natural observations. The entire passage could also be interpreted symbolically. Egytpians refered the other nations as having a nile in the sky. The water could represent something other than h20, perhaps spirits.
Originally posted by GodLied
Theories of creation come from Creationists and Big Bang theorists. God made everything according to Creationists. Everything sprung from a singularity according to Big Bang theorists. Let us look at each theory.

Creationists were discredited with Genesis itself when the first man landed on the Moon because our blue sky is not an ocean!

Black holes are reportedly 99.99 % likely to exist. Black holes prevent all that exists from escaping them. If everything in our Universe combined it would form a gigantic black hole. No explosion would ever disassemble the black hole. Therefore, the Big Bang theory is only 0.01 % likely to be true.

Now with both theories false, the only possible theory is that God does not exist according to the Holy Bible and everything always existed. That means Satan does not exist, atheism is true, and some astronomers are paid too much to produce improbable possibilities for educators to teach children.

Have a good Day! :)


You gotta be careful what you are saying cos saying "always existed"
is a paradox,"always" means existed for infinity and no beginning,thats ludicrous and counters what you said.

If i said the sun "always" existed then it would have turned into a red giant billions of years ago and it wouldnt be in the sky,so everything had some sort of beginning otherwise it wouldnt make any sense,and it counters your argument,while im inclined to agree theres no such thing as god,this is the worst reason ive seen so far,especially considering people believed in god well before we thought about the big bang.

<i>A black hole is not a singularity.</i>

Correct. Note that I didn't say it was.

<i>All mass in the Universe combined will be larger than any black hole. Such a combined mass should have an escape velocity larger than a dead star because billions of objects would be included in the combined mass of the Universe.</i>


<i>Under those conditions, it is impossible for any big bang to happen.</i>

Wrong. The big bang was not an explosion of matter in space, but an explosion of spacetime itself. The concept of escape velocity does not apply to it.

<i>From what I have seen on the internet the Big Bang theory considers that the expansion of the singularity was at greater speed than light speed. Objects moving at such speed would have infinite mass which results in infinite gravity, not to mention infinite magnetic fields.</i>

There is no light-speed limit on the expansion of spacetime. It is also incorrect that gravity increases with speed.

<i>Essentially, no explosive force would separate everything in the Universe under the Big Bang theory.</i>

It's a good thing then, that the big bang theory doesn't mention any explosive force then, isn't it?

<i>That is why it is the most ridiculous theory taught at some schools.</i>

I suggest you go back to school and learn some physics.
I'm not sure what here contradicts our natural observations. The entire passage could also be interpreted symbolically. Egytpians refered the other nations as having a nile in the sky. The water could represent something other than h20, perhaps spirits.

I'll tell you where it contradicts; by infering that there is a large body of water equal to the oceans on Earth beyond the sky. We know this isn't true. This "seperating the two waters" statement shows a lack of knowledge regarding Earth, such as where rain comes from.

There are tons of examples in genesis which back that up, too.

Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness Night.

Does this not imply that whomever wrote this had no clue that the Earth revolved?

Genesis 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven.

Another clue of the author's ignorance. He's saying, as posted earlier in this thread, that the space between the waters is Heaven. Now, this version of the Bible places Heaven even closer than others do, by saying our own sky is this place. This is considering the waters are just beyond what is considered to be "the sky" in other versions. Also, what does this say of Heven, the kingdom of God? Like the old song goes, Heaven is a place on Earth!

Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.

This passage tells us that the author believed the moon was an independantly lit entity. We know, obviously, that the moon is only reflecting the sun's light.

Genesis 1:9 And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

Ok, so now all the water of the world is in one place? The author obviously has stayed local in his lifetime, because he is saying the water of the world is in one spot. Maybe he lived near an ocean, or a great sea. If this was "God" speaking, or even someone knowing the layout of Earth, they would say that the water was "All around" the dry land, or something like that. Again, ignorance of the Earth and how it works.

Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters the Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Again, the author implies that the water is all in one place. As if dry land was on one side, water on the other. This also could imply that the dry land is all in one spot, too!

So the evidence is right in the Bible; the story is one from a person who knew little of how things work, not an omnipotent being. No matter how you slice it, there is no way around the fact that the descriptions of the Earth are wrong. Flat-out wrong.

Speaking from Ignorance.

I will let you know the True Genesis, of OUR Creation. Not the Universe. We were created by the Annunaqi Eloheems, what you would call god. The bible you read and all of your other religious scriptures were created by the same force for the same reason. By the Disagreeable annunaqi eloheems for manipulate and control us. The FACTS have been highly distorted and Mis-interpreted for a reason. To control us through fear. Yes, there is a universe, more than one. And yes time travel and space travel is possible....And yes there are what you would call Extra-terra-Atras (Beings not from Earth).....Mother Earth has many names, Earth, terra, Qi, Ki, Tiamat, orb, arduwt... the list goes on. But now i will let the truth known to those who like to speak from Ignorance of our true creation. The true GENESIS.....Are you ready?.....Were are not intrested in Opinions we deal with Facts. Raw, undisputable FACTS..

