Here's a great new religion!


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
I've been developing a relligion focused mainly on Humanity, and the superiority and power of the Human will

What to call it? I can't call it humanism. There are a few of the moral aspects of the other faiths incorporated in, but not literally. There is also a similarity with Nietzsche's "uberman" concept

The Tenets of my religion:

1] Humanity and the Human will is before all else
2] Humanity is the epitomy of all life

3] All other lifes' sole purpose is to serve the Human will
4] The elite make their own moral decisions
5] Pity and tolerance for the weak is foolish and restricitive upon the Human will

6] (No stance given on the supernatural, but...) ...Humanity first, mysticism and the belief in the supernatural is detrimenal to Human willpower
7] Humanity controls its own destiny

8] Human superiority shall be praised

9] The strong-willed, ambitious, and competent come before the weak, foolish, and pathetic
10] The weak and pathetic of Humanity live to serve the strong-willed and competent
- Confidence, willpower, and a sharp mind are the epitomy of a Human

11] Human will must be satisfied at all costs
12] Morality, of the self and of society, is relative to their respective goals

13] There shall be a personal goal and a social goal, of Humanity as a whole
14] They must not conflict in any way
15] Human unity first and foremost
- Social unity of goal, mind, loyalty, and identity absolutely key to Human achievement

16] Sacrifices in the name of unified Human will is justified

17] Power and status must be earned
18] In relation to other fellow Humans, be unified upon your common goal, protect integrity, and pursue that goal; show loyalty and act in a manner beneficial to Humanity

19] He who earns absolute power, given willingly by social consensus, is beyond Human, but now a god
Anyone who is moral cannot allow the weak, foolish and the pathetic to serve them,without feeling guilt.

I suggest you go read Utopia. One thing is the putting of natural pleasure before man made pleasure at all costs.
I've been developing a relligion focused mainly on Humanity, and the superiority and power of the Human will

What to call it? I can't call it humanism. There are a few of the moral aspects of the other faiths incorporated in, but not literally. There is also a similarity with Nietzsche's "uberman" concept

The Tenets of my religion:

1] Humanity and the Human will is before all else
2] Humanity is the epitomy of all life

3] All other lifes' sole purpose is to serve the Human will
4] The elite make their own moral decisions
5] Pity and tolerance for the weak is foolish and restricitive upon the Human will

6] (No stance given on the supernatural, but...) ...Humanity first, mysticism and the belief in the supernatural is detrimenal to Human willpower
7] Humanity controls its own destiny

8] Human superiority shall be praised

9] The strong-willed, ambitious, and competent come before the weak, foolish, and pathetic
10] The weak and pathetic of Humanity live to serve the strong-willed and competent
- Confidence, willpower, and a sharp mind are the epitomy of a Human

11] Human will must be satisfied at all costs
12] Morality, of the self and of society, is relative to their respective goals

13] There shall be a personal goal and a social goal, of Humanity as a whole
14] They must not conflict in any way
15] Human unity first and foremost
- Social unity of goal, mind, loyalty, and identity absolutely key to Human achievement

16] Sacrifices in the name of unified Human will is justified

17] Power and status must be earned
18] In relation to other fellow Humans, be unified upon your common goal, protect integrity, and pursue that goal; show loyalty and act in a manner beneficial to Humanity

19] He who earns absolute power, given willingly by social consensus, is beyond Human, but now a god
There is no need for proclamatins of this sort. If it would work it would have happened since the 'superior' people would be clever enough to set it up directly without having to convince anyone.
so what is it exactly about humans that unifies them, since they all come from different cultures, geographies, and have different physical make ups and abilities etc etc.

.... I'm afraid this would be an even more watered down version of the united nations - all you could achieve is the sticking up of ever increasing flags out the front of headquarters (while nations continually fracture into ever decreasing shrinking denominations ...)
Anyone who is moral cannot allow the weak, foolish and the pathetic to serve them,without feeling guilt.
In your opinion.

