Hercolubus or Red Planet


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There are some questions about heavenly mechanics, which are unknown to the present science. One of them is that related to Hercolubus approach, a planet whose name comes from the ancient knowledge. The fact of its approach to our solar system is not only a near fact that everybody will be able to see, but it will also result in big upheavals all over the world.

As in life’s ups and downs everything returns to its beginning or its end, it already happened that Hercolubus, in its former approach, put a stop to the Atlantis´ civilization. These facts, well known by all that personages who, in the course of the History enjoyed Awake Consciousness, were properly narrated through all the `world-wide Floods´ coming from different religions and cultures.

A lot of writers have talked about such cosmic phenomenon throughout the ages. One of them, V.M. Rabolú, was one of those people who enjoyed the Faculties of the Awake Consciousness, which let him investigate about this heavenly body’s approach.
We have picked out the next paragraphs from his book, entitled `Hercolubus or Red Planet´:

`When Hercolubus comes nearer the earth, and it places itself at the same height as the sun, some mortal epidemics will begin to spread all over the world and doctors or official science will not know what kind of diseases they are and how to cure them. They will remain impotent in the face of these epidemics. ´
`The moment of tragedy and darkness will arrive: shakings, earthquakes, tidal waves. Human beings will become mentally unbalanced because of the lack of sleep and food. And watching this danger, they will throw themselves altogether into the cliff, completely insane. ´
`What I affirm in this book is a very short-term prophecy, because I know for sure the end of this planet, I know it. I am not trying to scare, but warning, because I am anguished for this poor mankind, because the facts will not keep us waiting and there is no time to waste in illusory things. ´

V.M. Rabolú teaches in his book the systems of eliminating psychological defects and astral projection as the only existing way of escaping from the forthcoming cataclysm. He finishes saying:

`Dear reader, I am speaking very clearly in order to make you understand the necessity for undertaking a serious work, because the person who is doing this work is removed from danger. This is not for you to theorize or discuss but to experience the real teaching I am offering you in this book, because we do not have any other thing to call on´.

From the rag Rabolu calls a book:
A very important cosmic event takes place each time th’ Earth enters th’ zodiacal constellation o’ Aquarius. This event causes great natural disasters t’ occur, and has been responsible fer th’ end o’ every root race that existed upon th’ Earth, and dinna spare the whip! At th’ end o’ every sidereal year, after movin’ from Pisces t’ Aquarius, th’ orbit o’ th’ Earth approaches th’ orbit o’ a planet found in th’ Tyler Solar System. Yaaarrrrr! In Gnosis this planet is known as “Hercolubus”. In th’ Bible this planet is referred t’ as “Wormwood”, while modern astronomers have named it “Barnard I”. Hercolubus is about 600 times th’ size o’ th’ Earth, and so as th’ orbits o’ th’ two planets get closer their gravitational and magnetic fields exert forces on one another.

Barnard's Star is about 6 light years from us. What a kook Rabolu is. Norval, even you can't seriously believe his nonsense.
because we do not have any other thing to call on

Maybe so for some. It must be hell for those that can't reason their way out or communicate as they once did.
Mearily humanoid, NOT human.

idiosyncrasies...A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.

Enjoying your lizard drinks are yah?

Just another way of masking and deceiving the masses about what truly coming to earth, very soon. Chuckles quietly.

This all sounds a little insane. The problem is although he wants to be right, to make a comment of this kind requires actual data lending towards its credibility. When I talk of alien abductions it is based in part on David Jacobs work an Jacque Valles. Valle eventually came to believe the UFO abductions were orchestrated by the government so I am still hovering between what may be fact. However we can really say the regression hypnosis is what it is, there might be flaws, but if it's accurate then we're in a spot. It may be the government is responsible even if the sessions are right.

Aside from other peoples varying theories of orbital mechanics what kind of actual data can support his claims? It would seem there is such immense possiblity that to fully determine it's accuracy remains elusive.
A planet that can move like that would have to be an artifact. I hope that builders who could do that kind of work would not be as crazy as Earth humans.
How long has this planet been orbiting Earth and why would it anyway, since the Sun's gravity is not strong enough to keep a planet sized object in such an enormous orbit? It must be so far away that it can't be detected now, which means that it should just continue out into space forever. Also, it would have disrupted the existing planets by now, and their orbits seem quite stable.
Hercolubus is planet Mars, its just ancients didnt know that Mars sometimes comes so close to Earth to be seen so huge.
A very important cosmic event takes place each time th’ Earth enters th’ zodiacal constellation o’ Aquarius. This event causes great natural disasters t’ occur, and has been responsible fer th’ end o’ every root race that existed upon th’ Earth, and dinna spare the whip! At th’ end o’ every sidereal year, after movin’ from Pisces t’ Aquarius, th’ orbit o’ th’ Earth approaches th’ orbit o’ a planet found in th’ Tyler Solar System. Yaaarrrrr! In Gnosis this planet is known as “Hercolubus”. In th’ Bible this planet is referred t’ as “Wormwood”, while modern astronomers have named it “Barnard I”. Hercolubus is about 600 times th’ size o’ th’ Earth, and so as th’ orbits o’ th’ two planets get closer their gravitational and magnetic fields exert forces on one another.