The word Anunnaqi means 'Those who anu sent down from heaven to earth'....They came from skies to the planet earth which was originally called Taimat meaening 'maiden of life'...The anunnaqi are a race of supreme Beings. The word Anunnaqi is used within the ancient tablets such as the Enuma Elish. Eloheems are angels of El or messengesrs of El lEloh who is Anu...The most HIgh. Ruler of the Anunnaqi. They are physical angelic beings not spooks, or spirits of ghosts. The word Eloheem is used for both agreeable and disagreeable beings and even humans as in YAHUWA told Moses that he will make him an eloheem for the pharoh. (Eoxdus 7:1)......The anunnaqi eloheem orginally came from the planet earth to mine for natural resources for the prtoection of their planted called Rizq, which is the 8th planet in the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn. The first thousand years called the 1st day was spent bringing the sun's light back into view naming it daytime, and when it was out of view, it left a shadow, not night. Obviously the sun is always shining. Now the word Bara is the word used in Genesis 1:2 in refrence to the re-construction period of the planet earth, after it had become empty and desolate. No sunlight shined through the dust clouds caused by the meteorite that had hit the planet earch 2,250,000 years ago.

the 7,000 Year Period.
The 7,000 year periods are called 'days' in the scroll of Genesis. Each consisted of 7,000 years. One day equals 1,000 years. Therefore a total time span for creation is equal to 49,000 years. q day is equal to 1000 years and 1 cycle is equal to 7 days which is equal to 7,000 years. 1 day of creation is equal to 1 cycle which is equal to 7,000 years a thus 7 cycles = 49,000 years.

Melchisideq - which means King of Justice. He was also known as Murduk, Murdoq, meaning leader of the Deiteies' who is the son of Enqi and Damkina also known as ninqi. the grandson of Anu. Anu taught murduk and appointed him over all dieties he named everything Murduk: including the mother plane, also battle ship which is now called Niburu.

Lumeria currently known as Saudi Arabia. Also reffered to as the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:8 was a special spot where Zakar and Nekaybaw was raised. The eloheem kalkael was the annunaqi eloheem who was responsible for adam and eve in the garden. He is the voice adam and eve heard and hid from in the garden.

The name adam means 'earthlings, of the ground or dark reddish brown dirt.....

Atum and Lillith are the parents of adam. They were king and queen of a tribe of the Cuthites and rules of the land of nod. Their religion was Hinduism. (The first cast system).

I was going to talk next about the Barathary gland which allowed to to communicate with variois eloheems and use our 4 higher senses....1. Telepathy, 2. Intuition. 3. Psychometry, and 4. Clairvoyance. Which was removed from adam and eve by the great scientist Gergal shar'etsar.

I have to go now. I hope what i have written has helped you in some way.
Originally posted by okinrus
Ok. This is what the NAB bible says "Then God said, 'Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other." And so it happened: God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it. God called the dome "The sky".

I'm not sure what here contradicts our natural observations. The entire passage could also be interpreted symbolically. Egytpians refered the other nations as having a nile in the sky. The water could represent something other than h20, perhaps spirits.

What does NAB stand for?

A dome is half a sphere. According to the NAB bible Earth is flat because God separated oceans from sky with only a dome and not a bubble. We all know astronauts do not break through a dome when they travel to the Interantional Space Station. We also all know that Earth is not flat. Therefore, the God in NAB Bible is false and the God in the Holy Bible is false.

America's freedom of religion allows people to bleive in frauds, donate in the name of frauds, and perform tax exempt fundraisers in the name of frauds. No matter how fraudulent God is, we shall not ban religion or any other belief that allows people to feel comforted by an imaginary friend such as God or the Holy Ghost.

Re: Re: Holy Bible, Space Travel; Big Bang, Black holes.

Originally posted by doom
You gotta be careful what you are saying cos saying "always existed"
is a paradox,"always" means existed for infinity and no beginning,thats ludicrous and counters what you said.

If i said the sun "always" existed then it would have turned into a red giant billions of years ago and it wouldnt be in the sky,so everything had some sort of beginning otherwise it wouldnt make any sense,and it counters your argument,while im inclined to agree theres no such thing as god,this is the worst reason ive seen so far,especially considering people believed in god well before we thought about the big bang.

True, I made an error by saying everything always existed because objects are not ageless. What I should have said is that the concept of a time when matter ceased to exist is improbbable. Matter, in various forms, exists and will continue to do so. Subatomic particles can be deconstructed into high energy electromagnetic waves; however, those waves can also become subatomic particles. When a subatomic particle is converted into an electromagnetic wave, a standing wave is converted into a wave in motion. Shape, appearance, speed and function have changed; but, there is not a loss of existence. Because energy and matter in a closed system cannot cease to exist, matter and energy must have existed in one form or another at all times. There can essentially not be a beginning or end of matter and energy in a closed system.

