Here's something strange involving sounds

Has anyone ever seen something they couldn't explain?

Has happened to me a few times in my life. The one I remember most vividly was when I was in highschool. There was this place where kids use to smoke pot that everyone called the 420 woods. But everyone said it was haunted. (Okay I know everybody reading this is going whatever, after the word "pot") Seriously though, my friend lived right down the street from these woods. I didn't smoke pot, but she did. One time in summer, around early evening, we went to the very top of the trail that lead into the woods, so she could smoke. I absoloutely refused to go in the woods after dark so we just stood at the very entrance, hidden by a few trees. Not too long later I looked down the path to make sure no one was coming up(occasionally people walked there dogs). Instead, I saw this weird misty figure only about 10 yards away. My heart lept. I thought it was a woman, but it was so misty and gray that I couldn't see it very well, even though the sun was still up. It looked like the figure was heading towards us, up the path. I poked my friend and asked her if she saw anybody. She turned and stared at the misty thing and said, "What the hell is that?". I shrugged, but I was starting to get scared. We both ran as fast as our legs could carry us down the street and hid behind some bushes. At first we were just scared because we thought my friend was going to get in trouble for smoking pot. We waited for the person to immerge from the path, but no one ever came. We wiated for about 5 minutes, but saw nothing. We went back down the path and this time ran into the woods, but no one was there. Needless to say we never went back there again.

I know there could be many different explanations for this, but all together, the experience was just creepy.
Needless to say we never went back there again.

Needless to say, my ass.
I would have gone back every day.
I wouldn't have run in the first place, I would have tried to speak to the... it.

I have never seen a "ghost" and would LOVE to.
So many people run away and hide.
I think that is absurd.
Rationally, I've seen mists around tree's as it approaches evening or early in the morning. The mist is usually caused by the fact that foliage can cause a canopy which insulates against temperature changes and block wind.

The mists I've seen are usually wispy, I can't say I've ever seen the mist look like a person but then again my mind doesn't have the subconscious objective to spot a person because of something I shouldn't be doing. (Pot smoking or aiding and abetting.)

Although should the irrational occurrence of a misty figure ever occur the next time I'm walking a wooded path, I'd investigate, afterall...

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear... And when it is gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear is gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” - Frank Herbert's, Dune