Holy Bible implies be an Atheist!

Sorry Godlied, but where in there did it IMPLY to be an atheist? The bible says that these people will go to heaven, these people wont, etc, but it doesnt IMPLY to be an atheist.
Originally posted by man_of_jade
Sorry Godlied, but where in there did it IMPLY to be an atheist? The bible says that these people will go to heaven, these people wont, etc, but it doesnt IMPLY to be an atheist.

If you ddnt read what I wrote, here is a schematic:

1. 144,000 go to Heaven
2. There is a surplus bound for Heaven. That surplus cannot
enter Heaven.
3. Those who sin go to Hell and are harassed by Satan
4. Those who do not live in the life of Jesus will not be harassed
by Satan.
5. Anyone that is not a God Lover goes to Hell.

So, people have choices in the afterlife. Those options are:

1. Be a sinless believer in Jesus and live outside of Heaven's
gate for eternity.
2. Believe in Jesus, commit a sin, be harassed for eternity by satan.
3. Don't believe in Jesus, go to Hell and not be harassed for eternity.

Hmm. Being homeless for eternity is not a pleasant option. Being harassed for eternity is also not a pleasant option. Living an eternal life without harassment in a land of sin where entertainment, freedom of the press, freedom from censorship, and pleasurable pursuits may be had is the best alternative. However, sadistic people will chose to believe in Jesus and commit a sin so that Satan harasses them for all eternity.

Of course, this only holds if the Holy Bible is true. By atheist I should have said those who do not believe in Jesus. Some people consider Jesus a god.