Thank you for correcting me.

Respectfully yours,

Re: Speaking from Ignorance.

Originally posted by Nuwaubu
I will let you know the True Genesis, of OUR Creation. Not the Universe....
Nuwaubu, there are many religions. Hinduism is but one. In India there are places where miraculous things happen. In Hawaii there are landmarks where miraculous things happened in reference to reverence towards Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of lava, magma, and its applications. Just as Hinuism has its thoughts on creation, Hawaiian religion has its thought of creation. Everyone is free to believe what they chose. I chose to believe no religious story on the existence of gods but I show my respects for heiaus because bullodozers cannot move the organized pile of loose rocks that form a heiau.

Have a good Day!

A dome is half a sphere. According to the NAB bible Earth is flat because God separated oceans from sky with only a dome and not a bubble. We all know astronauts do not break through a dome when they travel to the Interantional Space Station. We also all know that Earth is not flat. Therefore, the God in NAB Bible is false and the God in the Holy Bible is false.
The NAB stands for the new american bishops. I don't really interpret Genesis literally. The story of the creation of the heavens and the earth came from an older oral tradition. These oral traditions are broken up into several several sources, the Yahwist, the Elohist, and Priestly. There could be errors in the rewriting of these oral accounts without jeopardizing the authenticity of the bible. Also you are assuming that the waters in this passage represent h2O. I do not think that it does. Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind(God) swept over the waters." The abyss represents hell. So this passage could be interpreted that God ruled over the other the spirits(angles etc). And in Revelation 12:15, "The serrpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current." Revelation 9:14 "telling the sixth angel who held the trumpet, 'Release the four angels who are bound at the banks of the great river Euphrates." Revelation 9:2 says "It opened the passage to the abyss, and smoke came up out of the passage like smoke from a huge furnace." So the dome could represent the door into the abyss. Further in Revelation 21:1 says "and the sea was no more." The sea clearly represents the home of the dragon.

When Moses parted the sea it represented God's ability to seperate the goats from the lambs. Moses did this with his right arm and this represents the comming of the Messiah Jesus who will Judge the earth(see Isaiah). There are other passages representing demons and Satan as the sea in Ezekiel and Isaiah.
Nice try Godlied! :D

There are some flaws though!

Fafnir665, good point and it was going to be the first one I made. I agree!

Another good point James R. Just because black holes exist, this does not mean that the universe is one big one Godlied.

You are more knowledgeable than it looks from your first posts GodLied.
For example, on a high mountain one may be above clouds, fog, and waterspouts yet be below the sky.
Not really. I'd say clouds are the skyline, and I think clouds are what is meant by sky.
It is also incorrect that gravity increases with speed.
How so??

That's very intersting Nuwaubu! I wished to do some reading similar to this (serious reading, with some serious prospects) but time has not permitted me to do this yet. :mad: Very interesting stuff though!!

No matter how fraudulent God is, we shall not ban religion or any other belief that allows people to feel comforted by an imaginary friend such as God or the Holy Ghost.
But you presume God does not exist!! If what you have written (above) is true; that America will not ban him because he provides comfort, then why does America's money have 'In God We Trust' written on it, if 'America' does not beleive in him?!! I beleive America's 'freedom' policy is just the result of it's founders not knowing anything, and needing other people to tell them!! I am wary of anyone or anything that 'allows anything'. I think it's in certain natures to express like and dislike! Anything that has no boundaries, or limits is suspicious.

I don't really interpret Genesis literally.
You mean you do interpret it literally. Unfortunately I can think of no alternative to this mistake in common language, except to say that words shouldn't be interpreted physically, which doesn't really work, so I will let this stand.

I would agree with you however that the Bible and religous texts should not be interpreted literally.
Originally posted by James R

You need to study up on some cosmology, too.

The big bang singularity is not the same as a black hole singularity. The big bang has nothing to do with black holes.

James, you claimed not to say a black hole is a singularity yet in a quote from you it is clear that you compared a black hole singularity to the big bang singularity. By later saying you never called a black hole a singularity one must wonder who wrote your comment under your login id and password?

Originally posted by okinrus
... Also you are assuming that the waters in this passage represent h2O. I do not think that it does. ...

Show me an ancient reference to something other than water that is called water. Such a reference will then lead doubt to the generic creationist theory that at least one god separated two bodies of water to make the sky and the oceans. I play Scrabble and am anxious to hear a new definition for water.

Your successful research might enlighten us all.

Good Luck!

Originally posted by Mucker

I'd say clouds are the skyline, and I think clouds are what is meant by sky. How so??

In Genesis there is to be an expanse called sky, an expanse between sky and Earth, and Earth is the third expanse. Any mountain cannot cross into sky because sky and land are separated by an expanse.
