Heres my truth....Tell me yours.......

Originally posted by williamwbishop
In cave 4 alone, nearly 160 texts were found(the entire hebrew canon). These indicated, if I am not mistaken(it's been a while) it showed that a palestinian effort had been taken to rework these texts. And thus they differed from the masortetic texts.
You're dancing:
  • Please support/substantiate a 500 BCE date for Judaism.
  • Please support/substantiate a 100 BCE date for the OT and suggest a date for the translation of the Torah into Greek.
  • Please support/substantiate a "palestinian effort ... taken to rework these texts" found in cave 4.
  • Please support/substantiate a 150CE date for the Pauline epistles.
Don't just sit there, substantiate something ...
To das Nebuch

I am not easily disturbed by people who cannot form any intellectual sense to what they feel.

Believing in God is not making life more interesting, it's giving it meanning. (I can already see the look on your face since I'm sure you never bothered to contemplate any such concept.. something like this --) :bugeye:

This is my reply, as you have noticed, I have decided to be gentle on your capacity to absorb information by keeping it on a 6th grade level presentation.

When you brain will grow the capacity to affirm anything in this world without first being motivated to be sarcastic, I will bother to read your posts fully.

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To consequent

For a guy with the name Consequent, you are not being very consequent.

Saying: "any dream will do"

Does not impede in any matter that a higher meanning would be nice and that some people rather persue their beliefs rather than to give up at first glance because of:

-Peer pressure
-Social predispostion
-Impossibility of 100% certitude (which is never possible by the way)
-Rejects God because of the image of the churches, while never considering the fact that God "just might be" outside of the realm of churches.

Just might be = IS or course outside of pure man made dogma

So if quoting poets and singers is your fancy, open your musical site and leave these posts alone.

P.S. What is your dream consequent?
(Maybe we will get to something rather than talk about boring theories Raithere can't seem to stop talking about without ever making a clear case of causality with the impossiblity of the existence of a God and the auto-regenerations of micro-cells)

Maybe more meanning in people's lives would have helped those kids at Columbine to not shoot at random their fellow classmates and would have reasonned them that life is worth something and that taking it away from others in a desperate act of rebellion is disturbed in more than one way.
Or maybe it would help to appease the dramatic increase in anxiety and depression disorders we are seeing of people who have lost all meanning.
What is the middle-age crisis?
It's when you realize that your life is half way over and that all the material goods have not brought you the nirvana of happiness society has always sold you on. It is a profound questionning on: where I come from, where am I and where am I going. Most people experience it, some poor fellows will still live their lives as automatons and will only wake up of their existential slumber on their death bed saying:

(Too late, you wasted your life doing what you wanted to, not what you should have done)

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Re: To das Nebuch

Originally posted by Prisme
I am not easily disturbed by people who cannot form any intellectual sense to what they feel.

Believing in God is not making life more interesting, it's giving it meanning. (I can already see the look on your face since I'm sure you never bothered to contemplate any such concept.. something like this --) :bugeye:

- ummmmm.. sure.. and what meaning that might be? are you sayin that we haven't already considered the 'meanin to life' theory that is presented over and over again?

This is my reply, as you have noticed, I have decided to be gentle on your capacity to absorb information by keeping it on a 6th grade level presentation.

- such prose will invite equally applicable prose... great way to start off a conversation...

When you brain will grow the capacity to affirm anything in this world without first being motivated to be sarcastic, I will bother to read your posts fully.

- and when you decide to come down to the ground, i will read your posts...


Ever heard of minding your own business?

I'll let you start off with that. Sorry I don't care to speak to you.

Originally posted by Nebuchadnezzaar
intelligent religous debate?

no it doesn't exist.

yes it is pointless.

you're not entirely correct. religious debate is only usually as you describe. sometimes it is good for mental excercise.. to explore the concrete nature of one's beliefs... maybe I'm playing your semantics incorrectly. the debate itself is pointless in a sense but it can have a point such as mental excersise, maybe stumbling across a perspective you've never heard... *shrug* I think there are a lot of potential indirect rewards, entertainment being the foremost.

To say that a thing is pointless is to have mastered it fully. Yet nothing indicates that God exist or not.
Theists and Atheists make the same leap of fate, just in opposite directions.
Re: To das Nebuch

Originally posted by Prisme
I am not easily disturbed by people who cannot form any intellectual sense to what they feel.

Believing in God is not making life more interesting, it's giving it meanning. (I can already see the look on your face since I'm sure you never bothered to contemplate any such concept.. something like this --) :bugeye:

This is my reply, as you have noticed, I have decided to be gentle on your capacity to absorb information by keeping it on a 6th grade level presentation.

When you brain will grow the capacity to affirm anything in this world without first being motivated to be sarcastic, I will bother to read your posts fully.


Re: ...

Originally posted by Prisme
To say that a thing is pointless is to have mastered it fully. Yet nothing indicates that God exist or not.
Theists and Atheists make the same leap of fate, just in opposite directions.

That's why agnosticism is the way to go.
Re: I don't know what I don't know and that's the only way to go.

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Don't get me started ... ;)

Please, start.. :)

Link me to the thread? Tell me the thread? Are you back on delimited or whatever agnosticism? Should I just meet you there? I'm quite interested in what you have to offer regarding the topic. I've seen some of it, it's excellent. You seem incredibly knowledgeable and sharp, so please.. start. I love it! I'll go post my opinion there now such that you may (if you will) enlighten me.