

Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Sooo... what do ya'll do in your free time? Does anyone have any hobbies they would like to share? (This will exclude any drug use and internet surfing:D

I'll start...
1. Hike
2. Yoga
3. Read

I have no talent whatsover, so Im stuck doing physical activities.

Things I would like to take up...
1. Play an instrument, most likely the piano or guitar
2. Sing
3. Travel <----- Is this considered a hobby?

Anyone else....

Edit: Im bored!
1- everything with computers
2- taekwon-do
3- hiking
4- riding with my bike
5- reading

I'd like to

1- traveling (need more money and free time)
2- take up kendo (swordfighting)
3- return to modern dancing (I have noone to dance with now:( )
take up kendo (swordfighting)

Hey, thats sounds pretty interesting! :)

I used to take hula, I always thought I looked funny because Im so tall. But I should take it up again, its a very peaceful dance (most of it anyways - the men dancing hula - get jiggy wit it!) :D
1.) Martial Arts

2.) Philosophy

3.) Guitar


5.) Comedy/drama

Things I'd like to do........

Learn to swing dance

Do more creative writing (I'm good but I wanna make it a hobby)

Play Piano

Learn to sing! (I ABSOLUTELY SUCK)

Teaching meditation, yoga
Listening music
Learning new stuff
Making love :D

Like to do:
I am doing it....

2. Reading
3. Art (And craft..)
4. Anime (well..any type of cartoons :p)
5. Soccer
6. Chess..lol
7. Play music

Um..I also volunteer with/lead a kids group..that takes up a lot of my time

Things I would like to do:
1. Nothing! I love my life! Hehe
but if I had more time, I would try and get involved with another kids club
What I like doing:
Writing stories.
More wine.
Wine and women.
Women and wine.
A bit of raising and training horses (my sister does most of that).
Figuring out stuff.
Sometimes a little wine.

What I'd like to do:
More wine.
More women.
More travel.
Space flight.
Save the world with my super powers.
Get super powers.
Some more wine.
Maybe some more women.
Get better at guitar if I could ever be bothered.
Do more exercise.
Write a book which will earn my zillions of dollars.
Write a book which will change the world.
Get drunk after having bettered the world.
pfieuw, what a list!

what I do is:

surfing the net
Taijutsu (oldest Martial Art including weapons, but relax: not of mass destruction)
Graphic Arts
writing (poems and stuff)
cooking (sometimes)

Hé: I see some fellas want to do Kendô? : I did it for five years, from my 14th till my 19th. Maby I should take it up and kick your asses !!!:D doh,...I'll kick your asses anyway heheheh:rolleyes:
"....and kick your asses !!! doh,...I'll kick your asses anyway heheheh

A little obsessive towards asses....may be you dont have one...and you know...girls love them.... :D :D
Above all, writing.
Playing on the computer.

What I want to do:
Write a book, preferabbly fantasy/scifi that will bring me fortune. I am in the process of doing this now:D
cute ass!

Well : all the girls tell me I reaaally have a great ass in fact !!!:p
Butt (hihihi) I guess that's because of my years of physical training:eek:

Ass (hihihi) for girls: I like asses with just that little more to it ya know? :D
In last two months I spend most of my free time surfing the internet. I really need to cut down on that.

My other hobbies are

soccer (I am not athletic but I have mad skill)
online video games (starcraft mainly)

That is about it. I don't have a lot of free time normally.
Joeman, I'm so curious, have you had any opportunity to speak a foreign language yet? :p
Btw, I really think you should pay the Computer Science forum a visit....:eek:

I mostly spend my time on sciforums, playing computer games, reading, running (long distance), writing, and playing with knives, swords, and other sharp pointy metal things.:D And Pollux: I seriously need to read what you have written so far so I can see for myself whether or not it would really make you a forune. Just remember before you get too big for your britches that most incredibly excellent writers get severely overlooked. It's pretty sad, really.:(
Since I have the priviledge to have my hobbies as my work, I really don't know what to write ...gardening perhaps, I have grown very fond of that lately, and cooking. I'm just a few steps away from being a full feathered house wife. :D
I tried to post a picture of my garden, but it was too big, so maybe I will do it later then....

OH! I forgot about about gardening!!! I just recently started to garden. I love it. And I like to experience with cooking. I am a pretty good one (at times). :)
My current passions are (in no particular order):

Reading (philosophy, mathematics, science)
Fitness (weightlifting, hiking, rollerblading)
Gardening (large organic garden, now learning to graft fruit trees)
Writing (to my three best friends in Noway, Germany, and Poland)
Travel (mostly European)

I'd love to see a picture of your garden Bebelina. Tack sa mycket!
