Hollow Earth

Do you believe in Hollow Earth

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I figure I'll start with just Stating the Topic "Hollow Earth". Thoughts? Possible or Not? Lets Keep a open mind with thoughts based on FACT not Fiction.
Fact: There is now hollow habitable hollow earth, if that's what you have in mind. I believe it thought up by a German who called it Hohlweltlehre, hollow earth teaching/ doctrine.

Hitler and some of his mob are said to have believed but there is no evidence to support a hollow earth.
Fact : Tons of Internet Speculation and So Called Facts on "Hollow Earth". From what I understand a few books and a dairy of Admiral Byrd that is keep confidential by his family. amongst Several Theories.

It is a Highly interesting concept that i believe needs tons of further review by Professionals in Several different field's. It is a concept that I believe a hit T.V. seris has taken and made a phenomenon out of (LOST).
When i Google "Hollow Earth" to find more research I get tons of information with a shaky bases. When i Google Why the Earth is a Solid mass I also get facts Based on Limited Research. Further more why our there only a limited supplied of pictures from space of our polar regions, and why was Hitler so interested in the North Pole.
When i Google "Hollow Earth" to find more research I get tons of information with a shaky bases. When i Google Why the Earth is a Solid mass I also get facts Based on Limited Research. Further more why our there only a limited supplied of pictures from space of our polar regions, and why was Hitler so interested in the North Pole.

Because he believed there was a way there to enter the hollow earth, that is an area beneath the earth's crust. It's all nonsense. Try Jules Verne; at least he is entertaining
I have heard of jules but Unfortunately I am not in search of entertainment I am looking for facts one way or the other and both sides of this argument are poor at best and for science to just rid itself of the possibility is ridiculous based on what the reasoning is for a solid mass. The have based all findings on "shaky grounds" and developed fact based on no theory. Just as "Hollow Earth" believers have.
Ever listen to x2 radio. Try it sometime. It is narrated by a Dr. Agnew. Who by the way has found a way to fund a expedition to the north pole via a Russian Nuclear Ice Breaker in search of many things including the "Opening". July 2008.
You can not prove or disprove anything in existence or theory with out knowledge of everything and knowledge is infinite therefore a ever evolving theory is all we have. So to say something is impossible or untrue would conclude you know everything which no one does so keep a open mind, thats all humanity has left… A closed ignorant mind could mean the end…
You can not prove or disprove anything in existence or theory with out knowledge of everything and knowledge is infinite therefore a ever evolving theory is all we have. So to say something is impossible or untrue would conclude you know everything which no one does so keep a open mind, thats all humanity has left… A closed ignorant mind could mean the end…

That suggests that we can believe we can believe anything and that is what happens. People belierve rubbish like hollow earth, alien invasion and other such nonsemse.

It's impossible to stand in a bucket and lift yourself off the ground. Only a closed, ignorant mind would believe that. Where do you stand on the issue.

It's not a matter of whether a mind is open or closed. It's a question of the intelligence.
You can not prove or disprove anything in existence or theory with out knowledge of everything and knowledge is infinite therefore a ever evolving theory is all we have. So to say something is impossible or untrue would conclude you know everything which no one does so keep a open mind, thats all humanity has left… A closed ignorant mind could mean the end…
While you cannot, in reality, prove a negative there is such a thing as weighing up rationality.

If I claimed to be Superman, would you believe me? And no, I refuse to fly, bend iron bars or outrun a speeding train in anyone's presence. But I am Superman.

Believe me? Doubtful. If I claimed the centre of the Earth was made of chocolate and inhabited with Umpalumpas, I doubt you'd believe that either.

We have a great deal of information about the centre of the Earth and even more the properties of the crust, particularly since satellites now allow for detailed measurements of things like gravitational and magnetic anomalies (often an indication of ore or oil deposits). None of them point towards the Earth being hollow and there being openings near the poles.

Then throw in the fact that there's no known natural mechanism to create such a thing. Why would the Earth be hollow? Why did it not collapse into a solid sphere when it was formed? What is making it stable? How come we measure earthquake propogation through the middle of it?

