Hemp semiconductors

Oh no... I made a typo... And rounding. I forgot you want ten decimal places of precision. 1000.0000000000 is that better. Sorry I took 3 years to create my thesis as opposed to 10 min on a post. Im hear for entertainment, you want a tutor or lecturer, then show me the money. If you think im wrong find out and present your argument.

Murdoch University Perth Western Australia. As I wish to remain anonymous here no more info..

Cennar threw the first stone.
Marijuana increases the risk of testicular cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, a type of brain tumor, and the risk of leukemia in the offspring, resulting in many deaths. Pot causes respiratory diseases that leads to early death. Intoxicated individuals kill or are killed on our roads, work places, and homes, in the tens of thousands across the world. Mental illnesses brought on by pot smoking are responsible for thousands of suicides, and many other mental illness related deaths. The black market and organized crime involved with pot kill thousands every year. Poverty in first world nations due to pot addiction results in shorter life expectancy. And I sure that some have been crushed to death by a bale of pot.

You have made some remarkably extraordinary claims here, they require some extraordinary proof - or they are hooey, which they are.

Your propaganda is as bad as the opposing propaganda you decry. As someone else requested cite your sources or wear it.
Have to love post edits...
If you don't, I'll assume it is because you can't.

How very unscientific of you. You are partly right. "can not" be bothered as I think inquisitive individuals do not need a helping hand. Come now your only argument is "Cite a source." you are the one that claim this site must scientific. Bring on a counter argument..
Lets start at the basics.. Who here says pot has never killed anyone?

Also not one in this thread has provided a reference.I challenge you all to prove me wrong. My sources are .org and .edu
Have to love post edits...

How very unscientific of you. You are partly right. "can not" be bothered as I think inquisitive individuals do not need a helping hand. Come now your only argument is "Cite a source." you are the one that claim this site must scientific. Bring on a counter argument..

Here are some sources:





There are side effects to using marijuana. But, based on what I've read in the past, alcohol and tobacco represent far more serious health problems.

However, read the references and make up you own minds.
Did you read your links. Im now not sure if you are supporting my view that Pot is bad or not..
"marijuana smoke contains 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke"


"found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory, or upper digestive tract cancers."

Does this also mean that tobacco smoke has no positive associations in regard to carcinogenic hydrocarbons.

Is there a magic shield for pot smokers or are carcinogenic hydrocarbons not carcinogenic? What about the dozens of other cancers???
Did you read your links. Im now not sure if you are supporting my view that Pot is bad or not..
"marijuana smoke contains 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke"


"found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory, or upper digestive tract cancers."

Does this also mean that tobacco smoke has no positive associations in regard to carcinogenic hydrocarbons.

Is there a magic shield for pot smokers or are carcinogenic hydrocarbons not carcinogenic? What about the dozens of other cancers???

There is no doubt that marijuana has negative side effects. So do alcohol and tobacco. I specifically cited sources that dealt with the negative side effects of marijuana. You seemed to radically overstate the negative side effects in a very emotional manner. If that isn't the case, supply some sources.

I'm going to continue to smoke regardless.
I did ask him (cennar) to go a day without. And in reality I most likely have smoked much more then he has. I am very far from the immaculate virgin drug user, but that gives me more right to express its dangers.. Would you let your child smoke???
I did ask him (cennar) to go a day without. And in reality I most likely have smoked much more then he has. I am very far from the immaculate virgin drug user, but that gives me more right to express its dangers.. Would you let your child smoke???

I would but she is a total straight arrow. :)
again political and irellivent. You lose the point, I'm embarased for you, are you cool with that? any way moving on ti semiconductors is there any one wanting to make a serious point with biochemestery. if hemp, or if not hemp what?

Are you guys still reading? find a towel. *.Gov* come on, political climate and all, that's a weak answer.

Also bud, I'm a canadian from Vancouver... I've smoked way way more than you've been left around. STILL BESIDES THE POINT. I get it your frustrated, good, your saying i can dismiss you, but please don't be one of those "I tried it, I didn't like it" lying scared sacks of crap. I know your one you keep bothering a thread not about smoking weed/Jerkoff. Go find the weed smoking thread and bitch there, your done.
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I am talking about habitual/chronic smokers.

