Hollow Earth

Do you believe in Hollow Earth

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Well the response I got was exactly what I expected my last statement which I was neither referring to "Hollow Earth" or stating claims of truth to ridiculous theory's. I was merely stating the fact to say something is impossible or untrue is ignorant without all facts and factors if Tesla, Einstein, Galileo, Columbus, Jesus, so on and so forth would have taken your stance then humanity would have gotten nowhere and its is a lack of wacko people in this world with the power and the means to discover, invent, seek truth in this world is why it has become a stag net place of non-evolving growth we build and build fast upon past ideas i.e. computers, internet ex... But we are stuck in this box not realizing that the box is not a box but something much more complex and it was those humans that thought outside the box that got things done.
Everyone that has a theory and states a claim based on any facts in theory should be supported in a positive critical way until proven one why or another. If you don't think there is a plethora of things we as humans don't understand or see then you my friend have forgotten how small we really are and the realm of possibilities is so vast surrounding us as smart as we think we are we haven't seen anything yet...I also think important scientific discovery takes a certain amount of faith for time...Especially these days.

So, if we are all stuck in a box, how did you get out. Share your wisdom !
The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret.

It's much worse than you think. There is a civilization living under the ice planning to take over the world. The Russiams are going there to try and stop them.
Pick from the several topics in light blue to the right and listen it will answer all most all your questions regarding this if you give it the time. And when you come to points when stuff you hear you think to yourself this isn't true...Click pause and find the truth in fact via the web and will find alot of the facts you speak of are not fact at all.
Myles i certainly hope your are not as dumb as you sound. If there is a civilization down there. There more advanced than us and peaceful or they would have already annihilated us. Baby steps dear Myles own profound thought for you at a time first the concept thats it even exists (hollow earth that is) then will rap civilizations
If you truly want to learn something pick some topics and listen. Part of the problem with explaining and defending this theory is all the data needed is being collected as we speak. Only recently have certain things about Mars, Gravity, the Sun ex. have come in to play to start change certain thing that make this theory more and more plausible no theory is perfect that is why its a theory.
I could spew all this info but its better if you listen to it first had cuz your quite ignorant to the current science world as it stands right now you should get update on your facts especially gravity
were you talking to me?
Measurable facts:
  1. Earth's mean radius: 6,371.0 km (reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth)
  2. Earth gravity: 9.80665 m/s[sup]2[/sup] (reference: www.google.com/search?q=earth+gravity)
  3. Newton's Law of Gravitation: $$F=\frac{GMm}{r^2}$$ (reference: csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/history/newtongrav.html)
  4. Universal gravitational constant: 6.67300×10[sup]-11[/sup] (reference: www.google.com/search?q=G)
  5. Volume of a sphere: $$V=\frac 4 3 \pi r^3$$ (reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere)
  6. Density: $$\rho = \frac m V$$ (reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density)
  7. Density of Earth surface rocks: 1.7 to 3.1 gm/cm[sup]3[/sup] (reference: www.earthsci.unimelb.edu.au/ES304/MODULES/GRAV/NOTES/densities.html)

Facts 1 to 4 yield a very good estimate of the mass of the Earth. Using the Google calculator (www.google.com/search?q=(6,371.0 km)^2*(earth+gravity)/G), this comes to 5.965×10[sup]24[/sup] kilograms. This simple calculation compares very favorably with the accepted value of 5.9736×10[sup]24[/sup] kilograms. The calculated value is slightly smaller than the value measured by more precise means primarily because the gravitational acceleration, 9.80665 m/s[sup]2[/sup], includes effects due to Earth's rotation.

What does this mean in terms of the Earth's mean density? Combining the Earth's mass (above), the Earth's radius (fact #1), the equation for the volume of a sphere (fact #5), and the definition of density (fact #6) gives the answer. Using the Google calculator (www.google.com/search?q=5.9736e24+kg%2F%284%2F3*pi*%286%2C371.0+km%29%5E3%29), this comes to 5.5 gm/cm[sup]3[/sup]. This is a lot more than the density of the kinds of rock we find on the surface of the Earth (fact #7). If the Earth were hollow, the mean density of the Earth would have to be much less than the density of surface rock.

The Earth is not hollow.
Myles i certainly hope your are not as dumb as you sound. If there is a civilization down there. There more advanced than us and peaceful or they would have already annihilated us. Baby steps dear Myles own profound thought for you at a time first the concept thats it even exists (hollow earth that is) then will rap civilizations

I can see why you call yourself joker. It fits
Ok. Lets start here we know there's a crust we know the is a incredible hot center. correct? We don't for sure know whats in between we think we do but no scientific Facts just seismographs which really only tell us about so called tectonics's and the crust. True? if not supply fact with links.
There are several kinds of shockwaves during Earthquakes. There's P type, S type and Love waves (puns aside...). P types can travel through ALL of the Earth's interior. S types cannot go through the central core due to it being liquid and Love waves are confined to the crust.



I remember this from high school physics. Where were you?