Hitler was a professed Christian

Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent!

Religions are not invented. They have a psycological and spiritual background. If the Christians are the only one to have a omiscient God this only means that the Christian God is the god above all. The Bible says it. The Christian God is the God above all.

But, I don't believe that the Christianism is the only Religion to have an omiscient god. The Jews and Muslims have the same God as the Chritians have: the God of Abraham. The different between them is that they look in different perspectives. To be more specific, they focus their attention in different prophets. The Christianism in Jesus Christ, the Jews in Moses and the Muslims in Muhammad.

They all begin in the same manner (with one or other literal difference, but probably not different interpretation) and after Abraham they begin to divide. The Jews stop with Moses, the Christians with Jesus and the Muslims with Muhammad. It's clear that all those Religions are the same, looking in different perspectives. And it is about this Religion I'm talking about in my threads and posts.

God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent because God is Love. :)

Concider this

God is Love

What is love? Saying that directly doen't prove anything in this thread. NO where did anyone say anything about love. IF you are trying to use this statement as some factual evidence you should at least unpack it, make it look nice.


What is Love?
LOve is mearly an impulse suppiled by our brains to make us want to pass our genes on. ANd since "God is Love" the God is an impulse suppiled by our brains to make us want to pass on our genes?

Religions are not invented

Wouldn't this mean that a religion was there from the "beginning of time"?
Which dicussed somewhere else is an irrational statement.

The Jews and Muslims have the same God as the Chritians have: the God of Abraham

Wouldn't there be some fundemnetal flaw in Christianty if it took 3 times to get it right? If all the religions were on the base of Aberham's god, then wouldn't the be christian, because the OT tells of a messiah. IN the muslem world is that messiah Muhammad?

What is Love?
LOve is mearly an impulse suppiled by our brains to make us want to pass our genes on. ANd since "God is Love" the God is an impulse suppiled by our brains to make us want to pass on our genes?

You described sexual atraction, not Love. Do you have children? If you have, do you want to pass your genes on through them? I don't think so... Do you Love them? I'm sure you do. Sexual attraction doesn't have anything related to God.

Love is virtually unexplainable with words. Ask how do you feel for your children (if you have) and you will feel how Love is. Explain Love in words is completely worthless.

Wouldn't this mean that a religion was there from the "beginning of time"?

No. Just that they are revealed to highly spiritualized human beings...

Wouldn't there be some fundemnetal flaw in Christianty if it took 3 times to get it right? If all the religions were on the base of Aberham's god, then wouldn't the be christian, because the OT tells of a messiah. IN the muslem world is that messiah Muhammad?

?? I didn't understood very well a couple of questions...
Well, the three Religions differentiate by the point of view of each prophet. Yes, the prophet of the Muslims was Muhammad. Study them and you will see...

Concider this

Wouldn't this mean that a religion was there from the "beginning of time"? No.

When you say no here, wouldn't this mean that religon was invented at some point in history?

Also no I don't have childern. Love, however, is a side affect of the passing of of genes. This would explain why I wouldn't want to pass my genes onto my "childern". Childer are a "side affect" of the passing of our genes.

When I say "side affect" I mean the result of the passing of our genes. I'm pro-life, so I'm not trying to make pregency look like a desiese or something.

When you say no here, wouldn't this mean that religon was invented at some point in history?

Change "invented" by "discovered"... :)

Also no I don't have childern. Love, however, is a side affect of the passing of of genes. This would explain why I wouldn't want to pass my genes onto my "childern". Childer are a "side affect" of the passing of our genes.

You didn't understand what I meant. If you had children you would never call the a "side affect"... I was talking about Love. You are talking about reproduction... Two differesnt things, eventhough sometimes related...

Originally posted by Cris
I believe the Christian god hasn't always been defined as omnicient. That attribute was added to overcome other objections to the Christian god.

I have the details at home, I'll see if I can find them later.

Thnx, Cris. But don't put yourself out. :) The christian god is a fairy tale and there's no point in quibbling over the details of the story. More detail does not make the tale any more worth the telling. :)

Do you have views on other religions as well? I was sort of asking the question in this thread -
http://www.sciforums.com/f22/s/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2559&pagenumber=2. What say you?

Concider this

Thnx, Cris. But don't put yourself out. The christian god is a fairy tale and there's no point in quibbling over the details of the story

I do think that what you said is true, but there are many who fon't agree with that Fact.

what Cris is trying to do (i think) is he is trying to prove that the Christian religon is indeed not correct.

Thanks Cris but I think that the research is not nessacary, and will only fall of deaf ears.
Avatar and Cris,

Avatar and Cris,

Originally posted by Avatar:
Hitler was an ocultist (sp). He beleived tht with special rituals he would not be stoppable. I'm

Originally posted by Cris:
Yup he used astrology extensively to pick the best dates for launching offensives. Once the allies discovered that, they also become experts in astrology so that they could predict the same dates he would use. His belief kinda backfired on him.

Someone also needs to point out that while he considered himself religious and a Christian there will be many Christians who would not and could not recognize that claim. But then is Osama a Moslem and religious.

Did you find those things in the internet?
I'm doing a Social Studies projects on Hitler... :D
Where did you found those things?

I'm pretty damn sure of it. I saw a 1.5 hour program devoted to this case @ Discivery Channel, with all the experts and left eye-witnesses.
There was not so much talk about the astrology bnut about how Hitler was searching for artifacts tht should gie him unnatural powers and about excavations in Tibeth in search for some secret world government and so on. and occultic rituals before makking decisions etc
Concider this

Avatar, i agree with your point, but lets watch the launage, there are kids that search these sites.
Kids have to grow up. and I think tht such a frequently used word as "damn" (if you are reffering to it) is used in all families and/or social groups and tht everyone knows it already. we have done a little quiz and no active users were in age category "till 10" .
All these talks about violence, bad affection etc etc etc are liable. Kids when they get out of their little nest or religious school aren't prepeared for the real world. Watch my tonque?:) well ok, but I watch my tongue only on stronger words thn "damn".
New Scientist magazine ran a large article a few months back discussing religion/neuroscience stuff. It mentioned a lot of that stuff about how the brains of people experiencing religious ecstasy are pretty much the same in activity as those experiences hallucinations. People speaking in tongues, as they call it? Self-induced (subconsciously or otherwise) delusion/hallucination. I've read the same before many times, the information has been around for ages, but people prefer to ignore it.

I would say religion and such was invented, not discovered. It's not any great mystery really. Most likely some caveman, let's call him Ug, saw a lightning bolt kill a tree, and in his little caveman mind he though "Fooood. Must find fooood. Wow. Boomtree. Spooky. Fooood. Maybe someone bigger than me did that. Fooood..." Another possible scenario: Ug and his pal Og are out hunting with their dog, Mister Baskerville, and Og falls over and dies of a heart attack. Ug calls "Ug!" and Mister Baskerville looks at him. Ug thinks "Fooood. I called Og and Mister Baskerville looked at me. Fooood. I guess that means when Og died, he turned into Mister Baskerville. Fooood. Bloody hell, I think I've discovered that the soul migrates into other creatures upon corporeal death! Foooood! Wow, I've just started a religion! Foooood."

It's just a set of stories to explain the unexplained or slightly weird, a remnant from a time when people didn't have the wits or opportunity to actually figure things out for themselves. Since then, people have gotten carried away with it, turned it into massive political organisations, and tried to get others to believe their favourite stories of this sort.

Did you find those things in the internet?
I'm doing a Social Studies projects on Hitler...
Where did you found those things?
It was from a BBC history documentary on how the British Inteligence services operated during WW2. That was several years ago.