I don't doubt that marijuana causes lots of problems when abused. So do alcohol and tobacco. I speak from experience since I'm a recovering alcoholic. But, it was my problem. I don't advocate banning alcohol. The majority of people can handle it. I'm just not one of them.Ditto for pot (I think).
dubble post but I forgot I was over at Benheck sturing up ideas wile aparently science geek wanta bees stay online blank sober thinking this is a weed smoking thread, they are mistaken...

From Benheck search nature.com biochemistry semicondutors photoelectric, photovoltic these are some of the specifics needed to mess around with plants electricity, I'm still under 20 posts vary sorry to say I cant link just yet.

For organic semicondutors.... Now that I'm baked lets focus on this first.

It seems like you want to start by trying to make it make energy first, like you need to make a good plant based solar panel or look for plants with Photovoltaic components. short of that it's cool to see there is some weird solutions taking place. some how this reminds me of these solar cells that where being developed at the molecular level. like the new arrangement figured out produced way more power just because it was arranged to collect the most possible light. some thing like that would be good to start with. maybe not with light, but if say you could find and arrange some bigger components in squid first (Kind of like those potato battery) but then scale the shit out of the operation. That's basically like applying Macro and micro versions of what your doing. the likeliness of me getting hard into Bio-electric chemistry is pretty low... But you can ask and talk to people to you know put the dam Idea in there heads to see if it's in some way presumable... Hey the girl friends into chemistry pretty hard...

I'd love to be pointed in more directions with this stuff... I'm totally going to grow some hemp to make a case though. that's just settled, having the materials from scratch gives me so much more control over the base of it's construction. that would be sweet to play with
Cigarette smokers commonly smoke many cigarettes a day. Most pot smokers (of which I am one) share one joint to get high and usually no more than once a day.

This is a science forum. Cite a source.

Cite a source.

Cite a source.

See my earlier comment about the number of joints pot smokers smoke.

Cite a source.

Cite a source.

I've been smoking pot off and on for over 40 years. I don't have a cough or yellow teeth.

Also Blind man, Please choke your self off latter tonight and just stop trying.

I've been sober all day long. I've come to realize you have way less on your plate than I do, Yeah I'm a stonner, but I wasn't concerned with weed at all in this thread. You really don't read much. after my next post I can link you a site, remember when your below 20 posts you can't link. If I need to repeat my self, you obviously can't learn shit. Also I'm going to my second post secondary institution this fall. Yes I completed art school (4 year program) in a year because the school I'm planing on attending is really competitive (freaking Disney built the animation wing). If you want, I'll leave you to debate this "to smoke weed, or to be an irate cunt" thing by your self. You've been the only force derailing the thread. NOT A WEED SMOKING THREAD YOU WHORE. (you need the attention so I'm giving it to you, because you like being a dirty whore)

I don't care if this is my last post, you are a whore. I did get the answers I was looking for from another forum, I found some great stuff. I had an I-box full of links and information about bio mass, reclaiming plastics back into Oil and so on.

You need to go out side and play with other people today. There are lots of threads (more than most forums) which just turn into flame posts about religion and garbage political debates when there is a section for that else ware on the site. Buddy you suck at life. To the other people interested, keep looking, at nature.com I discovered it has lots about Photovoltaic plants and other things needed to experiment with organic semiconductors, I'm surprised no one tried to talk about OLEDs or any thing else. It really doesn't have to be hemp based, Just that's what set me off wanting to find out more... so if your still reading and your going to post about not smoking pot, or smoking pot... You don't know how to read and you should slow down and try to read. Kayne west doesn't want to read, and he published a 50 page book (good for him) so in spite of that fucker you should read more, keep busy and find direction the fuck away from your computer, you don't know what to do with it, you dirty whore.
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well that's close enough to twenty posts... Thank you all and keep reading. This site had failed to discuss much of any thing since I've been a member... Nite