
Hmm... well...

I usually don't do much of... ehe, well, anything. But anywho, I have to have some type of life (no particular order) ::

1) Canoeing
2) Horror movies
3) Collecting old foreign coins
4) GC (GeekCulture;) )
5) Listening to rock music

Some things I don't do often, but have found them to be very comfy ( " " ) ::

1) Dancing /Singing
2) Traveling
3) Painting
4) Photography
5) Sky-diving
6) Scuba-diving
7) Learn how to speed-read
8) Tennis

Yes yes... looks like I have a lot of things to do :D.
Re: pfieuw, what a list!

Originally posted by Fukushi
Hé: I see some fellas want to do Kendô? : I did it for five years, from my 14th till my 19th. Maby I should take it up and kick your asses !!!:D doh,...I'll kick your asses anyway heheheh:rolleyes:
Why did you quit, Fukushi? And-> Is kendo worth it?
- collect marilyn monroe stuff (figurines, prints, lifesize cutouts, books, etc.)
- coach a dance team
- speak french
- karaoke!!!!

- choreography for music videos (but i guess that'd be more of a profession)
- travel ( especially to places where i could use some of that french ive been learning)
- one day im going to teach my cat to use the toilet.
- lern to play bass guitar.
Hey guys! Well my interests and loves in no particular order :

* Music - Hip Hop/ Jazz
* Skateboarding
* Cars - Need For Speed:)
* Online multiplayer games ie Unreal Tournament
* Making love :)
* Movies
* Martial Arts for sure! - Kung Fu (Shaolin) if you can find a real one around :p
* My PUPPY DAWG! German Shepherd :) - Ashleigh

Probably forgotten a whole lot of stuff! But hey im not perfect:p


it's late but anyhow,:

here it goes:

My father was Sensei,....also jai-dô,...we went training all over our country,...question of cross training with some other adversaries,....but anyhow: got winded up in a contest: kyu-championchip,....me as a third kyu,...against a third dan,...

I managed to score a ippon,...a koté!!! I saw a judge raise his flag (only later I found out that that was the flemisch judge)
Three other judges held their flags down,....I didn't noticed,...I turned around: my guard up,....and there the adversary was: swinging his shinai toward 'men',....(head), anyhow: I got him of by turning around and diretely placing: SKI !!!!!!!!!lbut the already (the other three judges) raised their flags in favor of the walonian adversary (in fact: why would a third dan loose a fight from a special third kyu, who was only 18 at that time,...)

so you could state> I lost the fight politically: > but mentally: that was enough for me and > I quitted just because of the poli'dicks' took charge of a lenght the where not familiar with,....

: 'me'

then I searched a long time,.....And I found,.....Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu,......and if I may be honest:
was it worth it?
I CAN tell: only what 'YOU' feel that is 'right' will be 'worth it',....but anyhow: if you want to go have a feeling : try the bujinkan,....and no other will do for me,....

(sorry for you genbukan members out there)

many greetings
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