So while it's doubtful we'll ever tunnel down to find out, only people who put rationality and evidence aside will serious entertain such notions.
Who by the way has found a way to fund a expedition to the north pole via a Russian Nuclear Ice Breaker in search of many things including the "Opening". July 2008.
Is the expedition primarily for other things and he's just tagging along hoping to see something related to a hollow Earth? I very much doubt the Russian government would give use of a nuclear sub just to test the hollow Earth hypothesis. They might do things differently from us but they aren't wacko.
Well the response I got was exactly what I expected my last statement which I was neither referring to "Hollow Earth" or stating claims of truth to ridiculous theory's. I was merely stating the fact to say something is impossible or untrue is ignorant without all facts and factors if Tesla, Einstein, Galileo, Columbus, Jesus, so on and so forth would have taken your stance then humanity would have gotten nowhere and its is a lack of wacko people in this world with the power and the means to discover, invent, seek truth in this world is why it has become a stag net place of non-evolving growth we build and build fast upon past ideas i.e. computers, internet ex... But we are stuck in this box not realizing that the box is not a box but something much more complex and it was those humans that thought outside the box that got things done.
Everyone that has a theory and states a claim based on any facts in theory should be supported in a positive critical way until proven one why or another. If you don't think there is a plethora of things we as humans don't understand or see then you my friend have forgotten how small we really are and the realm of possibilities is so vast surrounding us as smart as we think we are we haven't seen anything yet...I also think important scientific discovery takes a certain amount of faith for time...Especially these days.
The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret.
Agreed I read that same statement almost verbatim in another forum. Just to be clear I and many others are not basing the fact that the earth could be hollow on the fact that it is almost impossible to get down there.
Also I myself am no scientist just have adventures spirit and a heighten sense for knowledge of the unknown. unknown would then lead to out of the box thinking.
The only explanation is provided on the conception of a hollow earth and polar openings, with the magnetic pole and center of gravity in the middle of the Earth's crust, and not in its geometrical center. As a result, ocean water on the inside of the crust adheres to its inner surface just as it does on the outside. We may calculate the Earth's magnetic pole and center of gravity as a circular line around the polar opening, but in its middle, about 400 miles from the Earth's surface.
Its the same debate "The earth is flat" "No! its round" I'm sure that fella took so crap from people and nay sayers. If he had been killed perhaps the earth would indeed still be flat that doesn't make it true. All I am asking that the brilliant people of the world the "Special people" please do what you do best we need it stay creative, stay the wacko people claim you are because in this day and age its almost impossible to get people to believe anything especially if its not what they were taught.
Its the same debate "The earth is flat" "No! its round" I'm sure that fella took so crap from people and nay sayers. If he had been killed perhaps the earth would indeed still be flat
Except all you need is a stick and the ability to walk a few hundred miles to show the Earth isn't flat. A Greek managed it over 2000 years ago.

And the people who said "The Earth is flat" hadn't done extensive measurements, as that Greek had. We've done extensive measurements of the Earth. And of other planets. And have detailed models of how the planets form.
unknown would then lead to out of the box thinking.
There's a difference between "thinking outside the box" and "ignoring evidence and thinking irrationally".

Can you cite any evidence the Earth is hollow? Can you explain seismic measurements which show earthquake shockwaves moving through the centre of the Earth? Can you provide a mechanism which allows for the creation of a hollow planet? Can you provide a mechanism which keeps this setup stable? If there's holes at the poles, why doesn't the sea flow down into it?

How would the inside of the shell be habitable? Anyone familiar with gravity will know that inside a shell of material there is no gravitational acceleation, you'd not stuck to the ground.

All these points go against your notions. You're welcome to think outside the box but only if you can explain those things, otherwise you're having to ignore flaws in your ideas.
Ok. Lets start here we know there's a crust we know the is a incredible hot center. correct? We don't for sure know whats in between we think we do but no scientific Facts just seismographs which really only tell us about so called tectonics's and the crust. True? if not supply fact with links.
Ok. Lets start here we know there's a crust we know the is a incredible hot center. correct? We don't for sure know whats in between we think we do but no scientific Facts just seismographs which really only tell us about so called tectonics's and the crust. True? if not supply fact with links.
That's a valid point! everything we know scientifically has been merely analyzed instrumentally.
If you truly want to learn something pick some topics and listen. Part of the problem with explaining and defending this theory is all the data needed is being collected as we speak. Only recently have certain things about Mars, Gravity, the Sun ex. have come in to play to start change certain thing that make this theory more and more plausible no theory is perfect that is why its a theory.
I could spew all this info but its better if you listen to it first had cuz your quite ignorant to the current science world as it stands right now you should get update on your facts especially gravity