Dude has a problem with his 'e', 'o' and 'f' keys. Although highly unlikely, he might just sell enough books to be able to afford a new keyboard.
hmm this is an intresting thread i would like to talk more about this strange it just all of the sudden stopped?

could it be possable that this planet it not mars or a planet in another galaxy but just a planet that is already exsisting that we cannot see? lie a counter part.. everything has its negative and positive side, its yin and yang..the concouss and the sub concoiuss... mabye its already existing in our solar system but we cannot see it at this time beacuse our physical sences are so limitited in what we can precive at this age beacuse of the limitations we are stuck with? mabye planets themselves have a counterpart? on a non physical level, a diffrent dimention or you in my eyes a spiritual level!

ive personally experinaced astral projection and i know in the future it will be a nessesity to help survive the on comeing trageties in the future.. so i agree with the statment you previously said bel

i have many oppinions on the atlanitans and here it is all personal thoughts

see and now here did the atlantians come from... hmm well mars would make alot of sence if you look at mars closely wher is citys of pyrimids faces like a sphinx.. and it looks like a great war took place on mars... a massive chaotic mess!! p.s. all of this is personal thought which have came to me in my meditation.... and something jsut hit me... mabye this mars was getting very curropt like our planet is becoming now and this moving planet came to mars and blew everyone minds and there was mass choas wars and disasters beacuse of this.. which overall destroyed the planet and left it to what it is now...

then survivers of the planet mabye fleed over here to earth where they created atlantis .. but then the power struggle and corruption kicked back into place which created another civil war which destroyed the island or made is disapear/sink... and then the survivors of this war split up into 2 diffrent vessals of survivers.. taking knowledge and wisdom of there civilization with them and went to egypt and the rain forest in mexican area where the mayans where.... i persoally find these two civilizations where the most similar to each other beacuse of there like mindedness temples, achetecual designs and styles of art work and how they worshiped simalar things like the sun and the serpant and there astronomy...

this theroy of mine acaully does make alot of sence if you think deeply on in why do you think there is so much cover ups and so much missing information going on with mars with egypt and with the mayan civilization?

i already understand that alot of skeptics are going to attack me beacuse of this persoanl theory ive had but lol ive seen alot more things then some people can understand hopefully there is at least a few people that agree with me on this one..

i would like to ask ahead of time that i dont get bashed called stupoid idiotic or a moron beacuse of my personal view... for once can you people have a conversation on this furom that doesnt end up with pre fighting and namecalling we are all mature enough to have a non violence conversation so lets try adn do that for once.. im going to try no to respond to anywho who bashes me on my view beacuse im not going to bash yours im going to read your view and tell you my oppinion on it in a non agressive or negative manner.. im not here to start fights but to learn from each and everyone who replys...
i would like to ask ahead of time that i dont get bashed called stupoid idiotic or a moron beacuse of my personal view
Then offer something more than a personal view. This is a pseudoSCIENCE section. Opinions go in Free Thoughts. Posting in this section is going to call for evidence, proof (verifiable, not anecdotal) and as much supporting data as possible. Just a warning, otherwise it's going to descend into exactly the same spiral of opinion vs. calls for evidence.
This particular thread stopped because no evidence was forthcoming...
well pseudosciences are usually unproven beacuse modern science is directed in another direction... how will we be abel to get understandings on these topics if we dont think about them and desicuse diffrent personal view.. im here to see what people personally think of this topic not the facts the personal belifes the oppinions... there are no facts really on this topic beacuse they might all be hidden or many the facts where destoryed in the past so it would be easier to keep everyones mind into belive a certian thing.... some things go beyond our sceintific knowledge well mabye tjsut the scientific knowledge of the masses im sure people in higher power know many things that they are keeping secre from the masses to make them more powerful....... or mabye the knoweldge of these myths will be brought up in the future when the people are ready for it.. if it when out now it would create mass choas beacuse people wouldnt know what to belive to be real and what is just anohter lie
we need to discover and talk about these things ourselfs thogh our own oppinions and personal thoughts so later in the future we will be able to go out and try to discover such things in the future... much about this world is unknown and hidden from the public...

but lets try to keep back on this topic like i said befor its all hidden and waiting to be unlocked in the past
why is it we have to put a human concept on everthing we see this earth, planets,star are not ours they where not created to be human yet we give them labels and limitations.. why if there are so many possabilities for everything? why must me make an awnser to everything and say thats all it can do thats all we can do no thats impossable... why is all this needed when we can get lost in the bueaty of this mysterious planet we live on? there is just so much and it has been limited and restricted to something so small

ok back on topic sry about that hahaha
well pseudosciences are usually unproven beacuse modern science is directed in another direction... how will we be abel to get understandings on these topics if we dont think about them and desicuse diffrent personal view.
Pseudoscience is generally unproven not because science is directed elsewhere, it's because pseudoscience offers no facts, no methods of checking and relies on generally unreliable data. If something cannot be checked or repeated it not science and will not become science.
Personal views are not testable and cannot be experimented upon. They are not susceptible to falsification and make no predictions. They are not science they are opinions. An opinion will not alter in any way how gravity affects a falling body for example.
we need to discover and talk about these things ourselfs thogh our own oppinions and personal thoughts so later in the future we will be able to go out and try to discover such things in the future... much about this world is unknown and hidden from the public...
Opinions do not count in science - data, proof, experimentation, repeatability do.
but lets try to keep back on this topic
There is no topic. Try Free Thoughts.
its all hidden and waiting to be unlocked in the past
One more time: evidence. Do you have any? Or is this more opinion?
i have evidance its in my mind and i just stated what i think is my evidence well "jsut a gran of sand in a desert" anyways and im going to go out after im finished collage and i will find the evidance ebacuse ill know whereto look remeber im only 18 no one will lisen to me as of right now my oppinions are rubbish beacuse im a teenage and we know nothing right heheh are are jsut stupid woowoo.... but just wait i have all the time in the world to prove my fact and trust me i will