There is no need for proclamatins of this sort. If it would work it would have happened since the 'superior' people would be clever enough to set it up directly without having to convince anyone.

It hasn't happened because of silly beauracracy and unduly pity for the pathetic. Foget about them, they are mere tools.

The elite should be served (everyone should have the opportunity to become part of the elite however); we need standards, and HUMANITY FIRST

The weak follow, the strong lead
Ooh, you went wrong at "religion"

One man is far superior to all of us, do we all bow down to him? Or is there some cut off point of superiorness?
I've been developing a relligion focused mainly on Humanity, and the superiority and power of the Human will

What to call it? I can't call it humanism. There are a few of the moral aspects of the other faiths incorporated in, but not literally. There is also a similarity with Nietzsche's "uberman" concept

The Tenets of my religion:

1] Humanity and the Human will is before all else
2] Humanity is the epitomy of all life

3] All other lifes' sole purpose is to serve the Human will
4] The elite make their own moral decisions
5] Pity and tolerance for the weak is foolish and restricitive upon the Human will

6] (No stance given on the supernatural, but...) ...Humanity first, mysticism and the belief in the supernatural is detrimenal to Human willpower
7] Humanity controls its own destiny

8] Human superiority shall be praised

9] The strong-willed, ambitious, and competent come before the weak, foolish, and pathetic
10] The weak and pathetic of Humanity live to serve the strong-willed and competent
- Confidence, willpower, and a sharp mind are the epitomy of a Human

11] Human will must be satisfied at all costs
12] Morality, of the self and of society, is relative to their respective goals

13] There shall be a personal goal and a social goal, of Humanity as a whole
14] They must not conflict in any way
15] Human unity first and foremost
- Social unity of goal, mind, loyalty, and identity absolutely key to Human achievement

16] Sacrifices in the name of unified Human will is justified

17] Power and status must be earned
18] In relation to other fellow Humans, be unified upon your common goal, protect integrity, and pursue that goal; show loyalty and act in a manner beneficial to Humanity

19] He who earns absolute power, given willingly by social consensus, is beyond Human, but now a god

Interesting, it seems we may be more similar than I had originally thought. I like most of the ideas, however I do not believe humanity can be 'unified' without a full scale conflict from which only a small, 'like minded' portion of humanity remained.

I to do not feel the weak shoudl be pitied, however I do not see how this could work in practice. Who decides who's weak? The strong people? And who do the strong people come first to? Do the strong people in powerful positions attempt to raise up the stong people who are being what could be described as 'oppressed' be the weak peoples beaurocracy? Would the system rely on some kind of patronage where the strong are plucked from the weak by the strong?

I like most of the ideas. However I can only see it ever happening if the worlds population sharnk to about an eighth of its current size.
We have to agree with Norsefire. And I'm still wondering, is this a communist thing, where all the intellectuals are equal or a dictatorship, where we all worship the smartest man.
I was thinking of it like some sort of Elizabethan patronage system. Whereby the smartest person is at the top through domination of the other smart (but less smart than the top smart person) people, The top smart person then achieves their loyalty through reward. These rewarded elite then reward some lesser smart peopl and so on and so on until you come to the lowest smart person whose job is to keep the morons doing whatever the hell they're doing. The morons need to be alive though otherwise this system will not work.

It's a bit feudal but it would have carried on working for centuries if it wasnt for the goddamn rennaissance lol :p
One tenet missing...

20)Only applicable on a watery spheroid circling a rare main sequence star somewhere out on a spiral arm of a huge galaxy in a remote corner of the universe.
Not knowing what else is out there kind of limits your power base. The religion is not universal unless you can prove that in all the cosmos that we are the epitome of living creatures. Heaven forbid that when or if we are ever face to face with an intelligence and potency far exceeding ours that you would join the ranks of the weak and pathetic and serve your Masters. I think what you're proposing is hilarious though.