Hercolubus or Red Planet

Ember-To-Inferno said:
i have evidance its in my mind and i just stated what i think is my evidence
No, that is OPINION, not evidence. Evidence can be independently verified.
like i said im the one whos going to go out and prove as much as i can and get the physical evidance to change things... we all have goals and desires and we know any goal is reachable as long as ther eis will power and determination
Will and determination are no good at capturing unicorns...
what does that statment have to do with anything am i tlaking about mystical creaters... btw unicorns are very real they just live in another plan of existance and im sure they existed on this plan at one point but they got extinct..... beacuse peopel are still finding diffrent forms of life that lived in the past... so i guees will power and determination could find a unicorn but it would be a dead one beacuse ther eis no proof saying they dont exsist
Make your mind up - real or mythical?
Other "plans" of existence? Evidence?
They existed at one point? Evidence?
Of course things are being found that lived in the past - it's called archaeology, but the fact that archaeology exists does not imply unicorns did.
so i guees will power and determination could find a unicorn
If they're mythical they won't be found, if they're on another "plan" they won't be found, especially by digging holes in the ground. Stick to one story at a time please.
no proof saying they dont exsist
You cannot prove things don't exist. Learn something.
and you cant prove that some things do exist that goes beyond what we call sceince there are always new things beeing discoverd so jsut wait until the future when these things do become discoverd hahaha they exsisted in the past and they still do now idiots like you sjut cant accsept the fact beacuse if you did come to realize it, it would be chaotic and you would probly go insane and kill yourself beacuseof all the possabilities and the truths.. acually this is probly one of the resons some of these things are beeing hidden from the masses
The argument of whether it exists or not is not logical.

If astronomers have not observed the planet that is going to be the problem does that mean it doesn't exist?

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean that it does not exist. It may only mean that you yourself have not observed it.

Hercolubus is real enough. The problem is that they haven't seen it yet. They are looking at a star system that they call Barnard Star. They consider it a red dwarf. They have spotted planet Barnard A, Barnard B, Barnard C and Barnard D. But that's not all of them. The one they need to be looking for is Barnard I. It's extremely large compared to anything in our 13 planet star system. It is 6.66 times the size of Jupiter. Funny how that ties into the Bible as an evil number but I think it is just coincidence.

Also note that the planet Barnard I is a lot further from it's solar center than what is currently being speculated. The scientists of this planet think that there are only six planets in the system.

If you would like to look this information up for yourself you will need to search for Star System Tylos and Barnard I not Star System Tyler like most people think. Tyler is simply a planet in the Tylos star system.
Here is the link on the data:


NASA has even stated that they are not looking for anything bigger than Jupiter and do not consider objects bigger than 30 times the size of earth as being anything of consequence. Nor do they consider anything further than 6 AUs (Astronomical Units..distance from Earth to Sun) to be of any interest. This will be a big problem because Bernard I is a lot further than 6 AUs from it's hub!

Imagine for instance something with the gravitational pull of more than the sun passing just outside of this solar system. It basically creates a wobble in the axis of each planet in the system briefly as it passes by. This in turn causes a shift in the planet's stability. Basically all hell breaks loose, then the planet will return to it's normal axis and life will begin again.

The next time Bernard is to pass near our solar system is hard to guess. Will it be September or December 2012? It is also interesting to note that the Mayans used a planetary calendar which also expires during the month of December of 2012. After that it is said to reset for the zodiac orbit or siberial year of this solar system. A siberial year is the amount of time that it takes this solar system to traverse the 12 zodiacs.

How long will life be bearable on this planet before this event occurs? Technically it is already happening. Earth quakes, more floods and more volcanic activity are be the norm and are increasing in frequency and intensity. My prediction is that January 1st, 2010 will be about the tolerance point before all shit hits the fan. You will no longer be looking to the east for the sun to rise. You will be looking more north as the axis tilts forward towards Hercolubus' gravitational pull.

Then again I could be all full of crap about this whole thing. But you've got 4 years to play with and wait to see if I am right or not. ;-)
Max, Barnard's star would take thousands of years to make a close approach if it were even headed this direction. Since it is the star with the fastest apparent motion across the sky, it is the least likely to be headed this direction any time soon. It's the star that appears to be motionless that is either headed directly away from us or directly towards us. This can be sorted out by measurements of the star's parallax.
maxrisc said:
If astronomers have not observed the planet that is going to be the problem does that mean it doesn't exist?

Astronomers have not yet observed a teapot in orbit around the sun: it's never been disproven, nor has it been proven. Are you prepared to believe in that teapot simply because you cannot disprove it?
maxrisc said:
It is 6.66 times the size of Jupiter. Funny how that ties into the Bible as an evil number but I think it is just coincidence.

Not funny or concidental at all, as recently it has been discovered that '666' is a mistranslation, and the correct number is actually 616. Even so, 666 is not 6.66, so that is seeing significance that just isn't there.
V.M. Rabolú teaches in his book the systems of eliminating psychological defects and astral projection as the only existing way of escaping from the forthcoming cataclysm.

There is a new website designed for the purpose of explaining a little more about the system for eliminating psychological defects. It is called inner death in motion and is at death-in-motion.org

I wish you all the best in your inner work.